Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

352 Lis10 to my orders and arrest people on the spot! (Please subscribe!)

At the same time, it smashed horizontally towards the front.

The two knight spears swung over and were caught at this time.

Then Han Xin and Weshang took advantage of the horse's speed to push the spears horizontally forward.

A thud slammed into the two cavalrymen, knocking them flying.

After the two cavalry fell, they were directly trampled into meat patties by the horse's hoofs.

Han Xin then put away his spear and rushed left and right, and none of the European cavalry who fought against him could survive, and fell to the ground one after another.

After the European cavalry fell to the ground, Han Xin turned his eyes to the running duke. The duke's heart was already dissipated, and he was very frightened.

He didn't expect these soldiers under his hands to be unable to stop him even for a moment.

The men led by Han Xin rushed forward and easily broke through the barrier of his men and came behind him.

If overtaken, the duke will surely die.

After thinking of this, he whipped his whip vigorously and drove the horse under him to run fast.

The warhorse was foaming at the mouth and had already pulled the speed to the maximum.

But because the armor they wear is too bulky.

Moreover, this batch of war horses also started running in a hurry.

There was a big battle inside the city, and now they just ran out of the city and ran wildly, and their hearts couldn't stand the long running.

If it continues, it will surely fail.

But at this time, the duke could no longer care about that, he just wanted to get out of his life quickly.

Under this premise, the warhorse he was riding increased its speed and moved forward.

The rest of the cavalry did the same thing. At this time, they didn't care about whether the horses could withstand the violent running. They just wanted to get out of this place quickly, so that they could escape the danger and save their lives!

In the rear, Han Xin swung the spear in his hand, and a piece of blood was thrown out and fell to the ground.

He was murderous, urging the warhorse, and rushing towards the front!

At a very fast speed, he caught up with the Duke who was running ahead, and the cavalry under his hands.

The two sides chased each other very hotly.

At this time, a European cavalry warhorse following the Duke suddenly screamed and fell forward.

The cavalry also tumbled to the ground, and the Duke was beside him.

He turned the direction of the horse's head in a panic, and avoided it dangerously without being affected.

At this time, the fallen cavalry was also kicked by the horse that ran behind him, and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

After the horses ran past, he stood up on the ground.

At this moment, he saw Han Xin poking the long spear in his shaking hands, directly stabbing him to death.

After that, Han Xin stopped immediately, chasing the Duke who was fleeing in front of him.

This was because the warhorse that the European cavalry was riding had already run to the limit, and some couldn't hold it any longer.

If it weren't for the long-term warhorse of the Duke being strong enough, he might not have been able to withstand the fall just now.

Han Xin shook the horse's reins.

His figure also swayed slightly with the frequency of the horse's running.

Having spent many years fighting outside Han Xin, he also knew that running at this time had to form a unified rhythm with the war horse.

In this way, you can save your own stamina and the stamina of your war horse.

The two sides formed a line, the maximum possible delay of the horse's endurance.

And the horses he rides are also extremely durable.

At this moment, the gap between the two sides is contrasted!

The European cavalry led by the duke was charging fast in front of him. There were cavalrymen in the cavalry team constantly. Because the horses they were riding were exhausted to the peak of their physical strength, they couldn't hold back and fell to the ground.

They run fast!

The moment they stopped, they flew out directly with inertia.

The fallen horses and cavalry brought down their companions, causing even greater confusion.

At the same time, the war horse that the duke was riding was also panting, and the sound became louder and louder.

Seeing that he could no longer hold on, the duke roared: "Everyone listens to my order, immediately turn around and charge the cavalry team behind!

After he finished speaking, he followed the cavalry and turned their direction instinctively, aiming at Han Xin and others who were running over.

The duke, however, was unstoppable and continued to run forward.

After seeing his appearance, the knights who were ordered to turn around by him all opened their mouths, feeling unbelievable.

Their duke was too timid to throw them away and just run for their lives.

・・Ask for flowers・

At this time, they wanted to catch up, but there was no way!

Because they've turned around.

The moment they turned around, Han Xin was already chasing him.

Unprepared, these knights quickly urged their horses to meet them.

Some of the cavalry ran towards the roads on both sides, trying to escape.

However, when they wanted to urge the war horses to move forward, at this time, several groups of war horses couldn't help kneeling directly on the ground because of their extreme condition, and then rolled over and pressed the knight they were riding on the ground.

A large number of war horses galloped up, forming a huge impact.

Han Xin took the lead, and the Qin cavalry behind him rushed past the fallen knights.

Without weapons, just stepping on the horse's iron hooves will trample them all to death!

A few lucky ones escaped, but several spears flew out from Han Xin's team, pinning them to the ground.

In the end, only a few war horses whose physical strength was exhausted to the extreme, they knelt directly on the ground without running a few steps.

Whether they can survive depends on whether their own vitality is strong.

The speed of the war horses was slightly blocked after they rushed over. At this time, Han Xin found that the speed of the war horses they were riding began to decrease.

He looked up and looked forward.

The duke, who was running wildly, was still rushing forward at a high speed at this time, and it seemed that he was not affected at all!

Just when Han Xin was about to increase his running power, suppress their potential, and let them rush forward quickly, he found that the duke who was running in front of him suddenly shouted and his figure was involuntarily skewed!

It turned out that the warhorse he was riding had finally reached its peak, his physical strength was exhausted, he couldn't help foaming at the mouth and fell down.

The Duke was also thrown to the ground by surprise and rolled out a long distance.

After the group of war horses he was riding fell down, blood spurted out of his mouth and nose.

This is because the heart is overworked, and it will press on the blood, causing the blood vessels to collapse.

After the Duke rolled over, it was fortunate that the armor protection he was wearing did not suffer much damage.

But it was extremely difficult for him to get up, after all, this armor was also very thick.

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