Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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King Arthur had already been rescued, he was simply bandaged, and then he was dragged onto a warhorse's horse and dragged to walk in the direction of the city-state!

The rest of the Daqin cavalry began to clean the battlefield. King Arthur lay on his horse and looked around, but found that Daqin cavalry were running all over the mountains and fields. From time to time, they caught a European cavalry hiding in the grass and ordered them to move towards the city-state. march.

If he did not obey his orders and beheaded on the spot, this situation fell into his eyes and his heart sank to a low point!

Now he can't resist, the entire city-state has completely fallen under the control of Daqin soldiers.

His dream of fighting back was immediately destroyed by 473. Under such circumstances, King Arthur directly appointed him to close his eyes.

In such a dangerous situation, King Arthur can't even accept his fate, because all around him are the powerful cavalry of the Daqin soldiers running back and forth, all of them have a strong breath and agile movements.

Moreover, the weapon in his hand is also flickering with cold light, and if there is anything wrong, he will be killed immediately. Under such circumstances, any resistance force is futile. It was also occupied by a large number of Daqin soldiers.

(bbbe) Meng Yi led the cavalry and horses under his command to quickly walk on various streets. When walking, he sent a small team of people and horses into the alleys from time to time, or searched in the houses where the soldiers and horses could be hidden. !

From time to time, some local soldiers who were hiding in it and unwilling to surrender could be caught. Most of them were frightened. Some even threw away their armor, leaving only their weapons in their hands. These people were all pulled out. in the city!

The soldiers and horses from all sides gathered together, and the number of those prisoners alone was 20,000. In addition, countless others were killed, and some were scattered everywhere. They were not found for a while and a half. Meng Yi has already issued an order, Order the army to completely surround the entire city.

In this case, it is impossible for the people inside to escape, and all the city-state soldiers who want to fish in troubled waters and wait for the opportunity to leave can be captured to the maximum extent. At this time, the entire castle has completely fallen into the control of Daqin soldiers. , Of course, I want to sort it out completely.

It will take some time to capture all the soldiers hidden here.

On the whole, this place already belongs to the world of Da Qin. After doing these things, Meng Yi immediately ordered the soldiers to return on fast horses, and then reported the situation here to Emperor Qin so that he could lead the troops. The woods came here.

Because the resistance forces in the city have been completely wiped out at this time, so the messengers can be bold and presumptuous and run directly on the mainland. When they run, they are extremely fast. His eyes glanced around to prevent possible assassination activities in the wilderness.

On the battlefield, any soldier is very vigilant. After they rushed forward to the position of the camp, they saw a group of people running out of the camp!

After this group of men and horses appeared, they immediately put up their weapons and prepared to block them. When they saw these cavalrymen arriving here, the soldiers of Daqin who came to block them slowly dispersed, and then let these few orders. The soldiers quickly reached the middle of the camp. At this time, the woods had become very tidy, and a large fire had burned down a large number of trees in the woods!

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