Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

351 Wasteland Chase, Desperate Look! (Subscribe!)

After rushing past, the cavalry was trampled to death by his companion!

Meng Yi's eyes turned to the rear at this time, those European cavalrymen on horses.

The light of the sword in his hand flickered, and cavalrymen dropped off the horse while his arms fluttered.

That makes the European cavalry very fast, but in contrast, their combat effectiveness is not very good

Meng Yi is a warrior.

Under the constant slashing at this time, the European cavalry continued to fall, and the Qin cavalry behind them also rushed forward quickly.

The cavalry of the Qin state were very fast, and their formation was rigorous, running swiftly with Meng as their head.

When Meng Yi rushed into the opponent's array first, those Qin cavalrymen also began to form a triangular array with him as the arrow position, and rushed directly into it along the cut gap.

Although the array of European cavalry is very strict.

But their combat effectiveness was not enough. Meng Yi was like a hot knife cutting into butter, and he easily cut the array into two sections.

And the cavalry of Qin who followed behind him took advantage of the situation to keep up and widened the gap.

The number of these running European cavalry was originally insufficient.

At this time, Meng Yi led the cavalry to charge for a while, and the formation became messy.

Seeing this situation, the Duke knew that he had no chance.

Immediately, he shouted 343 times, and then led the generals around him, quickly circled an arc, and ran in the other direction!

He wanted to use them to block Meng Yi's steps before the cavalry under his hands were completely killed, and then he could escape from here.

No power or wealth is important to him, and now he just wants to live.

Under such a premise, the duke rode on his horse and ran fast, away from the city wall.

Meng Yi also saw the appearance of the duke's escape, although the duke's escape was very fast at this time, which caught people off guard.

But after all, he was the person Qin Huang personally named to win.

So Meng Yi was watching him all the time, and when he saw him fleeing, he immediately directed his cavalry to chase forward.

Just at this moment, Han Xin also rushed over with the cavalry team.

Han Xin took the lead,

He also saw that the duke had left, so he led his cavalry directly and chased forward!

Those European cavalrymen who remained were rushed to pieces by the team led by Meng Yi. These European cavalrymen wanted to protect the Duke's safety through their own fighting. (bbbe)

But the Duke deserted them and retreated, making all the cavalry feel betrayed.

They have no intention of fighting now, so under Meng Yi's encirclement and suppression, they immediately fled wildly.

And those cavalrymen under Meng Yi also formed a queue to chase them all over the mountains and plains.

He didn't chase Han Xin along the way Han Xin was running, and he was very confident in Han Xin's catching up with the Duke in his heart.

He believed that Han Xin would be able to catch the Duke and bring him to justice.

Han Xin took the lead, holding a long sword in his hand.

The long sword was then returned to its sheath by him.

Then, when he stretched out his hand, he saw a soldier next to him threw a long gun, which was held by Meng Yi!

The long spear swung out, passing a cold light.

Meng Yi's appearance was extraordinary at this time, and a team of men and horses ran fast at a position less than three kilometers in front of him.

This team was led by the Duke.

Those homes surrounded the duke, desperate to find their way.

He kept looking back, and he could see that the chasing soldiers in the rear were constantly approaching.

Although the horses they are riding are very big, because the armor worn by the cavalry on their side is too heavy, there is no way to make these horses speed up!

On the other hand, the armor worn by the soldiers of the Qin state was not too heavy, and their long-term war horses were also very durable.

Under the mutual cancellation of the two sides, the distance between them is constantly approaching.

Seeing that the duke was about to be caught up, his heart sank, he said loudly: "Selection of some people to stop them, absolutely don't let them catch up with me!"

After hearing the Duke's order, the captains of these cavalry immediately led some of the cavalry around them to run towards the rear to block them.

The number of cavalry led by this captain was about 500 people.

The captain had a desperate look on his face.

Han Xin, who was chasing behind him, led nearly 7,000 troops.

These men and horses are all cavalry on horses, their fighting power is strong, and their temperament is also very high.

Facing them, relying on the hundreds of soldiers he led would definitely not work.

But now the duke gave him orders, and he could only obey!

The Duke is still a very high status in the heart of this cavalry captain, and these more than a thousand people are also the Duke's most loyal subordinates.

They can give up their lives for the Duke.

Unlike other cavalrymen who were afraid of being beaten, these cavalrymen could work hard for the duke, so they were kept by their side.

The five hundred cavalry formed a long line and rushed horizontally towards the chasing Qin cavalry team.

Captain takes the lead.

Holding a knight's sword in his hand, he roared to meet Han Xin, who was at the forefront.

Han Xin's expression remained unchanged when he saw him coming, but at this time the captain swung the knight sword in his hand towards Han Xin's body.

The two sides staggered, and Han Xin shook the long spear in his hand from an incredible angle.

The long spear immediately penetrated the captain's neck and protruded from the back of his head!

The captain stared vigorously, with an unbelievable look, he was provoked by Han Xin with a shot!

He then waved out, and with a clatter, the captain was thrown away.

He died in mid-air.

When he was about to die, he was still in disbelief. He didn't expect him to be killed so easily!

Han Xin did not feel any joy in killing a knight.

His years of fighting on the battlefield made his heart feel like stone.

There was no emotional fluctuation at all.

Then he vigorously swung the long spear in his hand, and shot it forward with force.

In front of him, two other knights charged sideways, both of them were holding knight spears, and their targets were Han Xin.

These knights can see that Han Xin is the leader of the entire team. As long as Han Xin is killed, the entire team will definitely panic!

At this time, their duke was able to escape.

However, their wishful thinking was wrong. Seeing that they were about to arrive, Han Xin snorted coldly and waved the spear in his hand in a circle in front of him, forming the appearance of a big windmill.

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