Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 319 334: Sudden Nightmare Moon

Chapter 316 334: Sudden Nightmare Moon

"Nightmare Moon!!"

Chen Feng stared at the black moon in the sky dumbfounded. Isn't this something that only happens when the Nightmare Moon begins?

"This is impossible. The Nightmare Moon is only half a month away. I definitely remembered the date correctly!" Julian said incredulously, but the moon in the sky and the roars in the surrounding forest kept proving that this was the Nightmare Moon. moon.

"Roar!" A low roar suddenly came from the side. Chen Feng took a look and was surprised. The fallen man who had been killed just now was actually resurrected and was getting up from the ground unsteadily.

"No, it's a zombie. She was resurrected by Nightmare Moon!" Divina exclaimed, and a bolt of lightning washed directly on the resurrected corpse of the fallen one.

"Roar!" The zombie roared angrily, and suddenly a large amount of cold air came out of its body, and then the blood bar on its head that was knocked off by Divina instantly filled up.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng didn't want to delay and immediately pulled open the scroll in his hand. However, Chen Feng's expression changed drastically because the scroll actually had no effect.

"No, get on the corpse vulture!" Chen Feng made a quick decision. The huge wings of the corpse vulture suddenly flapped, and there was a burst of sand and rocks all around. Chen Feng, Divina and others quickly climbed up from the corpse vulture's butt.

"Roar!" The zombie roared angrily when he saw Chen Feng and others trying to escape. A musketeer suddenly appeared next to Chen Feng, aiming at the zombie's head and shooting through it.

"Boom!" The zombie's head exploded suddenly, and he died in an instant. A bunch of things fell under his body. Chen Feng took a look and saw something bright gold. Chen Feng didn't even have the desire to pick it up.

"Take off!" The corpse vultures immediately flew up, but what made Chen Feng feel depressed was that at some point, a group of vultures appeared on his head. He was looking at the corpse vultures below and kept shouting.

"Damn thing!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth. Divina immediately walked forward and flew towards the vulture with an extremely terrifying lightning in her hand.

Suddenly, the entire lightning blossomed in an instant and spread out in all directions. The bodies of the vultures instantly turned into broken flesh and fell from the sky.

"Good job!" Chen Feng immediately praised it. Divina's little eyes suddenly turned into moons, and the corpse vulture suddenly flew into the sky. Although the corpse vulture was not afraid of the vulture just now, it couldn't stand Liangduo.

Moreover, if the vulture threatens Divina and the others, it will be too late for Chen Feng to regret it. He might as well just kill the monsters around him, which would be much safer.

"Quack!" Groups of vultures shouted towards Chen Feng and others. The huge wings of the corpse vultures rolled up waves of terrifying hurricanes, and each vulture was blown around.

The sound of muskets firing and the sound of crossbow skeletons spraying crossbow arrows could be heard from the corpse vulture's back. Waves of magic poured down on the enemy, which made the road in front of Chen Feng suddenly become much wider.

"Damn, why are there so many? Where are these damn things hiding?" Chen Feng gritted his teeth and looked at the densely packed group of vultures in front of him. The number was at least one million.

How come I didn’t meet him when I flew all the way here?

But when the Nightmare Moon arrived, these vulture demons appeared one after another, and the entire sky immediately became a world of vultures. Chen Feng made the corpse vultures keep flying high, so as to avoid encountering the vultures.

However, Chen Feng encountered another group of flying monsters at high altitude. Logically speaking, these monsters should be flying very low, but here they were flying much higher than the vultures.

Bats, a group of bat demons appeared from nowhere, formed black lines in the sky, and rushed madly in the direction of Kurast.

"Damn it!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth. The air would become thinner if he flew higher. This was the best height that Chen Feng thought was best, but there was still a group of bats below him, less than 200 meters apart.

And in the sky below the bats, there are dense and overwhelming vultures. The number of these guys is increasing, as if they have learned the art of clones.

"Get away!" Divina suddenly shouted. The huge corpse vulture lifted up without saying a word, and a red beam of light suddenly passed by the corpse vulture's wings.

Chen Feng looked towards Divina. Now there were six people in one direction, southeast, northwest, up and down, all under real-time monitoring.

Chen Feng looked towards Divina and saw a huge monster rushing towards him. When the monster flew a little closer, Chen Feng finally saw it clearly.

"Water and Fat Warrior?" Chen Feng said incredulously. With a chubby body, a huge carapace on his back, and an insect-like body, if it wasn't Bidomon from "Digimon", it would be Super Bidomon, or it would be a Water and Fat Warrior.

"No, it's not the water and fertilizer warrior. The water and fertilizer warrior can't fly. There's another insect in hell here, a flying beetle!" Julian immediately explained to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng smiled bitterly. So what if he knew?

Just when everyone was doubting the identity of the enemy, a red light began to surge from the mouth of the huge red beetle. Chen Feng's scalp suddenly went numb, and the corpse vulture immediately flew up into the sky.

As if it was a critical point, once everyone flew to a certain height, they only felt that someone covered their mouths with something, and the air around them suddenly became thinner.

"Hold on!" Chen Feng said to everyone. He took a big breath, and then started to hold his breath. Suddenly several other girls began to imitate Chen Feng's behavior.

"Boom!" A red beam of light flew past Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked at the terrifying power that seemed to penetrate the air, and was suddenly shocked. If it was hit, the corpse vulture would die even if it was not alive. Take off half the skin.

"Run!" Without saying a word, the corpse vulture activated the power of the gryphon and immediately began to flee. The corpse vulture instantly turned into a golden lightning and flew towards Kukurast.

At this time, in other places, all human beings looked at the moon in the sky in disbelief. Then they had no time to watch. In less than ten minutes, all kinds of enemies gathered around them.

"Damn it!" A group of people gritted their teeth, but unfortunately they found that none of the scrolls could be used, and they immediately started fighting all the way towards Kurast.

In other words, under the seal of Nightmare Moon, all the monsters were resurrected. In an instant, the entire ground and rivers were filled with demonic creatures, attacking the surrounding humans one after another.

But this also has the advantage, that is, no monsters will sneak attacks anymore. They all rush towards humans with red eyes, and there will be very fierce battles everywhere.

Gradually, when each team found that there were fewer and fewer people in their team, they couldn't help but be shocked, and then began to unite, and began to unite with their surrounding partners.

After a while, teams began to unite one by one, 10 people became 100 people, and 100 people became 1,000 people. People united involuntarily.

"Defend the outermost perimeter, and the barbarians and fighting paladins will circle around again!" A person shouted loudly, but the rough voice was recognized by everyone.

All of a sudden, a complete team began to gather together. Thousands of troops marched toward Kurast. However, the number of enemies was always beyond human expectations. A full half hour passed. Humans The speed was like a turtle, and the entire team had not moved more than a hundred meters.

One hundred meters, it took only ten seconds to reach, but everyone walked for half an hour. The monsters around them rushed toward humans crazily. The team became slower and slower, and people's supplies became slower and slower. Come less and less.

You must know that long-range attacks are most effective at this time. There is a circle of your own people in front to protect the long-range, and then the long-range units inside are the real main attackers, killing the enemy crazily.

However, the number of arrows, javelins, mana and other consumables began to decrease crazily. A mage had to drink one bottle of potion in half a minute on average. There were at least 200 mages among more than a thousand people, and one hundred bottles were consumed in that minute. of mana potion.

In half an hour and 30 minutes, a full 3,000 bottles of potions were consumed. Although it was not much evenly divided, but after calculating the current progress and the number of enemies, it was consumed too quickly at this speed.

The consumption of arrows has become even more terrifying. As the fastest consumed weapon, the price of arrows is not high, but it is not ridiculously low. Generally, Amazon would rather not put mana potions in his backpack. Fill it with arrows.

For an Amazon, without mana, its combat effectiveness is still there, but for a mage, a mage without mana is at the mercy of others.

"All Amazons, leave a small part of the mana potions. Please give the mana potions to the surrounding mages. Others should hand over all their crossbows and crossbow arrows to the Amazons!" The rough voice rang again, and the words inside The Amazons immediately started trading, and suddenly both sides became extraordinarily rich in ammunition.

"Quack!" There was a sudden shout in the sky, and a black cloud was seen rushing towards the humans. Everyone's faces became particularly ugly. The enemies in the sky were more difficult to deal with than those on the ground.

"Bang, bang, bang!" A sound like an explosion came from the sky, and the black clouds suddenly began to disperse crazily. I saw a huge black monster falling from the sky, fiercely penetrating a group of black clouds. , and then a piece of sky immediately became vacant all around.

"This is..." Everyone looked at the sky in shock, as if the monster that penetrated the black clouds was an extremely terrifying guy.

The next movement of the monster really confirmed everyone's guesses. Suddenly, there was a burst of flames, a thunder hurricane, a burst of poison, a burst of ice, and bursts of explosions that kept people shocked. Shocked.

"Corpse Vulture, that's Your Excellency Chen Feng!"

Suddenly, a man's eyes lit up, he immediately started laughing, and greeted the huge monster in the sky.

If Chen Feng were here, he would know that these are the only two people in Kurast who have sat on his corpse vulture, Holy Son Hikali!

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