Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

561 Lead the troops to set off, the battle report comes! (Please subscribe!)

Han Xin ordered the soldiers to cut down these trees. After cutting down these trees, the burning trees turned into charcoal, so they gathered the charcoal and cut down the fallen trees in a neat and orderly manner. form a square open space.

The area of ​​this open space is large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people without any problem. After clearing it out, let the soldiers start to build some railings and trenches.

Use these things to make the most powerful defense and prevent anyone from coming over. Because there was a fire burning before, more trenches were dug up, and the tendency of the fire to spread can be blocked directly without hurting. throughout the camp.

As long as the camp is fully guarded, there will be no problem. When the messengers arrive in this square camp, they can find that various barracks appear in this open space. In the center, there are A larger barracks is being built there and is still expanding.

This barracks is where Qin Huang lived. Qin Huang was talking to Su Qing, and he was more worried about the battle ahead.

Su Qing was comforting him by the side. As the two of them were talking, they heard the sound of firecrackers outside. Then they saw the personal guards and walked into the barracks to report to Emperor Qin that the messenger had come.

After hearing what the bodyguard said, Su Qing comforted Emperor Qin not to worry too much, this is not a battle report!

Qin Huang also calmed down in his heart, and then they came to the hall of the barracks together. After arriving here, they saw a few messengers kneeling there. Qin Huang directly asked how the battle was going, and the few messengers hurried. Say what's ahead.

When he learned that the entire city had fallen under the control of the Daqin soldiers, Qin Huang finally showed a relaxed smile. He then let the messengers go down to rest, and at the same time told Su Qing very emotionally. thoughts in his mind.

Su Qing also offered comfort. After the two talked for a while, Emperor Qin summoned Han Xin. Han Xin already knew that the city in front of him had been taken down. Whether to start pulling out camp and arrive at the city-state - there to be stationed.

Regarding Han Xin's question, Emperor Qin thought about it and asked him to start leading the army. Qin Huang also wanted to see what was going on in the city-state in front of him. Under his order, Han Xin immediately let the big army walk. .

・・Ask for flowers・・・

All the soldiers in the camp were completely assembled. They gathered together and walked towards the front. The army formed a neat queue and gathered into a river. Emperor Qin himself had 20,000 internal guards. for his personal safety.

The rest of the group formed two armies under the leadership of Han Xin, and walked slowly towards the direction of the city. Everyone was relatively relaxed, but there were still some cavalry running fast in the vicinity. After the cavalry started running, , glance around from time to time.

The bows and arrows on their backs are also shot out from time to time to detect whether there are thieves hiding in the grass. Of course, this approach is a bit too careful, but in order to protect the safety of the Qin Emperor, it has to be done. Su Qing looked ahead. The situation is also slightly happy in my heart.

As long as Emperor Qin conquers more and more land and achieves higher and higher achievements, then his rewards will become more and more. As the scenery in front continues to retreat, the entire army will slowly reach the defeated On the edge of that city.

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