Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

411 Anger in my heart, crazy revenge! (Please subscribe!)

Meng Yi said: "Help me protect Your Majesty and wait for my news quietly! I'm more at ease!"

After hearing what Meng Yi said, Han Xin gritted his teeth and said, "Well, be careful! Is 30,000 horses enough? Otherwise, you can bring 50,000 horses!

Meng Yi said: "Enough is enough. If there are too many people, if the driving ahead is blocked, it will not be too convenient to turn. It is absolutely possible for 30,000 horses to advance, attack, retreat and defend."9

After getting a satisfactory guarantee, Han Xin sighed and said: "Then I won't say anything more, if you encounter something wrong, go back immediately, and send someone to me, I will pick you up on the way!

After he finished speaking, Meng Yi nodded.

Then he turned and left the camp.

After a while, the sound of soldiers gathering in the distance sounded.

Meng Yi began to take the soldiers and prepare to set off!

Qin soldiers are very disciplined.

When Meng Yi issued an order to assemble, the soldiers of the Qin State immediately assembled quickly!

They were lined up in neat queues, waiting in front of the barracks!

After they had assembled, Meng Yi roared loudly and said: "The whole army set off and rushed to the edge of the city-state ahead! Then investigate the situation and wait for the opportunity! 35

After he finished speaking, the 30,000 army began to set off in a mighty manner!

The rest of the armies are now defending 380 in the woods!

Han Xin rode on the war horse and watched Meng Yi lead the soldiers out. After that, he began to issue a general order saying: "The whole army is on alert, send search personnel to search in the nearby woods, and be sure to guard against any danger and protect Your Majesty. safety!

After his order was issued, the soldiers of the Qin state agreed one after another.

They went to work quickly.

Just as they were preparing to defend their side, in a city-state about ten miles away, Prince Echo looked at the bearded general who had fled back.

His face was gloomy!

The bearded general is very down and out, and his body is covered in mud.

This was contaminated when I escaped before!

His armor was also damaged at this time!

And there is a lot of dust on his face, if it wasn't for him with soldiers, no one would know that he was a general in the army!

This is very different from the situation when he took 20,000 people to block Qin soldiers!

Prince Echo, he was very disdainful of his appearance.

He immediately said loudly: "Damn, let you lead an army of 20,000 people and ambush those Qin soldiers in the woods, but you didn't finish it! It's just damn! 35

After speaking, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Someone, press him down immediately! 39

Immediately after he finished speaking, a soldier ran over and took down the bearded general.

The bearded general panicked.

He said loudly: "Prince, spare your life, give me another chance, this time I will definitely withstand the opponent's attack!"

After he finished shouting, Prince Echo didn't mean to be obedient at all.

At this moment, he directly gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you still standing there, hurry up, don't let him get in the way of me here!

Prince Echo is furious!

He felt that this bearded general was humiliating him!

After all, he felt that this bearded general could perfectly complete the interception task.

Unexpectedly, he was called back at this time!

And lost 90% of the staff!

This is simply the ultimate trampling on his face!

He really didn't want to see this guy for a quarter of an hour!

After speaking, he asked the soldiers to capture the bearded general!

There was extreme fear in the eyes of the bearded general.

He knew that when he came back this time, Prince Echo would punish him, but he didn't expect to kill him directly.

This result was beyond his expectations!

It has been known that it has been resisting on the front line.

Fortunately, he died on the battlefield with some credit. Now that he returned to the city, Prince Echo directly beheaded him, appearing in front of everyone in the image of a coward!

This will affect his family, as well as his close friends and more.

Of course, none of these matters, what matters is his life, which must be preserved!


This is not what the bearded general wants to see!

At this time, the sky was very gloomy, as if his mood at this time!

And at this moment, suddenly a cavalry came running from a distance!

He came to the edge of the city gate and said loudly: "The prince is not good! The soldiers of the Qin State who were blocked and failed in front of him ran over!

After he finished speaking, he came to the edge of the city gate!

This is the horse that was cast out by Prince Echo.

When the bearded general returned, Prince Echo immediately dispatched a successful scout to take a look at the situation ahead.

After hearing what the horse scout said, Prince Echo's expression changed immediately.

He didn't expect the other party to move so fast!

And the bearded general who was about to be captured said loudly at this time: "The prince will give me another chance, the subordinates must intercept them, and they will not be allowed to reach the edge of the city!"

After hearing his words, Prince Echo gave him a sideways look and said, "I won't believe the promises made by someone like you! Pull him down and behead him!

At this time, a man stood up and said, "Prince, I think it's better not to behead his generals in public. Now is the time of the war. If he kills him, it will be detrimental to the morale of the army!

Hearing his words, Prince Echo turned around and found that it was Lan Yu.

After seeing him, Prince Echo said: "Lan Yu, don't worry about it, this is my own business, that general is not doing well, he must pay the price. 35

After hearing his words, Lan Yu said: "Prince, I know you are angry, but at this time, everyone in the three armies is flustered by the soldiers of the Qin State who have come from afar!

Their fighting power is very strong. At this time, if you kill the general before the soldiers, everyone will be even more afraid of the Qin cavalry who come from afar.

Why don't you, prince, send me a troop of cavalry!

I will lead them to stop the Qin army and prevent them from reaching the city! 95

After he finished speaking, the bearded general next to him who was about to be taken away said loudly: "Prince, what General Lan Yu said is quite right, listen to what he has to say, my subordinates will do everything for you to atone for your sins!

He finished speaking, for fear of not agreeing.

He got rid of the escort soldiers, knelt on the ground and said, "This time, let me follow General Lan Yu, and I will definitely complete the task well. If I fail to stop the Qin cavalry, my subordinates will commit suicide on the spot! To repay the prince's kindness!

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