Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 320 345: Not knowing the true face of Mount Lu

Chapter 317 345: Not knowing the true face of Mount Lu

Chen Feng was driving away the vultures, because the number of vultures was actually increasing. Chen Feng estimated that the big guys in Kurast should know about his corpse vultures. He had summoned them in public in Kurast.

Therefore, it is quite possible that he will become a vulture killer, but Chen Feng doesn't care. He kills everything. There are many vultures, and Chen Feng also has a way of dealing with flying monsters.

In addition, the experience value of the vulture is much higher than that of the dwarf, so Chen Feng naturally chooses the one with high experience. The equipment is not the focus, the focus is the experience value.

As long as Chen Feng's level goes up, Chen Feng won't have to worry about any equipment. Even if he shamelessly goes to King Xisai to ask for it, King Xisai, Chen Feng's father-in-law, will definitely give it to Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng. Chen Feng"

Suddenly, a huge roar came from below. Chen Feng was stunned for a moment. He saw thousands of people on the river not far below. Chen Feng was concentrating on directing his skeletons to kill the vultures, but he didn't see it. This group of people.

"Good guy, I didn't even see a team of thousands of people!" Chen Feng broke out in cold sweat. He seemed to be too discerning. There are many enemies on the ground who can attack those in the sky. If this group of people is the fallen, Chen Feng will It's too late to cry.

"Attack for your own use, let's go down!" Chen Feng said to Julian and others. The corpse vulture immediately flew to low altitude. Chen Feng, Julian and others jumped directly into the crowd, while the corpse vulture still carried Chen Feng's long-range skeleton. Fight in the air.

"Good guy, I guessed it was you. Only your mount is so big!" Holy Son Hikali immediately squeezed to Chen Feng's side and said happily to Chen Feng.

"Why are you here?" Chen Feng also looked at Hikali with a smile. They didn't know each other without fighting last time. In fact, the two of them didn't have much awkwardness, so there was no hatred.

"Hey, compared to you who also received the mission of Jidebin, I have been wandering in the forest for more than two months, but I didn't find it. I wonder if the lucky person found Jidebin, and the reward is quite rich! "Xikali said a little enviously.

Although he is the Holy Son, all his equipment belongs to the Zakarum Church. Even if he is wearing very good equipment, once it is replaced, everything must be returned to the church.

Moreover, up to 90% of the equipment that Hikali exploded must be turned over. This is what the Holy Son must do, so Hikali's small treasury is ridiculously empty.

The reward for this mission was decreed by Zakarum, and Hikali could keep what he got, so Hikali came out to look for Gidebin.

"Haha, who knows who took it away. How is the situation on the ground now?" Chen Feng asked Xikali. The situation around him seemed very disharmonious.

"Are you Princess Julian? I am Hikali, the holy son of Zakarum. I have met Princess Julian!" Hikali did not directly answer Chen Feng's words, but looked at Julian excitedly.

"Hello, Your Highness the Holy Son!" Chen Feng felt a little uncomfortable. He was standing here and asking questions again. This Hikali actually ignored him and got close to his wife.

"Hey, please don't blame me, Mr. Chen Feng. I am an admirer of Princess Julian. I have always taken Princess Julian as my goal. Don't blame me!"

"As for the situation on the ground, it is obviously quite bad. The Nightmare Moon this time is half a month earlier than the previous ones, and all the monsters seem to be crazy. I am afraid they are even crazier than the previous year. !" Hikali said with a frown.

"Look around you. All the monsters have come out of their lairs. In the past, the dwarfs came out first, because the dwarves have the largest number, but are the weakest. They are at the cannon fodder level, and are the easiest to be impressed by Nightmare Moon!"

"Other monsters such as ghosts and demon frogs will not appear until at least 3 days later. But now all the monsters have appeared, especially the vultures. Under normal circumstances, the vultures will not appear until half of the Nightmare Moon. !”

Hikali said solemnly, and Chen Feng also frowned. If this is the case, then Nightmare Moon is definitely not simple this time. Could it be that there is a demon king personally controlling it behind the scenes?

"By the way, Hellfire, isn't Hellfire in the temple?" Chen Feng was suddenly shocked and immediately thought of a guy, that is, a guy who came to the human world and was infinitely close to the devil, Hellfire.

"No, it won't be Hellfire. The power of Hellfire is not strong enough to affect the entire Nightmare Moon. The only ones with this kind of power are the seven demon kings who have mastered the seven deadly sins of hell!" Hikali said with a frown.

Chen Feng was stunned. It turned out that there was such a thing among the Seven Deadly Sins of Hell. However, Chen Feng did not have time to inquire in detail. The most important thing now was to let this group of professionals return to the city first as candidates to defend the city.

Chen Feng immediately canceled the four skeleton mages in the sky on the backs of the corpse vultures. Then Chen Feng directly summoned the four skeleton mages and looked at the map route.

"Attack, attack at full speed!" Chen Feng's four skeleton mages immediately began to throw a wide range of magic damage. Under the terrifying magic, large areas of enemies were cleared out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng also summoned ordinary skeletons, which were used directly as cannon fodder to open roads and induce enemies to gather. The double-sword skeletons fought alone on the side.

However, the double-sword skeleton's skill Ghost Dance will kill all enemies within a ten-meter straight line and a three-meter wide range in front of it. Even the speed of the skeleton mage is comparable to that of Chen Feng.

Skeleton mages have become the main combat power. You must know that the attacks of 4 skeleton mages and crazy range attacks are simply too much for the enemy, especially the enemies are mainly dwarves. There is no way for such little things to be immune to Chen Feng's four skeleton mages. attack.

After Chen Feng joined, everyone felt that the team's speed had increased a lot. Chen Feng's four skeletons aimed ahead, constantly killing the enemies blocking the road ahead.

And everything around, in the forest or in the river, is all noticed by other people.

Among the humans, the most outstanding one is not Chen Feng, but the little girl Divina. The mutated face lightning is amazingly powerful, and it is a fork-shaped lightning that can be dispersed. The attack is terrifying.

As long as the enemy group that Divina saw, a mutated chain lightning went down, there would be only two or three enemies left at most, and then Emily from behind threw a javelin, and a large open space was cleared. .

However, within ten seconds, the open space was occupied by the enemy again, but Divina's skills were still cooling down. Divina could only throw thunderstorms or lightning, and occasionally hit a meteorite.

As time goes by, everyone's running-in becomes smoother and smoother, and some teams of paladins or barbarians have even begun to organize themselves spontaneously to pick up potions or arrows on the ground and give them to the mages and Amazons who consume the most. .

Although the Paladins and others were at the front, the blood loss of the Paladins was not serious. Some Paladins even mutated the original "prayer halo", which increased the effect of the prayer halo hundreds of times without the need for blood recovery at all.

But it's a pity that among the more than 1,000 people, no one has the mutated aura of "returning to magic". Although the Paladin has an aura that can speed up the recovery of magic, it is of no use. Every mage and so on, that skill is thrown into the sea. The amount of magic restored by the halo simply cannot keep up.

As time went by, the number of potions became less and less. Some people began to say that they did not have enough potions. Chen Feng took out all the potions in his backpack, a total of 8,000 bottles, and asked the people behind him to share the pot among themselves.

Now Chen Feng doesn't need magic potions at all. As long as Julian opens a magic-reviving aura, others can't come back, but Chen Feng can, without the need for potions at all.

As they advanced along the way, the speed of more than a thousand people was one or two times slower than usual. Everyone was fighting, and there was no time to rest. No one was willing to stop.

"It's the fifth day, and we just walked out of the Skinning Forest!" Shikari looked at the map with a wry smile. It took five days for people to walk out of the Skinning Forest. It was still nearly half the distance from Kurast, but everyone It’s too much to take.

Five consecutive days of high-intensity fighting made everyone show signs of fatigue, and they were so tired that even a few paladins could no longer even lift their shields.

"What to do?" Everyone looked at the few people in front of them in horror. This was their captain, or some prestigious people, who were discussing with Chen Feng.

"We must have someone to rescue us, otherwise we won't survive at all!" Hikali said seriously. Hikali is the best at this kind of calculation, so Chen Feng and others listened to Hikali in this situation.

"Then what can we do? There is already a serious shortage of medicines. Even though His Excellency Chen Feng's team has provided 40,000 to 50,000 medicines, they can't last even one day!"

With the exception of Divina and Emily, everyone else had taken out 40,000 to 50,000 yuan worth of potions. They wouldn't need them anyway, so Tavina could just rely on Xiaobai to fight.

"In this way, Tavina, you sit on the corpse vulture and rush back immediately, and then find someone to come to us. We will also fight all the way back. When the two sides meet together, we can shorten the time by at least two or three days!" Chen Feng said to Tavina. Na said.

"Will they listen to me?" Tavina frowned. Although his family is powerful, he is not strong. Others don't know him. Maybe no one will believe Tavina.

"No, wait!" Chen Feng suddenly rejected his idea and began to frown.

Nowadays, there are thousands of people, and his corpse vulture can ride on at least about 40 people at a time. Then he only needs to go back and forth 25 times to take away most of the people.

"In this way, you select 40 people, and my corpse vultures will send them back directly!" Chen Feng slapped his head. If this had been done earlier, these people would have gone back long ago.

Chen Feng suddenly felt helpless and secretly apologized to those professionals who died accidentally.

"Yeah, why didn't we think of it!" A group of people suddenly slapped their heads. They really "don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because they are in this mountain"!

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