Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

598 breaks through the enemy line, extremely accurate! (Subscribe!)

In order to improve morale, he told everyone loudly that if everyone didn't resist this time, I'm afraid no one would be able to get out!

You must use all your strength to break through the enemy formation and return to Ziwei City.

Then it will be safe.

Under such a blow from him, the soldiers below had no choice but to pick up their spirits, even if they were reluctant. They had already surrendered, and now they could only go to the dark side by joining the ranks of Daqin soldiers.

Therefore, under the command of the nearby 11, they all picked up their weapons and rushed forward. When they were running wildly, they all dropped their heads tightly on the horse's back, so that if the other party had a bow and arrow, they would still be able to Resist!

The archers on the cliff can no longer threaten them, and since they left the valley, they will not be enveloped.

But the men and horses who were blocking them in front were another threat. These men and horses were many in number, and they crossed each other toward the front.

Thick walls will form in no time!

At that time, if you want to escape, you will not be able to escape. Under such a premise, the lieutenant must lead the Yinglong guards around him to rush quickly, and attack before the other party does not meet!

Therefore, they maximized the speed of the war horse, which was originally the best partner of the cavalry.

Usually it is okay to eat and live together, but at this time, in order to survive, they slammed the whips in their hands on the horses.

Don't pity them anymore, under their strong control, those war horses galloped fast, starting at a great speed, towards the entrance of the intersection, breaking out!

If you can run back, you can survive. If you can't run back, it's a death. The lieutenant's eyes fixed on the entrance where the two armies merged.

There are already some European soldiers united there, but the blocking wall is still very weak!

After seeing this situation, the deputy general who led the troops roared and raised the long knife in his hand directly above his head. Under his leadership, he shouted and twisted into a rope, and quickly moved towards the weak wall. Hit the past!

The guards who blocked them also stopped their knight spears at this time, and then quickly rushed forward under the drive of the war horse!

When their dragons ran wildly, they directly attacked the Yinglong escort groups that rushed over. The lieutenant who took the lead wanted to break out of the encirclement, so his fighting power was also raised, and he was extremely powerful. When rushing, the long knife in his hand slashes forward.

A European soldier raised the long spear in his hand and poked it at him. If he was drawn, the knight spear held by these European Cups could immediately pierce the body of this lieutenant!

At this time in 503, the lieutenant slashed the long knife in his hand vigorously on the tip of the knight's spear, and the two sides collided with a sound, and then blocked the knight's spear, and then he rode his horse and rushed to the knight's spear. The side of the cavalry with the knight lance.

He aimed the long knife at the gap between his neck and the armor, and cut it directly.

Because this move was extremely precise, he saw the knight's neck at once, and then cut him to the ground. After the knight was cut down, the lieutenant who led the troops did not stop and clashed directly. He quickly moved forward. The long knife in Chong's hand is also waving every moment!

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