Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 371 389: Arcane Dragon’s twin brother? (Please subscribe

Chapter 368 389: Arcane Dragon’s twin brother? (Please subscribe, thank you!)

"How many of these monsters are there here?" The leader of the Mandala clan asked Chen Feng loudly. The excitement was completely written on his face, and Chen Feng suddenly smiled.

"It's estimated to be hundreds of thousands to several million. I've been here for almost a month and I still haven't figured out how many there are!" Chen Feng said helplessly.

"However, the monsters here are divided into batches. They are not all living together. They are divided like tribes. One side is a pile and the other is a group. There are thousands to tens of thousands of flame snakes in a group!" Chen Feng said.

"Okay, okay!" The leader of Mandala laughed continuously, and Chen Feng also laughed with satisfaction. At least this has been recognized. If everyone present wants to get a share of the pie, then everyone must agree with Chen Feng. .

Everyone looked at Chen Feng. Chen Feng suddenly smiled. A group of skeletons appeared on the ground instantly. In an instant, all the skeletons began to take out their butcher knives towards the surrounding flame snakes.

In less than a moment, Chen Feng killed all the flame snakes piled below. A group of people slowly landed on the ground, looking at the corpses and equipment on the ground in disbelief.

"A lot of equipment has accumulated like this without any damage for many years!" an elder murmured in disbelief.

"I don't know, thousands of years, maybe!" Chen Feng shrugged and put away all the things on the ground. Anyway, these old guys couldn't despise such a small thing, but when all the things were added up, a group of old guys were shocked again. exclaimed.

There are estimated to be forty or fifty corpses on the ground, but there are three to four hundred pieces of equipment on the ground, which means that a monster has at least six pieces of equipment.

"Oh my God, this explosion rate is so amazing!" An elder watched as Chen Feng killed another Flame Snake in the passage. Things exploded all over the ground, among which a piece of green equipment suddenly appeared.

"Hehehehe!" Chen Feng smiled proudly, saying that if Chen Feng's level was still the same as before, then Chen Feng would not contribute this place.

But now, Chen Feng has ignored the equipment here. Although the value of the equipment is very high, Chen Feng believes that once it is developed here, the price of the equipment will start to drop crazily.

Moreover, Chen Feng no longer liked the equipment here. If Chen Feng wanted money, there was now an empire of Khanduras and the most powerful magic family behind him. If Chen Feng wanted money, Chen Feng would definitely not be short of money.

There is no shortage of equipment.

The two families can easily cover all of Chen Feng's equipment, so Chen Feng doesn't need any equipment at all. After all, the equipment he needs is unless it is like the spiritual shield in his hand, with a full level 5 skill added.

This is a passage, as Chen Feng guessed. Groups of flame snakes pass through it all year round, so there will be passages one after another. However, Chen Feng frowned, because this passage was obviously not made by such thin flame snakes.

"Could there be someone bigger than the Flame Snake King?" Chen Feng frowned. The original Flame Snake King was not as big as this cave. The surrounding area was obviously made of the Flame Snake's body, and there were obvious marks on the wall. Scale friction marks.

Therefore, it means that there is a giant snake that is thicker than the Flame Snake King and as high as the entire cave. It has moved here, and the cave is obviously a bit crowded, so there are traces of scale friction.

"Grandpa, look at this mark. I didn't notice it when I came here before, but now that you are all here, you have to pay close attention to it!" Chen Feng said with a frown.

The leader of the Mandala clan had already raised his head, looking at the scales on the wall, and obviously frowned, because if there was really a monster that could rub the scales here, then the height of this monster would be at least 3 meters.

The monster was 3 meters thick, and he didn't know how long it was. It was obvious that there was a monster that even Chen Feng didn't know about. The leader of the Mandala clan was still confident in his own strength and nodded to Chen Feng.

Finally, everyone walked out of the passage, and their eyes suddenly opened up. Everyone exclaimed, and they saw a huge cave in front of them.

The lava all over the ground was flowing crazily, and the death of the flame snake echoed throughout the space, and then another roar came from not far away, as if it was a provocation.

"Roar!" One after another, the flame snakes suddenly discovered Chen Feng. Not far from the entrance of the cave, there was a gathering place of flame snakes. Apparently, everyone had been spotted.

"I'll do it!" Chief Mandala took a step forward very simply. Suddenly, a terrifying majesty burst out from his body, and a burst of suffocating pressure crazily pressed towards the Flame Snake, but even more Most of them were scattered in all directions of the cave.



Waves of roars were transmitted crazily from all directions, and Chen Feng immediately understood what the old man meant, and was obviously preparing to lure out the monster that shocked even Chen Feng.

"Ouch!" The old man roared angrily, and the entire cave was suddenly filled with his roar. That provocative voice suddenly echoed with roars from all directions.

"Eeh, eh!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng's eyes widened. This voice sounded so familiar. It sounded like a small animal humming, which made Chen Feng frown all of a sudden.

"This cry?" Chen Feng looked and listened to the voice curiously, but he couldn't recognize the owner of the voice for a while, but it was obvious that Chen Feng felt that the voice was very familiar.

"What's wrong?" When Julian saw Chen Feng's appearance, he immediately grabbed Chen Feng's hand and asked Chen Feng.

"You didn't hear a cry, is it so familiar?" Chen Feng frowned and continued to listen carefully, but the sound never appeared again.

"Grandpa, shout again!" Chen Feng shouted towards the old man. The old man nodded and immediately let out a provocative roar again, and saw waves of angry echoes coming from the entire cave again.

"Eeh, eh!"

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly widened. This voice was really too familiar, because wasn't this voice the voice of that fat man from Arcane Dragon?

"The Arcane Dragon is here?" After hearing what Chen Feng said, Julian's eyes widened immediately. It's impossible. People in the palace also said that the Arcane Dragon has always been in the palace and is the treasure of Julian's sisters. Everyone loves her so much.

Except for some arcane research activities, the arcane dragon is either in the princess's room or in the royal kitchen at other times. Obviously the little guy knows that the kitchen is the real good place.

"Let's go over and take a look!" Chen Feng immediately said to the old man, and the corpse vulture suddenly flew into the sky and rushed towards the arcane dragon.

"Stop shouting, let me roar!" Chen Feng immediately stood up and roared, and the roar was immediately transmitted, and all of a sudden the babbling sound appeared again.

"Over there!" Chen Feng immediately knew the direction and flew towards that side, but the voice was still far away from Chen Feng.

"Roar!" Chen Feng kept roaring, and then Xiaolong grumbled again. Chen Feng was already sure that this roar must be from that idiot Arcane Dragon.

"Brother Chen Feng, over there!" Divina suddenly pointed at a huge red crystal and said. Chen Feng immediately roared, and the crystal suddenly shone a few times, and a hum was immediately heard from inside.

"That's him!" Chen Feng shouted, and immediately flew down with the corpse vulture. In front of everyone, they saw an extremely huge crystal, a red crystal more than three meters high.

The crystal looked like a crystal, but no one had ever seen such a huge crystal.

"Little chubby!" Divina suddenly exclaimed, and everyone immediately gathered around. Inside the crystal, a chubby little dragon suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Little Fatty!" Chen Feng exclaimed. Isn't this chubby little guy the little fool Arcane Dragon?

"Julian, go back and kill the person who takes care of the little fat guy!" Chen Feng said coldly, and Julian nodded immediately. The little fat guy was actually here.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" Chen Feng, who was looking at Little Fat Dragon, immediately became excited, but his whole body was frozen in the crystal and he couldn't move at all.

Those small eyes looked at Chen Feng, full of begging for mercy, fear, joy, worry, fear, and hope.

Chen Feng only felt that his heart was punched hard, and he suddenly contracted. This little guy saved his life once, but he left him in a strange place and was sealed in a strange place. A place like this.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" Suddenly, the little guy let out a burst of exclamation. Chen Feng frowned and looked at the little guy, only to see the little guy looking at his back in horror.

"Roar!" An angry roar came from behind Chen Feng crazily. Chen Feng turned his head and saw a huge snake head appearing behind Chen Feng.

Fire Flame Snake King!

Snake King!

Chen Feng's eyes widened, and the snake roared angrily, and bit the crowd crazily with its huge mouth.

"Boom!" The Snake King roared, and the rock skeleton appeared in front of everyone, and hit the Snake King's head hard with a fist. The Snake King's whole head immediately flew out, and then his whole body also All flew out.

The power of one punch!

So powerful!

"Little guy, can you break this thing?" Chen Feng immediately turned to ask the arcane dragon inside. Although the arcane dragon couldn't move, Chen Feng immediately saw the surprise and agreement in the little guy's eyes.

"Okay! Smash it with me!" Chen Feng shouted, and the rock skeleton smashed down with his fist.


There was only a crisp explosion, and the entire crystal suddenly shattered. A ray of red light flew out of the crystal and crashed into Chen Feng's arms.

"Little Fatty turned red!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng heard Divina's exclamation, and Chen Feng immediately looked at Long who was acting coquettishly in his arms in astonishment.

Is this an arcane dragon?

"Let me go, this is not a little fat man, this is not an arcane dragon!"

"Fire Dragon!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng heard an exclamation from behind, and saw Grandpa Mandala standing behind him at some point, looking at the little guy in his arms in disbelief.

Flame dragon?

Chen Feng suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Good guy, this guy is not twins with the Arcane Dragon, right?

Exactly the same!

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