Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

470 Catapults advance, siege land! (Subscribe!)

If he can't take down the opponent in a short time, I am afraid that in the end, none of the Qin soldiers he leads will survive.

Just when Meng Yi was anxious, in the camp in the woods behind them, Emperor Qin also walked outside his tent with his hands behind his back!

He looked up at the sky, and saw that the sun was shining brightly above the sky, shining on the earth.

The sunlight penetrated between the branches, forming a large silhouette.

Looking at this silhouette, Emperor Qin said as if to himself: "I don't know what's going on in front of me. No military report has come over for so long."

He was talking to Su Qing.

After hearing his words, Su Qing's voice came out: "Don't worry, General Meng Yi still fought very bravely.

I believe that he must be unable to take care of it in the battle at this time. When the battle ends, he will definitely report the news to you as soon as possible!

Qin Huang nodded, and then said, "I'm still a little worried, why don't I send some troops to support!""

Su Qing shook his head and said, "You don't need to do this, you have to have confidence in your subordinates.

Moreover, you are the top priority. If there is an accident with the reduction of your troops, those people under your command will probably be unstable.

When something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret it.

After hearing Su Qing's words, Qin Huang thought for a while and said, "That's it, just wait patiently."

After he finished speaking, he looked (bbbe) into the distance, worried.

At the same time, I secretly thought in my heart that Meng Yi was going to hold on, or it was possible to directly take down the city-state in front of him.

The conversation between Su Qing and Emperor Qin did not reach Meng Yi's ears!

But Meng Yi thought about his allegiance to Emperor Qin.

Meng Yi clenched his teeth hard at this time and said loudly: "All officers and men, we eat the king's money, and we must share the worries for the king!

Now we are stuck at the gates of this city-state, unable to move forward!

Afterwards, a large number of city-state soldiers are coming.

Today, we can only go deep into the city-state only if we win the city gate!

Do you have any confidence in winning this piece of city?

Rush up with me!"

After he finished speaking, the cavalry behind him shouted loudly in agreement!

At this time, Meng Yi saw that the military heart was available.

His heart is set!

Immediately, he immediately began to say loudly: "Okay! Then pass my order to assemble immediately and attack the target forward!

The trebuchets throwing stones at the back must destroy them all, destroy them!

Don't let them continue to cause obstacles, and plant the flag of our Daqin on the head of this city!

After he finished shouting, the cavalry behind him roared loudly.

Then he rode a fast horse and rushed forward madly.

Meng Yi was going to rush out.

But it was directly pulled by the personal soldiers on the left and right.

Under the current circumstances, no one will allow him to take risks as a coach of the three armed forces!

If something happens to Meng Yi at this time, the subsequent army mobilization and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers will be greatly reduced.

This is what no one wants to see!

Meng Yi also knew about this.

He was unwilling, but he was still patient.

In the end, he looked at the cavalry under his hands, rode on a fast horse, and quickly ran towards the front.

The speed of these cavalry was super fast, and after rushing forward, they formed a dense formation and a very powerful speed.

Like a gust of wind, it rushed towards the array of city-state soldiers standing in front.

After seeing this situation, Lan Yu also stared.

He knew that the targets of these Qin cavalrymen were the trebuchets behind them.

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