Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 220 225: The overlord of the air, the corpse vulture skeleton appears! (beg

Chapter 217 225: The overlord of the air, the corpse vulture skeleton appears! (Ask for monthly ticket)

One day passed, and Chen Feng's level soared to level 14. He upgraded three levels in a row in one day. I'm afraid no one would believe him if he told him. His skills also instantly increased to 20+4, a terrifying level 24. 【】

Summon Skeleton


Summon skeletons from the Skeleton Graveyard to assist in battle.

Number of simultaneous summons: 5

Maximum number of summons: 28

+10% to summon mutated skeletons

+10% to summon elite skeletons

+10% to summon boss skeletons (maximum number at current level: 15)

+5% Summon Lord Skeleton (current maximum number: 1)

+33 additional normal skeleton summons, regardless of the maximum number of summons. The skeleton cannot mutate or evolve.

+7 additional mutant skeleton summons, regardless of the maximum summoning spell, and the skeleton can never evolve.

The number once again shocked Chen Feng's eyes. The number of the two skeletons that could not evolve reached a terrifying 40. With the addition of other skeletons that could evolve and mutate, Chen Feng reached a terrifying 68 skeletons.

"It's so cool, so cool!"

Although Chen Feng is surrounded in a small space all day long, the speed of spawning monsters is really comfortable, and the speed of upgrading is really refreshing.

Level 3 in one day, from the 2000W experience of 11 to 12 at the beginning, to the 5000W experience of 12 to 13, and finally to the 8000W experience of 13 to 14 that everyone will be shocked.

Chen Feng finally reached a new height.

Level 14 to level 15.

100 million experience points.

"I'm only level 14!" Chen Feng slapped his head. This experience value was really too perverted. He couldn't help but curse the author in his heart. This heartless bastard, will he not let me reach level 100 in my lifetime?

The author smiled disdainfully, take your time, don't rush, there will be bread.

But Chen Feng probably guessed that his summoned skeleton was too abnormal. Although he was being beaten while being suppressed, if he thought about it carefully, he was actually suppressing the enemy and beating him.

It's just that the number is not enough, so there is no way to counterattack. If the number increases, the effect will be an attack like a landslide, not to mention a White Bone Mother Queen Insect.

Even if ten thousand White Bone Queen Insects breed together, Chen Feng's skeleton can be like a pair of scissors, piercing directly into the enemy's heart and stirring it up a few times.

However, Chen Feng's current number is at most an embroidery needle. He is not even qualified to pierce the enemy to bleed, let alone pierce someone else's heart.

The next day, Chen Feng's experience bar increased by two-thirds, but it could no longer rise because the mana potions in Chen Feng's backpack were almost exhausted.

"Damn it!" Looking at the last few hundred bottles of mana potions, Chen Feng knew that these were not enough for him to use for half an hour. Chen Feng needed to use skills more than 5 times a minute and drank a bottle of mana potions every minute to maintain himself. The mana is about half of the total.

Now Chen Feng's mana is as high as 180 points, otherwise there will be attribute bonuses, and several amulets in his backpack have also begun to play a role, but they only add small things with a mana value of no more than 10 points, but it is better than nothing.

The mana potion used now is Lu Gaoyin's standing potion, a light mana potion.

Light mana potion

Restores 60 mana points faster.

Even though it says 60 points, due to the Necromancer's system, the elements in the potion must be absorbed more thoroughly, so the actual amount of recovery can reach an astonishing 80 points.

Therefore, Chen Feng basically had to drink a bottle as soon as he saw less than 110 mana points, and then when he used the skill next time, his mana had just returned to full value.

You can even use the skill once, without wasting any mana.

You know, the level of Chen Feng's summoned skeleton is getting higher and higher, but the amount of mana required has not changed at all. It still requires 10 mana points to be used once.

Chen Feng had to start more precise control, using the barbs of the scorpion skeleton to continuously roll up mana potions from the ground and throw them towards him.

What surprised Chen Feng was that the mana potions on the ground were actually one level higher than the ones he used. So the mana potions on the ground were the potions that Kurast always kept, and were higher than what Chen Feng was using now.

"Okay, let's make it more explosive!" Chen Feng happily drank the new potion. As expected, the taste was different. After drinking tens of thousands of bottles of light mana potion, it didn't taste as good as boiled water.

Mana Potion

Recover 90 mana points quickly.

As a necromancer, due to the system, a bottle of mana potion can bring Chen Feng an astonishing 120 points of mana, which is absolutely beyond Chen Feng's expectation.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng's consumption of mana potions was balanced, but it was still a headache because many of the mana potions were obtained from under King Kong's butt and were covered with disgusting mucus. Do you think Chen Feng would still vomit?



On the third day, Chen Feng finally reached a new height, directly raising his level to level 15. As soon as the golden light floated out, a very mighty skeleton appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Vulture Skeleton (Lord Skeleton)


The dark griffin, a sixth-level high-level monster, fell into the tomb after death, was corrupted into a skeleton and was reborn. It has unparalleled power and can be called the king of the sky.

Hits: 1000000

Defense: 1,200,000

HP: 1,600,000

Damage: 1100-1480

Dive Explosion LV2: Dive down on the enemy from high altitude and perform a well-known attack, causing 500% physical damage, plus 100000 fire damage, CD: 180 seconds.

Griffon Power LV2: Put the griffon into a furious state, increase the attack by 500%, increase the HP by 500%, increase the full speed by 100%, return the defense to 0, and increase the critical hit rate by 20%, lasting for 180 seconds.

Griffin Halo LV2: The attack speed of the entire army is increased by 30%, and the attack power is increased by 100%.

"Wahahahahaha!" Chen Feng looked at the huge gryphon more than 7 meters high, ah no, it should be a corpse vulture, and he suddenly started dancing around.

Flying skeleton, this is actually a flying skeleton.

From the skills, it can be seen that this corpse vulture can fly, but Chen Feng was stunned when he saw the height of the cave and was speechless.

The cave is only over 8 meters high. The corpse vulture's head has already reached the ceiling, and its huge body is still slightly prostrate. Chen Feng estimates that the height of the corpse vulture's skeleton can be as high as 10 meters.

The bird looks very prostrate, and the body only needs to be slightly hunched over. The corpse vulture now looks very depressed, and can't even open its wings.

"Attack in, attack in!" Chen Feng roared immediately, and all the skeletons began to charge crazily, and all the crossbow skeletons behind him were already ready.

The crossbow skeleton is now up to level 25, and its health has directly reached 4W8. It can use the skill twice in a row, and the damage of the skill has been increased to 135%, which is 20% higher than the original.

A huge halo of light swayed from the feet of the corpse vulture skeleton, and all of Chen Feng's skeletons began to attack the enemy in front of him crazily, as if they had been given blood.

Ordinary skeletons that were originally unable to defeat ice worms could barely defeat the ice worms as their levels increased. However, as soon as the gryphon aura appeared, they instantly turned defeat into victory and actually knocked over an ice worm.

Chen Feng immediately asked the healer of the Skeleton Sacrifice to throw it out. A gray skull instantly surrounded the ordinary skeleton, and the dying ordinary skeleton became alive again.

"It's cool, it's so cool!" The corpse vulture skeleton chirped loudly, and suddenly the entire cave was filled with the cries of the corpse vultures.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of flames burst out from the body of the corpse vulture skeleton, which shocked Chen Feng, but what Chen Feng saw was a crazy corpse vulture.

I saw the corpse vulture rushing out crazily, pushing aside the ordinary skeleton at the front with its claws, and then started to attack a group of ice worms crazily.

"Is this... an eagle catching a chick, or a chick pecking at rice?" Looking at the corpse vulture, Chen Feng was horrified. The ice worm would die at the first touch, and as long as it was hit by the skeleton of the corpse vulture, it would be certain death.

But it's no wonder that the corpse vulture skeleton has activated the so-called "Gryphon Power" skill, which increases its attack power by 500% and increases its movement speed and attack speed by 100%.

Coupled with the power of a halo, the corpse vulture's damage increased by 1000%. Chen Feng looked at the attack power and suddenly realized it.

The attack power of the corpse vulture is 1100-1480, but the attack power at this time is 14300-19240. This calculation is clear to Chen Feng.

1100-1480, including 100% of the aura, that is 2200-2960, and then adding 500% of the "Gryphon Power" activated, that is exactly 11000-14800, ten times the damage.

In other words, the ability of the halo and the ability of "Griffin Power" can actually be superimposed. This is not a 500% + 100% relationship, but an increase of 100% first, and then an increase of 500%, which means that Say 2*5=10, which directly increases your strength ten times.

Then, there is a halo.

The domineering aura of the King Skeleton increases all attributes by 30%. Sorry, the damage of the Corpse Vulture Skeleton is almost over 2W.

Bolato on the side looked at the corpse vulture skeleton in disbelief. At this time, Bolato even had a headache. The current strength of this corpse vulture seemed to be able to break his own defense.

After rushing out of the crowded passage, the corpse vulture skeleton suddenly opened its huge wings. Its body, which was more than 10 meters high, held its head high and its chest was raised. The wings were nearly 30 meters wide, covering a large area perfectly.

"Chirp!" The corpse vulture skeleton roared, and its wings suddenly flapped. However, although the width here is a hundred meters, the height is only 30 meters.

"Chirp!" The corpse vulture roared angrily, and its huge body suddenly rushed out like a straight line, slamming into the wall above.

The huge wall trembled, and a large amount of soil and sand fell down crazily. Chen Feng ran out without saying a word and hid under the body of the corpse vulture.

The small passage on the side is not safe either.

The height of the cave was instantly widened by more than 10 meters. Chen Feng was still frightened by the horror of the corpse vulture's attack. The corpse vulture showed its power again, and unexpectedly flapped its wings towards the ground. The massive ice worms were as if they had entered a typhoon, going crazy. was blown away.

Chen Feng, who was standing under the wings, only felt a terrifying air pressure coming down. Then the ground around him became so clean that even dust could not be found.

"Chirp!" The corpse vulture opened up its sky crazily, but the stone on its head suddenly cracked, and then an extremely huge piece of soil fell down. Chen Feng watched in amazement as a group of water-fat warriors above his head flew in the air in disbelief. .

A bad thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Nah, I accidentally opened the second floor!"

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