Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

379 Golden Family, Polarization! (Subscribe!)

The two Hun soldiers who were isolated were in a very bad mood.

It's not too sweet when eating.

They ate one bite at a time, and distributed the coarse and dry food.

Their eyes kept on looking at the majority of the Huns in the queue.

I hope everyone can accept him, but what they get in exchange is a hostile look.

When Han Xin came over, he happened to see this situation.

After a little thought in his mind, he realized that this was because the two Xiongnu soldiers were treated more than most people, making them unbalanced, so they were like this.

This is a good thing, anyway, these Huns are surrendering troops.

And Han Xin's purpose is to differentiate them, and then become his own!

Now was a great opportunity, and he came right up at the moment, and he was on his horse.

After he came over, the soldiers of the Qin State who were standing beside him immediately shouted loudly: "The general is here, hurry up to meet the general!

After the guarding soldier's voice fell, the Xiongnu descending soldiers who were eating all stood up.

They dare not stand up, otherwise 11 will incur a punishment.

These Qin soldiers were not merciful towards them, they would whip whips and shout loudly at every turn. These were all normal things.

After all the Huns stood up, Han Xin took a look and the two isolated Xiongnu soldiers said, "How are you two eating?"

After he finished speaking, the two Xiongnu soldiers nodded quickly and said, "The food for the little ones is already very good.

At this time, Han Xin waved his arm and said: "What is good, that is, it is not eaten well, come on, I gave them two legs of lamb last time.

When his words fell, he saw two soldiers of the Qin State take out two roasted golden legs of lamb and threw them in front of the two Xiongnu soldiers.

They instinctively grabbed it quickly, with excitement in their eyes!

This leg of lamb is easy for them to get at this time, but since they surrendered to Qin to eat ice, they haven't tasted the taste of meat for a long time.

After all, they are submissive soldiers, not brave Xiongnu warriors!

Under this premise, especially their favorite leg of lamb, is even more rare!

Getting two legs of lamb this size at this time really made them unexpected and excited at the same time!

At this time, Han Xin looked at them and said, "The two of you have done great deeds in the past, so it's also right to reward you with meat. As long as you work hard, you will be rewarded in the future."

Han Xin's words fell into the ears of the two Xiongnu soldiers, who immediately knelt on the ground and said loudly: "I will follow the general to the death when I am young, and repay you with my life."35

This is their sincere words. People are often very grateful for help when they are in trouble.

At this time, Han Xin took advantage of this, just to make them willing to surrender!

The two Xiongnu soldiers were originally the lowest level of existence, and they were also isolated by their own companions. It was when they were alone that Han Xin accepted them. For them, it was a great gift!

This scene fell in the eyes of many other people, making them jealous with some disdain and resentment.

Because they feel that these two Huns have betrayed them and the whole group will not accept these two Huns anymore, and they feel that they are not from the steppe tribe.

Han Xin successfully achieved the purpose of dividing them!

At this moment, Han Xin said again: "These two people are the example of setting credit, and now I am releasing a task, if someone can complete it well, he will also get war horses, and he will also be distributed meat.

Han Xin's words were like a bomb exploded in the crowd. Those people from other grassland tribes who originally despised and envied the two Huns all had their eyes widened and excited.

If there is a chance, no one wants to be the lowest soldier, eating the most unpalatable dry food.

Han Xin looked at their performance and didn't say much!

At this time, the soldiers of the Qin State who stood guarding by the side shouted loudly: "Don't talk, listen to the general, whoever dares to speak again will be executed immediately!"

These Qin soldiers were extremely majestic, and those Huns who surrendered immediately did not dare to say a word.

At this time, Han Xin rode on the horse and said again: "I need to find some people to deceive the city gates, if any of you can complete this task, I will give you the horses first, and at the same time give you the status of ordinary soldiers.

At that time, you don't have to do the most dangerous things, you just need to follow the team forward. As long as you kill enough enemies, you can become a colonel general according to the upgrade rules of Daqin soldiers. "5


Han Xin's words caused a huge response among the Xiongnu crowd.

No one thought that Han Xin would actually issue such a condition.

Although it is very difficult to knock on the city gate, after all, they are all foreigners. If they rely on their current appearance to the edge of the city wall, they may be regarded as nearby enemies.

But the crisis is accompanied by great opportunities. They are captured as soldiers who surrender, and what they do is also the most dangerous and hardest chores.

Where there is danger, they will rush to it, and they must also do the most bitter and tiring.

As tribal warriors roaming freely on the grassland, they naturally do not want to live such a life.

Originally thought they would never get ahead, but now that Han Xin gave them a chance, how could they not be excited 363.

After a little quiet, two strong Huns stood up immediately.

They exclaimed: "We are willing to complete this task!"

After the Huns stood up, they strode to the front of the team.

They are the Golden Family tribe, belonging to the warriors.

And they are also the least willing to do the lowest things here!

These warriors are all very strong in combat. Originally, they only used the guard to protect Da Chanyu, and they would rush up in the decisive battlefield and use their brave strength to end the battle.

Now let them stay with the ordinary Huns, it is a very aggrieved feeling for them.

In particular, seeing the bottom-level Huns who were originally despised by them, they actually received attention, which made them even more unbalanced.

So they stand up at this time!

Seeing the two of them, Han Xin nodded and said, "Very good, I'm very happy that you can stand up, so who else will stand up now, the treatment is the same, I need a lot of people, you all have the opportunity.

After Han Xin finished speaking, the other Huns in the team looked at each other.

Then another large group of people came forward, some of them ordinary Huns.

Others are warriors from the same Golden Family tribe.

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