Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

755 Laughing but not laughing, special strategy! (Please subscribe!)

In order to prevent this city gate from being breached, Wang Chenyi naturally needs a lot of things to block it! Wang Chenyi's soldiers started to get busy at this time!

Running around, carrying a lot of things! Wang Chenyi's soldiers are all so fast, and they are naturally heroic when fighting.

Wang Chenyi's soldiers brought food and grass, heavy stones, etc. Wang Chenyi's soldiers blocked all these things!

"643" will make the city gate stronger! Wang Chenyi was standing at the city gate, and the sound of the city gate shaking was indeed much more subtle.

At this time, if Xiang Xuyang's soldiers continue to collide, then it is a stupid question!

Because the city gate has been reinforced, Xiang Xuyang ordered the soldiers to continue slamming the city gate so fiercely, what's the use!

For Xiang Xuyang, these gates seem to be flaws that can be easily broken!

But since Wang Chenyi had already ordered the soldiers to reinforce it, the city gate would not be easily breached now!

Wang Chenyi was still worried, so he had already told the soldiers to continue to work! While running around, Wang Chenyi had already asked the soldiers to find a lot of crossbars!

These woods are very strong and large woods, so Wang Chenyi immediately asked the soldiers to reinforce the city gate!

Dingding, these city gates have already been blocked by crossbars. Now Wang Chenyi's city gate can't be opened, because there is a crossbar blocking it, it is very strong!

But now, Xiang Xuyang's soldiers don't want to break through from the outside! Because Xiang Xuyang's city gate is so strong and unbreakable!

Wang Chenyi was relieved, looking at these thick and sturdy crossbars, he was relieved, and then returned to the city wall!

Wang Chenyi's soldiers were still sieging the city incessantly, thumping, thumping, and dull voices one after another. In this way, Wang Chenyi's soldiers naturally retreated in spite of the difficulties.

Xiang Xuyang's soldiers attacked both up and down. Whether it was the city gate or the city wall, Xiang Xuyang wanted to conquer both, but Xiang Xuyang was too greedy.

Xiang Xuyang did not concentrate all these forces, so it is now spread out! Marching to fight, Xiang Xuyang is actually going to bow his forces from left to right!

Especially Xiang Xuyang is still sieging the city, and sieging the city is not easy, so now if Xiang Xuyang continues to spread his troops, it is naturally impossible to win Bingzhou!

Wang Chenyi was already relieved, because Wang Chenyi could see that this guy didn't know how to march and fight at all!

Since Xiang Xuyang's troops are already so weak, Wang Chenyi can rest easy!

Standing on the city wall, Wang Chenyi looked blankly at the appearance of these guys attacking the city, he was already half-smiling!

With Wang Chenyi's own strength, Bingzhou can naturally defend it safely!

Even though Su Qing hasn't come back yet, Wang Chenyi is not panicking anymore!

When Xiang Xuyang fought against Wang Chenyi, he had already tried his best, wishing to send all his troops to the battlefield.

However, because Xiang Xuyang was so impulsive and reckless, these troops were so insignificant in front of Wang Chenyi.

You can't have both fish and bear's paw! Wang Chenyi understands this truth, why doesn't the general Xiang Xuyang understand it!

Xiang Xuyang's soldiers continued to attack the city gate. Seeing that the city gate was so strong and unbreakable, Xiang Xuyang's soldiers continued to erect ladders and wanted to cut off the flags on the city wall.

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