Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

At the moment of 599 shock, act in advance! (Please subscribe!)

In the whirring sound, the prompts that kept slashing forward to block the road, as his long knife fell, pieces of blood splashed, and all these cavalry were knocked down.

Those cavalrymen holding knight spears were originally not too many in number. Under the leadership of this leading lieutenant, the rest of the users also showed their full strength. They ran wildly, and when they ran wildly, they also put their weapons in their hands separately. After eating, the weapons in their hands are all standard weapons of Da Qin.

These Daqin weapons are extremely sturdy, and the angle and strength of their power are stronger than ordinary European cavalry when they are swung. In addition to the sprint of the knight's spear, the knight's sword is simply a fancy thing. to fight.

They couldn't resist at all, the swords collided, and the knight's sword could be cut off with a single sound, and one of the European soldiers charged towards the Yinglong guard.

The soldier looked like a small leader.

The knight sword he held high also rushed forward when a piece of knight spear charged, and he was greeted by a Yinglong escort with a long sword of Qin soldiers.

After some training, this Yinglong escort also learned how to use these Qin weapons.

So when he used the battle, he saw the opponent's knight sword, and this time he came over and immediately blocked.

The two sides collided, and the sturdy long knife immediately blocked the opponent's knight's sword.

Smashing a dent in his full body armor isn't the ultimate attack!

He then targeted the connection point between the opponent's armor and the helmet. At this time, he found an opportunity to cut the long knife in his hand directly into the connection point of the opponent's armor, and then the blood splashed and chopped the cavalry directly to the ground. Under the horse!

After this little leader fell, the soldiers around him were immediately shocked, and no one thought that their little leader was actually seen at this time.

Under such circumstances, their array immediately became less perfect, and the Yinglong guard with the long knife immediately shouted and led the rest of the men to rush forward and rush forward again from this gap. After opening a passage, under their repeated attacks, after their desperate play, those weak blockers were immediately punched out by them several gaps!

After opening the gap, these Yinglong guards ran all the way with the lieutenant. Before the two armies merged, they rushed out of the gap. Of course, in the end, there were dozens of people who had not had time to rush out.

These dozens of Yinglong guards were like an egg hitting a stone, and they were instantly slaughtered. At this time, the lieutenant ran fast like a bereaved dog. The merged team began to chase wildly again.

The number of these combined teams has exceeded 40,000. When they rushed forward, they formed a rolling trend, pushing horizontally all the way. When chasing, their warhorses smashed the hooves on the ground, sending the smoke and dust on the ground to the ground. It shot into the air, forming a cloud of smoke that spread toward the front.

It looked like the end of the world. Under such circumstances, those who fled in front of them with dragon guards did not dare to get up at all. Shooting bows and arrows, when these bows and arrows fly out.

From time to time, there will be screams in the fleeing team. This is caused by being shot by bows and arrows. These soldiers are also wearing full armor, but the number of bows and arrows cannot be supported. Get shot in the gap, and then it hurts.

At this time, the soldiers all grabbed the saddle of the war horse one after another, so that they would not fall under the war horse. Now that they can survive, no one wants to die. Lying on the back of the war horse can treat those flying with the same minimum area. The bows and arrows that were shot kept their lives, and under such circumstances, they actually opened some passages.

At this time, Han Xin was holding a long spear and stood above Ziwei City, where he looked into the distance, and at this moment he could see a piece of smoke coming from a distance, and there were many smoke and dust in front of this piece of smoke. In the application meeting, they carried a banner with the Chinese character Qin.

When fleeing forward, the lieutenant at the front looked terrified, and as far as Han Xin's gaze could reach, a large swathe of European soldiers attacked behind these soldiers.

Their speed was even faster, and they almost caught up with Ying Long, who was fleeing ahead, and guarded the lieutenant. Seeing the tall city walls of Ziwei City, he was also excited. All the soldiers on horses around him also showed joy on their faces. Look, if you can enter the city.

Then they could be saved, but at this time, they found that the speed of the war horses had slowed down. Most of the war horses they were riding were foaming and almost fell to the ground. Move, the potential of squeezing all the way wildly without stopping.

Originally, the war horses had to rest after galloping all the way, but now they did not get a rest. Instead, they accelerated and were urged to move forward. Many blood holes were drawn from the bodies of these war horses. This is the evidence that urged them to move forward. The hearts of these war horses can't stand it.

Finally, a few warhorses fell to the ground with a loud bang. They vomited blood, their eyes widened, and at the end their hearts burst. This was caused by running too hard. After these warhorses fell, it was like a chain reaction. All of them fell to the ground in an instant.

These war horses all had their hearts (Li's good) congested too much and burst and died, and the things that rode on them and at this time also fell to the ground and chased after them.

When they took down the European soldiers again, they actually pressed the ones in their hands to the ground one by one. Those Yinglong guards who had fallen to the ground were immediately strung on the tip of their spears with discrimination, and then moved horizontally.

When these Yinglong guards were picked up, the blood immediately splashed on the ground, and the horses ran wildly to form a rope. Looking at the companions who were picked up behind them, the Yinglong guards were all terrified. It is getting closer and closer, so the horse is driven faster and faster!

But the war horse has already exhausted its potential. How can it be frozen at this time? Even the war horse that the lieutenant rides cannot run fast at this time. Sun.

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