Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

756 Soldiers learn from each other and select talents! (Please subscribe!)

Wang Chenyi stood aloof, standing on the city wall, feeling that Xiang Xuyang's army was already out of skill.

Under Su Qing's strategy, Su Qing had already dismissed Zhen Yuan's military commander position.

Zhen Yuan is still standing there honestly, without resentment or crying!

Zhen Yuan, who was unaware of the grievances, looked like a man who was responsible, and seemed very heroic.

This scene has already made Su Qing secretly satisfied, because Su Qing's soldiers need such enlightened and generous people!

With a soldier like Zhen Yuan, Su Qing believes that he can continue to win and conquer the world.

Now, Zhen Yuan has been dismissed, but Su Qing still has something to say!

Today, this contradiction is a conflict between recruits and veterans, and it is also the key to this internal and external division.

If Su Qing treats his soldiers with no kindness at all, it won't be long before Su Qing encounters a mutiny.

This is the result that Su Qing has predicted! Because Su Qing leads the army to fight, not just managing the generals!

Because the soldiers under Su Qing's command may all have one heart, so Su Qing needs to stabilize the military heart.

Now, Su Qing has already seen such an opportunity! The army must be rectified.

If Su Qing turned a blind eye to the scene in front of him, then there would be more and more people under Su Qing who did not obey the military orders.

Su Qing stretched out his hand, pointed at the soldier in front of him, and said, "There have been a lot of recruits recently, so I urgently need a new commander!"

"I'm going to let you win this opportunity from the competition." Su Qing's eyes were shining brightly, "Anyone who wants to win the commander can stand up!

Su Qing's remarks have already made many soldiers puzzled. Su Qing has just withdrawn a thousand commander, and then has he established a thousand commander again?

At this moment, Zhen Yuan's eyes lit up. Because Zhen Yuan seems to have understood Su Qing's good intentions!

Zhen Yuan was a little excited, so he stepped up immediately, widened his eyes, and looked at Su Qing expectantly.

"My lord, could it be that anyone can participate in this competition?"

Facing Zhen Yuan's question, Su Qing looked calm and nodded, "This is natural! Since he is a commander of thousands, he must be a person with strong martial arts and strategy. In the barracks, anyone can participate! 99

Su Qing's remarks made Zhen Yuan very excited! So Zhen Yuan was so excited, he was already standing in front of Su Qing, "My lord, I want to participate!"5

"Okay!" Su Qing has no objection, after all, that's what Su Qing planned, to give his soldiers a chance to fight!

Su Qing's eyes caught sight of Wang Wei again! Wang Wei was staring at Su Qing, and after a moment's surprise, he suddenly realized.

Then Wang Wei was a little unbelievable, and immediately Wang Wei took a step forward and approached Su Qing.

Su Qing pointed to himself quietly, Su Qing already nodded inaudibly, expressing affirmation!

This is Su Qing's strategy. Since there is a contradiction in the barracks, then Su Qing will let this fist and foot solve the contradiction!

And this is caused by the two groups of soldiers themselves, so naturally these soldiers need to solve it themselves!

The matter of marching to fight is simple and easy, and difficult but difficult! Now Su Qing is handling the internal affairs of the barracks, and it feels the same way!

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