Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

378 A big city, unexpectedly isolated! (Subscribe!)

Looking ahead under the shadow of the trees, you can see that a towering city wall appears in front of you.

This city wall is not much better than the ordinary city walls of Qin.

The two Xiongnu soldiers excitedly pointed their fingers forward and said, "General, you see that we are not lying, there is indeed a city here!

Han Xin nodded, but he didn't care what the two Xiongnu soldiers said in his heart.

In his mind, he was thinking about the defensive strength of this city.

Compared with the cities he and Meng Yi had built together before, this city was even taller. Obviously, it was definitely guarded by heavy troops.

At this time, if they want to easily break through this city, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

With this thought in mind, Han Xin thought about it and said, "Everyone retreat!"

His order was issued, and the soldiers of the Qin State who were following "Three Six Zeros" all retreated.

And the two Hun soldiers who reported the news said in surprise: "Why didn't the general attack? In this way, the city can be captured!

Hearing their words, Han Xin was too lazy to explain.

Wave your hand to let them back off first.

Only then did the two Xiongnu soldiers remember their identities, and they hurriedly stopped talking.

At this time, Han Xin began to let these Qin soldiers under his command ride horses and go back to report the news first.

The Qin State had a large number of cavalrymen, and some were proficient in cavalry and archery.

After receiving Han Xin's order, they immediately rode their horses and ran towards the rear, preparing to report the news to Meng Yi and Qin Huang first.

At this time, Meng Yi was leading the large army to move forward slowly in the rear.

The center of the team is the golden frame of Emperor Qin.

The golden frame he was sitting on had a good shock absorption effect, and it was very stable to sit inside.

And at the top of this golden frame, there is a Luo umbrella.

With this umbrella, it can block the sunlight and make the car very comfortable.

Meng Yi led the troops to move forward slowly, also to take care of Emperor Qin's own comfort.

When the messenger arrives at the front of the line this time.

He was immediately discovered by the soldiers of the Qin State who were patrolling the periphery. These soldiers of the State of Qin stepped forward to stop the soldier of the State of Qin who reported the letter. The latter hurriedly showed his sign, proving that he was one of the soldiers of the State of Qin.

Then he came to the front of the team and said loudly: "General Han Xin asked me to come back and report to General Meng Yi and His Majesty Qin Huang. He said that a city appeared in front of him and asked me what to do next. 35

After hearing what the messenger said, Meng Yi immediately thought about it in his mind, and let him wait first, then he turned around and came to the edge of the golden frame.

The news ahead was brought to the center by Meng Yi.

At this time, Qin Huang swung his arm, waited on the little eunuch beside him, and immediately opened the door curtain.

At this time, the appearance of Emperor Qin fell in front of Meng Yi.

Meng Yi hurriedly lowered his head to show respect to Emperor Qin!

At this time, Emperor Qin said: "All matters of combat are handed over to the general, and you can handle it, and I will just sit in the middle army. 39

After he finished speaking, Meng Yi immediately clasped his fists and said, "This subordinate knows, the subordinate will go to command the legion to march and deal with the city ahead."5

After speaking, Meng Yi immediately turned around and came back to the front of the army formation.

Just now, the reason why he came to ask Qin Huang for instructions was to let Qin Huang know that he respected Qin Huang very much in his heart, and not to deal with it casually.

As for the specific battle, he really had to rely on himself, Meng Yi already had a draft in his heart.

There are nearly 10,000 troops led by Han Xin in the front.

A small half of them were still the surrendered Huns.

Their reliability must be verified over time.

Now Meng Yi will not put hope on them, and now the entire Qin State has 100,000 soldiers in the army.

In addition to the soldiers who needed to protect the Emperor Qin in the baggage team, the number of soldiers under Meng Yi's hands who can be used for battle is less than 70,000!

This also includes the Hun soldiers who surrendered in front.

The 70,000 of them want to capture a city, it depends on how strong the opponent's city is!

If there are enough troops and the city wall is relatively strong, I am afraid that there will be a lot of wear and tear and may not be able to win!

Meng Yi must consider these things clearly!

Han Xin actually reported the news ahead to him, so he definitely hoped that he could make a good plan.

Meng Yi immediately ordered the army to move forward, and he left 30,000 horses and baggage soldiers to protect the safety of Emperor Qin.

He personally led the troops and came to the place where Han Xin was stationed in front.

Han Xin leads the vanguard and rests temporarily at the edge of that road!

The gathered Xiongnu soldiers squatted on the ground and slowly ate the dry food and clean water that had been distributed.

They didn't dare to die at this time, they could do whatever they wanted, otherwise, Han Xin would order the soldiers of the Qin State armed with sharp weapons to kill them all.

Han Xin and the others didn't wait long. After they had eaten a meal, Meng Yi had already come with the army.

The men and horses he led were all cavalry, and the sound of the horses rumbled far and wide on the ground.

Fortunately, Han Xin retreated a long way, so those above the city wall must be impossible to find.

After Han Xin and the men led by Meng Yi got together, he immediately found Meng Yi and said, "The city ahead is too high, and our troops will lose a lot of money if they attack! I think we should use a trick to deceive the gate ! At this time, the warhorse rushes into the field to rush to kill, and can completely take down the city! 99

Hearing Han Xin's words, Meng Yi nodded and said, "You and I have both thought about it, but it's not that easy to implement.

Han Xin stood up and said: "It's okay, teach me this matter, I know a few Huns are very clever, and let them go to Kaichengmen, if it really can't be 1.4, let's talk about other things!

Hearing Han Xin's words, Meng Yi thought about it and said, "Okay! I'll leave it to you!

Meng Yi naturally trusts Han Xin!

Han Xin's ability is obvious to all!

He said yes, there should be a good grasp!

At this time, letting Han Xin do it is also a manifestation of Meng Yi's trust!

The war horse started to move again, but this time it was only Han Xin himself.

He came between the formations of the Huns, and at this moment he could see that the descendants of the Huns were divided into two parts.

Part of the Huns from the Huang Jin family brought the remaining Huns to surrender, while the other part consisted of only two people. These two were the two Huns who went out to find the city and were rewarded with war horses by Han Xin!

They were not from a high background, but they got good things that no one else could get, so they were isolated!

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