Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 219 224: Lord Skeleton is decided!

Chapter 216 224: Lord Skeleton is decided!

Chen Feng was nestled in a corner, with the passage to the second floor behind him. A group of ice worms in front of him had pushed Chen Feng back at least 300 meters.

It's not that Chen Feng didn't think of ways, but any method has no effect in front of a large number of enemies, just like any conspiracy is ineffective in the face of absolute strength.

Continuously retreating, continual retreating, Chen Feng was forced to retreat from the Queen Insect's nest to the entrance of the third floor. This place was originally a little away from the nest, but once it was opened up by Bolatu, it became very close. .

Although he was already very close.

Due to the continuous retreat, the road became narrower, allowing Chen Feng's two Vajras at the front to better display their fighting instincts.

Chen Feng could no longer care so much and directly began to destroy the wall on the side to make the entire road wider. Although the number of ice worms attracted would increase, his troops could still be expanded.

After a two-hour battle, Chen Feng could no longer see the Queen Mother Bug, and was completely overwhelmed by the massive enemies on the small road.

Looking at the 50% experience bar, Chen Feng smiled helplessly. This was the most efficient way to level up since he came to this world.

After only one level upgrade, the experience given to Chen Feng by the Ice Worm remained unchanged, and even increased a little. Chen Feng guessed that his level was too low and some of the experience given to him was wasted.

In just 2 hours, in just 2 hours, what did Chen Feng gain? He gained a full 1000W of experience. Chen Feng killed at least 900+ ice bugs.

Every time, Chen Feng would gather all the skeletons and push the piles of corpses out. Not only could he clear the road of monsters, but he could also counterattack a little.

But as soon as the skill of the crossbow skeleton behind him ended, Chen Feng's skeleton fell into a state of abuse again, so the 10 seconds of the crossbow skeleton became a crucial 10 seconds.

"Damn, damn!" If there was a lord skeleton, Chen Feng believed that the situation would have been overturned by now, but Chen Feng had two impulses in his heart.

On impulse, he summoned the Lord Skeleton, then killed all the ice worms, raised his level several levels, and finally killed the White Bone Queen Insect, and the mission was over.

However, if Bolato was not by Chen Feng's side, Chen Feng would have done this long ago, but Chen Feng was afraid that Bolato would take action at that time, and it would not be terrible if the Lord Skeleton was killed.

The scary thing is that the bones of the Lord Skeleton were taken away. If a more powerful mutant skeleton is developed, Chen Feng himself will be the one who suffers.

Didn't Bolato say that he would be targeting Chen Feng from now on and would often bring some surprises to Chen Feng. Could it be that apart from mutated creatures, is there any surprise that Bolato can come up with?

Of course, the equipment on his body that is surprising and "delightful" can be considered one of them.

Continuing to kill monsters, Chen Feng widened the road to a distance of 6 meters. Two King Kongs occupied a two-thirds position one behind the other. A group of ordinary skeletons surrounded the front. King Kong could pass over a group of ordinary skeletons and directly grab a person. Just come in, kill them and throw them out.

This fighting method is indeed good. At least King Kong can hardly receive any damage. Even if he does, he will be bitten when he accidentally catches an ice insect.

But such a small amount of damage is nothing to King Kong.

There are 10 crossbow skeletons standing behind Chen Feng. These are 2 new crossbow skeletons that Chen Feng put together in 2 hours. Is it hard to imagine why 2 crossbow skeletons can be put together in 2 hours?

You can imagine that one ordinary skeleton dies in one second. Every 3 to 5 seconds, Chen Feng has to use a summoning spell. Chen Feng waves his arms at least 12 times in one minute and summons 60 skeletons.

One per second on average.

Among the 60 skeletons, mutant skeletons account for a quarter of the total, which is about 15.

The number of elite skeletons is even smaller, accounting for one-fifth of them. The number is estimated to be 12. In fact, the probability of both sides is almost the same. However, a real comparison shows that the number of excellent mutant skeletons and elite skeletons is very rare.

Chen Feng didn't notice that every time a skeleton died, fewer bones would fall out. No matter how hard Chen Feng collected the bones, it was useless.

Bolatu wanted to get the bones, but Chen Feng couldn't stop him.

There are 60 skeletons, and there is a chance that a leader skeleton will appear. After 2 hours, Master Chen Feng said that he had summoned 7,200 skeletons, but only 2 leader skeletons appeared.

Moreover, Chen Feng has been sent out to die.

The two useless leader skeletons had average offense and defense, but they were not what Chen Feng expected. Therefore, during the battle, the two leader skeletons were on the front line like ordinary skeletons, and then the skeleton priest calmly forgot about their existence.

In this way, after holding on for an hour, the two leader skeletons were dead. But something happened that made Chen Feng depressed. He seemed to be cursed. In the next hour, Chen Feng never summoned any leader skeletons again. .

He was probably impressed by the resentment of the leader Skeleton.

After taking a look at the positions where the two leader skeletons died, Chen Feng bowed deeply, rest in peace!

As soon as Chen Feng finished expressing his condolences, a different kind of skeleton immediately appeared in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng was immediately delighted. There was a strong pressure on the skeleton.

Chen Feng knew the appearance of that skeleton. When he was on Earth, Chen Feng liked to fry this guy's companions, remove the poisonous hook on the tail, and then eat them.

That's right, there was a scorpion in front of Chen Feng.

Flash Scorpion Skeleton (Elite Skeleton)


After the death of the Level 3 Warcraft Flash Scorpion, the magic crystal in his body exploded, filling the entire body with lightning energy, resulting in the perfect preservation of the exoskeleton and the integration of all combat consciousness into the skeleton.

Hit rate: 200000

Defense: 32000

HP: 35000

Attack: 300-560

Ultimate Stinger LV5: Throw out the stinger barb on the tail and instantly pierce the enemy's body, causing 150% physical damage, 160% poison damage, and 140% lightning damage. It can also hook the enemy in front of you. , use pincers to grab the opponent and attack.

"Good thing!" Chen Feng saw the secret of this scorpion skeleton at a glance, and immediately wanted to test it. He slowly squeezed to the side of the diamond skeleton, and sprinted out with the tail behind him like lightning.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Chen Feng had seen a white scorpion. Yes, this scorpion was white, and its body was as pure white as butter. But if you look closely, you will find that the bones are shining with white electric light.

The scorpion skeleton, like the poisonous mantis, could not be seen as a skeleton, but Chen Feng knew that the inside of the scorpion skeleton had been completely corroded, leaving only a shell.

It's like shedding her skin.

But this shell is stronger than anything else and is the best protection for crustaceans.

The colored tail struck out like lightning. Before Chen Feng could see clearly what was going on with the tail, the tail had already returned to its original point, and there was an ignorant ice worm on the tail that didn't know why it was suspended in the air.

When the ice insect reacted, a sharp pain suddenly hit him from behind, and then a huge palm directly took it off the barb.

Bing Chong was about to thank him, but he only felt a huge butt pressing down on him. The Bing Chong was suddenly squeezed to bursting, and the juice sprayed all over the floor. Chen Feng had long been used to it, and it wasn't disgusting at all. Really. Not disgusting, absolutely not disgusting.



Chen Feng didn't expect that the Scorpion Skeleton had such good abilities and matched so perfectly with the King Kong Skeleton. The Scorpion Skeleton's barb flew out crazily, and then brought back an ice worm.

Then Silver Bone King Kong immediately took the ice worm, put it directly under his butt, and sat down hard, and the juice suddenly spurted out.

This made Chen Feng think of something. Isn't this the same procedure as a processing factory for certain things?

When did you learn the assembly line?

Indeed, the two Silver Bone Vajras and the Scorpion Skeleton matched so perfectly. One could catch the other and sit down. However, the combined attack power of both parties was enough to kill an ice worm instantly.

I don’t know if it’s Chen Feng’s luck or the sorrow of a group of ice worms.

Although the attack of the scorpion skeleton is not high, it has attacks from three aspects, physical attack, poison attack, and frost attack.

The three attacks occurred at the same time, and the sandworm's blood volume has been reduced a lot. But when the immortal Silver Bone King Kong comes over, can they bear that ass?

If it was full of blood, it would be okay to say that it was just a serious injury at most, but now it was considered semi-disabled. If it fell down, it would die immediately.

Chen Feng was shocked to find that his leveling up speed had increased so much. Less than an hour later, a golden light flashed across Chen Feng's body again, and his level increased again, reaching the "astonishing" level 12.

Level 12.

Chen Feng didn't expect that he would be promoted to level 2 in one day. Even if he was leveling up in Tristram or something like that, he wouldn't have such a terrifying speed.

Looking at the endless monsters, Chen Feng suddenly felt proud.

“I won’t fight the BOSS until I reach level 15!”

However, just after Chen Feng finished his heroic display, he took a look at the experience of level 12 to level 13, and he sat down on the ground, his chin fell directly to the ground and shattered into pieces.


The power surged directly from 2000W to 5000W. Chen Feng had the urge to bang his head against the wall. He originally estimated that the power would be at most 3500W, but he didn't expect that it would reach 5000W all of a sudden. Could it be that to level 20 or something, he would need more than a billion experience points? Is it worth it?

Chen Feng counted with his fingers, it was really almost over a billion.

"Oh my God, you are a thief!" Chen Feng roared, but he glanced at the endless pile of monsters in the distance and smiled disdainfully, isn't it just 5000W, only 5000 monsters at most, I'm afraid of it.

Continuing, a group of skeletons rushed out crazily. Chen Feng also made a decision in his heart. Although this place is good, as time goes by, Chen Feng has been out for almost 4 months.

"It seems that Lord Skeleton has decided!"

Update 3 is completed, tomorrow will be update 4, the monthly ticket reaches 60, more updates will be added, I don’t have time today, I’m sorry, I can only postpone it to tomorrow, and finally ask for the monthly ticket, hehe!

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