Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 370 388: Underground Cave (Please subscribe, thank you!)

Chapter 367 388: Underground Cave (Please subscribe, thank you!)

"Be careful. Although we are on the edge, there are already ice worms in the snow!" Chen Feng said immediately when he saw someone about to step on them.

"Oh?" An old man was stunned, and then suddenly a light flashed in his hand. It turned out to be a round thing the size of a football. Chen Feng looked at this thing in confusion, and then suddenly realized.

Isn't this a machine bomb condensed by the assassin's flame explosion?

I saw the old man throwing it into the distance, and the machine bomb flew hundreds of meters before stopping. Then a dazzling red light accompanied by a loud explosion swept the surrounding ice and snow crazily.

"Hiss, what a huge range!" Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed. The machine-made bomb actually blew up the surrounding area for a hundred meters beyond recognition. Chen Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. How many levels of flame explosion was this?

Although this skill requires level 1, how many people will waste skill points on level 1 skills? After all, everyone is not Chen Feng, and there is only one skill to choose from.

"Sure enough, there are so many bugs!" A group of people exclaimed. After the explosion, all the ice bugs in the center of the explosion died. However, the bugs outside the explosion, which were disabled or frightened, suddenly began to squirm crazily. .

"Let's go!" Chen Feng said to everyone, summoning the Flame Skeleton Mage. Flame rain suddenly fell from the sky, and began to frantically clear away the ice worms around him.

Although the fire rain has little power against the monsters in Kurast, it is simply a murderous force for this group of ice worms. The waves of fire rain along the way clear a path very simply.

"The level of the ice worms is between level 25 and 35. There are a few dark gold ones around level 40, which is good!" An elder said while looking at the ice worms that Chen Feng kept killing.

"Yeah, and the explosion rate is very good. I've only walked a few hundred meters and already seventy or eighty pieces of equipment have been exploded. I also saw 1 piece of dark gold. I don't know if it's the high explosion rate or this guy's good luck. !”

"Haha, I think there are two factors. No one has killed the monsters here all year round. However, because the number is so huge, there is not so much hell energy to evolve, so they are still ordinary-level monsters, but their strength is also higher than that of the same level. Monster’s powerful three-pointer!”

"Another piece of Unique Gold. I haven't even gone a mile yet, but two pieces of Unique Gold have actually appeared. It's a really good explosion rate. The area here is huge. You can choose to build a city here!"

An elder exclaimed when he saw Chen Feng exploded another piece of dark gold equipment, and then suddenly made a proposal, and a group of old men began to think deeply.

"Chen Feng, go find where the ice and snow mother worm you mentioned is, and come back if you find it!" The leader of the Mandala tribe suddenly said to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was stunned, and then he summoned the corpse vulture and flew directly up.

The ice and snow mother worm is the biggest threat and the most unstable factor in this ice field. All these old guys plan to see if they can seal that guy so that it can only lay eggs and not fight.

Of course, maybe they don't fight in the first place, but according to what Chen Feng said, with a body close to thousands of meters, it is estimated that a city can be conquered with just one move.

These old men don't want the newly built city to be destroyed again, and Kurast has not yet been repaired.

Of course, whether this city should be built or not is still up for debate, but after seeing the ice worms here, these people have included this place as a leveling location. The explosion rate and experience here are both good.

"Chirp!" Not long after, Chen Feng flew back again, pointing at a huge and rampaging guy behind him, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Why did you provoke it here!" The leader of the Mandala tribe glanced at Chen Feng helplessly, and Chen Feng shrugged helplessly. He didn't want to either.

Originally, Chen Feng was looking for this guy, but when Chen Feng looked at this guy, the corpse vulture just happened to fly a little low. Flying low is actually not bad. The key is that the corpse vulture is too big. It can curl up with one wing. Start a storm.

As a result, bad luck.

The corpse vulture accidentally rolled several ice worms into this guy's face. As a result, this guy shipped the goods inexplicably and attacked Chen Feng crazily.


Look, you can see that this guy can spray out clumps of worm thread-like things from his mouth, but if you look closely, you will realize that these are not threads, they are all ice picks.

The leader of the Mandala clan looked at Chen Feng, who was holding his hands and smiling, and felt helpless. Two thunderbolts suddenly fell from the sky. In an instant, the female insect trembled all over and froze in place.

"So strong!" Chen Feng whispered. He didn't expect that the leader of the Mandala clan was so powerful. He was worthy of being the leader of the strongest mage family.

"It's around level 60. It's just a dark gold monster. Its health and defense are higher than the average Demon King clone!" The leader of Mandala guessed the attributes of this guy after looking at it for a while.

"Can it be controlled?" an elder asked.

"Boom!" An extremely huge fireball appeared in front of the female insect. The female insect's body actually trembled for a few times, and it felt like the whole body was about to curl up.

"Okay, if my guess is correct, this guy is afraid of fire. It will be enough to get two flame seal wards by then!" said the leader of the Mandala clan, and a group of people nodded.

"Well, the matter of building the city has been settled like this. All families should prepare their manpower and population!" The leader of Mandala said with a smile, and a big matter was just taken down.

"Build a city?" Chen Feng exclaimed. He didn't expect to build a city. This was so surprising. Less than an hour after arriving here, the city's construction had already been confirmed.

"Haha, the city has actually been preparing. In recent years, the population has continued to grow, and millions of children can be born every year. The pressure on the city is increasing, and the construction of the city has long been an internal decision!"

"Especially the barbarian tribe. These guys are shouting every day that their territory is small and this is just for them. Anyway, their temper can be easily supported by this kind of weather!" Chief Mandala said with a smile.

"Haha, then this city was given to the barbarians? Why do you still need to export people?" Chen Feng asked doubtfully.

"Hey, those barbarians, it would be strange if they don't make things difficult here, especially those barbarians who are not professionals. They fight every day, so we need to get some other people over to ease the tension between the tribes. Contradiction!"

"Then what you mean is that this place will be a city like Kurast Luoge again?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"That's right, but this place still has to go through several years of testing. After all, building a city doesn't happen overnight. At least at this time, a city needs at least three to four years, and the annual Nightmare Moon is the real test!" Chief Mandala! Explain to Chen Feng.

"Oh, that's really troublesome!" Chen Feng nodded and shook his head.

"By the way, there is another place that you will definitely like. I originally planned to keep that place for myself to upgrade, but now the level of that place cannot satisfy me anymore, so I will contribute it!" Chen Feng laughed! said.

"What? There is a place where even you want to hide it privately?" The leader of the Mandala clan exclaimed, and Chen Feng chuckled. That place is a really good place. If Chen Feng didn't use it anymore, Chen Feng would really not be happy to contribute. come out.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng led a group of old people to walk there, but the walk lasted a full five hours. A group of scorpion skeletons were covered in ice. The weather here was getting colder and colder.

"We're here!" Chen Feng suddenly smiled, but in front of everyone's eyes was a vast expanse of white without anything. Everyone looked at Chen Feng in confusion.

Chen Feng suddenly smiled, and suddenly a scorpion skeleton appeared on the ground. Only then did everyone realize that Chen Feng had actually ambushed a guy on the ground.

"Come on, let me show you the underground world!" Chen Feng said with a laugh. The rock skeleton suddenly appeared on the ground, roared angrily, and punched the ground with his huge fist.

"Crack!" Only the sound of cracking ice was heard. Everyone quickly retreated, but Chen Feng still stood in place.

"Boom!" There was a sudden roar from the ground, and a huge mouth suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Everyone looked at the ground in shock.

"Underground world?" Everyone exclaimed. No wonder Chen Feng said there was magma here. Everyone originally thought there was a crack or something, but then there was magma in the crack.

But unexpectedly, there was actually an underground cave here, and everyone exclaimed.

"Haha, you all can fly, then you just fly down, and those who can't fly get on the corpse vulture!" Chen Feng shouted, and those who couldn't fly climbed onto the corpse vulture directly, while those who could fly took the lead and flew down. .

The length of the underground passage still surprised Chen Feng. The height difference reached thousands of meters. The temperature around him began to slowly rise, and everyone's eyes began to light up.

"Such a strong smell of sulfur!" An old man suddenly frowned and said. Everyone raised their noses and started to smell. Apparently, they also smelled waves of sulfur.

"It's not high, the time is wrong, monsters have gathered here!" Chen Feng exclaimed, and saw a large number of flaming snakes and fire-refined flaming snakes appearing on the ground.

"Is this the good thing you said?" The leader of Mandala looked at the large number of flame snakes on the ground in surprise. Everyone didn't know it at first, but now that they saw those monsters, everyone looked at the ground in surprise.

The monsters here are all dark gold level, and their dark gold names are all floating in the air. The dark gold color combined with the light of the fire-refined snake almost blinded everyone's eyes.

"Hahaha, in this case, is this a good place?" Chen Feng said proudly.

This is Chen Feng's secret base. He originally wanted Kasha to do it, but now it's the same for the Mandala clan leader.

As long as things go well here, all families will remember Chen Feng's goodness.

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