Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

471 Ordered to start and run! (Please subscribe!)

If you let these soldiers smash the trebuchet.

His only means of reliance will disappear completely.

It's just something he doesn't want to see.

Immediately he exclaimed: "The archer is ready to shoot!"

After he finished speaking, he saw the archers standing in the back row pulling their bowstrings one after another.

And those city-state soldiers in the front row holding shields are also standing neatly, waiting for the arrival of Qin's cavalry!

Behind the shield player, there were soldiers with knight spears, standing densely.

These soldiers, armed with knight spears, pointed their spears straight into the sky.

The tip of the gun flashed coldly.

Seeing that the cavalry of Qin State was about to arrive, they immediately bent their bodies and put the knight's spear at the front.

Forming the appearance of slanting upward towards the spear forest, if those Qin cavalrymen rushed directly in front of them, they would be stabbed to death by long spears.

At this time, the front-most Qin cavalry had already reached the front of the battle formation they formed!

Leading the charge was a cavalry soldier with round eyes and a long beard.

He held a large knife in his hand and swung it wildly.

At this moment, the warhorse ran wildly to reach the front of their battle formation, and immediately slashed the sword towards the battle formation.

Hearing a whistle, the big knife slashed on the shields in the hands of the soldiers in the front row.

Before the knife in his hand could slash the surface of the shield, he saw those soldiers with knight spears who were in the follow-up battle.

With force, the long spear in his hand suddenly stretched forward.

With a thud of the spears, these knight spears stabbed the Qin cavalry in the front row.

With a shrill scream, the Qin cavalry in the front row would be stabbed to death immediately.

As they rushed forward, their eyes widened and they vomited blood.

These Qin cavalry soldiers who were stabbed to death tightly grasped the stabbed knight spear with both arms when they were dying.

Using the weight of the body to bear it abruptly, stabbed their knight spear, and fell towards the rear!

An emptiness was formed, and the Qin State cavalry who rushed over later accelerated the speed of their horses and came to the front of the battle formation!

Then he manipulated the warhorse, raised his front hooves, and stepped directly on the shield of the shield player!

How fast is the horse!

Their strength is also very strong, after the horse's hoof stepped on him, the shield player was instantly trampled on the ground.

Then the warhorse rushed past, along the broken gap, aiming at the subsequent teams of archers and rushed over!

It was at this time that the archers also got the order of their captain and began to shoot forward.

··For flowers.....

Only after hearing the sound of clattering, these bows and arrows fell on the cavalry of the Qin State in the front row!

After a clanging sound, the bows and arrows shot by the archers slammed into the gaps between the armors. Originally, the armors worn by these Qin cavalrymen were still relatively strict, but because there were enough bows and arrows!

There were only a few cavalrymen in the front row. The archers specially selected the cavalry in the front row to shoot arrows. When most of the bows and arrows were shot together, they directly hit those cavalrymen.

They shot them on the spot and the war horse, and at this time, they also started to stumble and fell to the ground, and they held it in the first round.

At this time, Lan Yu was also facing those manipulations from the rear. The soldiers of the catapult began to prepare to attack. The soldiers who operated the catapult were a little slower to respond.

They are farther away from the front row and cannot see the specific situation in front of them, so they need to wait for the order before they can launch.

After Lan Yu's order was given, she was sent to the rear by the messenger, and the soldiers who operated the trebuchet delayed for a while, which caused a large number of casualties among the city-state soldiers in the front row!

But after the order was given, the trebuchet started running immediately! Bu.

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