Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

410 Set up a stable camp and intercept the enemy! (Please subscribe!)

Here, Han Xin took a close look and dispatched the vanguard.

After confirming that there were no people in ambush outside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He asked the soldiers to go to the rear to report the news, and Meng Yi was waiting in the rear.

Han Xin led three thousand men into the woods to see if the European soldiers had been shot dead.

And he took the rest and stayed outside the forest.

Prevent accidents from happening.

Compared with Han Xin's leadership of 3,000 people, he was more flexible, and he could turn around and leave in a hurry in case of danger.

If a little more people are in the forest, if the turnaround is not timely, there may be some losses.

When Han Xin sent someone back and explained to him that all the soldiers in the forest had been killed, he was relieved.

The two teams then moved forward.

As for Emperor Qin, he stayed behind at this time.

Now that the situation is unclear, it is better not to let him go forward.

After Meng Yi led the manpower, this piece of forest checked again.

Finally made sure that there are no ambush and traps in it.

He then ordered the soldiers to cut down a clearing in the middle of the woods, and then camped on the spot, and the 100,000-strong army began to enter the woods in a mighty manner.

The bodies were also cleaned up.

In order to prevent the fire from spreading to this camp, Meng Yi built a low wall with the nearby dirt and stones when he set up the camp.

The low wall blocks in front of the woods, and at the same time brings various soldiers to swim in the woods, arresting the wild beasts in the woods, and also preventing ambush.

There are many beasts living in the forest, such as rabbits, wild boars, and occasionally pheasants.

With bows and arrows and weapons in hand, a lot of beasts came back soon.

Needless to say, the entire team must have had their meals today.

Emperor Qin came to the forest in a golden carriage, and he sat in the golden carriage and said with some disdain: "These barbarian soldiers actually think of using their ambush to deal with my Daqin soldiers, that is too self-sufficient.~ !"

After he finished speaking, Su Qing said: "You don't have to say that, it's better to be careful about everything. This time they underestimated the enemy, but it also revealed the distribution of our troops.

At that time, they will defend, and if they want to move on, they will pay a great price!"

After hearing Su Qing's words, Emperor Qin directly sneered and said: "These people from the barbarian land, even if they are inside, they can't stop the progress of my Great Qin Iron Cavalry!

Look at it, this time Meng Yi and Han Xin will definitely harvest the city ahead.

Su Qing didn't say anything about it.

He himself can be Qin Huang's friend and guide, but he cannot influence Qin Huang's thinking.

This is the bottom line for peaceful coexistence between the two sides.

The camp is still being stationed.

Under the command of Meng Yi, the soldiers quickly set up the tent.

Since there are many trees here, it is easy to set up the tent.

The cargo battalion soldiers are very experienced.

They cut down trees one by one.

Then use planks to build houses in each horizontal direction.

In this way, the tents of the camping place can be closed at a faster speed. At this time, it is said that it is a tent, it is better to say that it is one by one barracks.

All made of wooden planks.

On top of the planks, a layer of hay was spread.

In this way, rain can be prevented from falling, and wind and snow can be guaranteed at the same time.

And the house made of wood is more sturdy.

After these barracks were built, the soldiers of the baggage battalion began to level the camp again, and completely smashed the surrounding trees into a large section.

A low wall made of soil was piled up, and then a canal was dug to draw water.

At this point a brand new camp is created.

Now they are in the center of the forest, where a hundred thousand troops are stationed.

It still only occupies a small area.

If it wasn't for someone to investigate, no one would know that there was an army stationed here.

After shielding the camp, Han Xin and Meng Yi came over together and asked Emperor Qin to greet him.

Together they came to the tent built by the Qin emperor.

As the highest commander in Emperor Qin's entire army, the barracks he lived in was even more spacious.

It occupies an area of ​​five acres.

The wooden boards that came out after more than a dozen giant trees were scrapped together.

And in the interior of the wooden board, the wallpaper of the walls is composed of special satin.

Hang some flowers collected on site as decoration.

After lighting candles, oil lamps, etc., after some decorations, it looks large and magnificent.

Although it is not comparable to the real palace, it is very good to have such a place in the wild with such a decorative style.

There are also many skilled craftsmen in the baggage camp, and these people make tables or stools from trees on the spot and distribute them to various camps.

Soldiers also began to patrol nearby.

Han Xin and Meng Yi came to Emperor Qin's tent together, and at this time they could see King Qin sitting on a chair carved from rosewood.

He looked ahead.

After seeing him, Han Xin and Meng Yi knelt on the ground together and said loudly: "... Greet Your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live!

After saying this, Emperor Qin waved his arm and said, "No need to be polite, how is the camp set up?"

Han Xin bent first and said: "The camp setting has been completed, and the basic defense work has been done! Your Majesty can rest assured!""

After hearing his words, Qin Huang nodded.

At this time, Meng Yi said again: "Your Majesty! Please go to the city ahead to check it out. It would be better if you can capture it."

After hearing what Meng Yi said, Qin Huang thought for a moment and said, "Since you insist so much, then I agree (good Zhao Zhao).

You need to be careful.

The army expedition is difficult to complete by itself. If it costs too much, it may have an impact on future expeditions!

After hearing what Qin Huang said, Wang Yi immediately clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate knows! This subordinate must be careful, and you must not let the soldiers under your command suffer too much damage!"

After getting his assurance, Qin Huang said nothing more!

He then took Han Xin with him and withdrew from Emperor Qin's tent.

At this time, Meng Yi looked at Han Xin and said, "General Han Xin! You stay in the barracks to take care of His Majesty Qin Huang, while I will lead 30,000 horses and go ahead to check the situation temporarily!"

Han Xin looked at him and said, "Let me go and scare me!"

Meng Yi said: "I don't know what the situation is ahead this time. Just when I arrived at the woods, I encountered a blockade. You are strong in martial arts and your reaction is faster than me, so stay here!

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