Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

279 The opportunity to counterattack has come, scattered and escaped! (Please subscribe!)

Han Xin took advantage of the opportunity created by most of the soldiers with their lives, and led his men to rush past and came to the Chengmen Cave.

Hundreds of Huns are still standing beside the city gate for protection here, and they all have elite weapons and armor in their hands!

After seeing Han Xin coming, they were shocked, they didn't expect Han Xin's speed to be so fast.

One of the Huns immediately waved a flame, burning a rope that was hanging down beside him.

There will be a rope between the city gates, and this rope is connected to a stone weighing thousands of pounds.

This is to prevent the city gate from being attacked, there is no way to protect it, it is opened, and this is a defensive measure!

It will take several days for the huge boulder to fall, and it may take several days to move it, and this may change the situation.

Seeing that the rope was about to be burned, Han Xin backhanded dodged a long spear that was poking at the "two six seven" and threw it heavily towards the burning Huns. The Huns were crucified to the ground.

Then he quickly came to the city gate, the sword in his hand swept back and forth, and the soldiers of the Xiongnu were cut to the ground one after another. , so that those Huns fell to the ground one after another.

After falling to the ground, the Huns were trampled by war horses again, spitting out blood.

Seeing this situation, Han Xin said without thinking: "Open the city gate immediately! 99

Following his order, the soldiers beside him turned over and dismounted, came to the back of the unattended city gate, and pulled the latch open.

After several door latches were pulled open, the city gate was slowly opened with a creak.

At this time, on the battlefield, Meng Yi was sitting on the back of a war horse, thinking about whether to retreat!

Because just now, when his soldiers rushed to the city wall, they were stopped a lot, and many of them fell off the city wall.

If they don't retreat, the casualties here will be very heavy.

Just when he was about to give an order, he saw a lieutenant shouting loudly: "General, look at the gates of the city being opened!

Looking in the direction pointed by the lieutenant, Meng Yi saw that the closed city gate was opened, and he was immediately overjoyed.

At this time, he quickly said: "It must have been General Han Xin who led someone to break through the city wall. This is a good opportunity. I ordered everyone to press down and immediately rush into the city wall from the edge of the city gate. Anyone who resists will be shot and killed. Stay alive!"

Just when Meng Yi's order was issued, dozens of Daqin soldiers rushed out of the city gate and lowered the drawbridge.

These suspension bridges were originally erected, but when they were lowered, a wide passage was formed.

When those lieutenants heard the news, they immediately urged their soldiers to rush forward. They all knew that this was a good opportunity.

On the battlefield, fighter planes are changing rapidly.

Meng Yi issued the order, just when the city gate opened.

If the speed is too slow and the enemy regains control of the city gate, then they will be isolated from the Daqin soldiers.

At this time, you must hurry up and rush in first!

At that time, stabilize the formation on the edge of the city gate and slowly attack outwards.

With this thought in mind, the attacking lieutenants rushed to the edge of the city gate.

At this time, Han Xin just killed all the soldiers guarding the city gate, and got on his horse.

Seeing a large number of Daqin soldiers from behind rushing towards him, he raised his saber aloft and shouted angrily: "Kill them back! Clean up those Huns!

As he spoke, he immediately rushed towards the crowd of Huns led by Timur behind the city gate!

At this time, in order to stop these Huns, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty dismounted and fought on foot one after another!

They faced a large number of deaths of the Huns in a tight formation, and only 15,000 people remained at this time of 20,000 horses.

It happened that Han Xin led a large number of reinforcements behind him to arrive.

They charged forward quickly and crashed directly into the crowd of Huns, knocking them over.

After seeing Han Xin leading a large number of cavalry to run over, among the Huns, Timur's expression changed sharply as he stood there, and the number of these Huns under his command was running out.

After some hedging and fighting just now, the subordinates around him were reduced one after another.

His eyes are so gloomy!

Just now he saw that he was about to stabilize the situation, but found that Han Xin actually led the remaining Daqin soldiers to run to the edge of the city gate and opened the city gate. It was too late for him to stop it. When Han Xin started to lead people to recoil , Timur knew that the overall situation was set at this time!

The city gate was opened, indicating that there was no way to keep this city.

But he was not reconciled, seeing Han Xin leading the cavalry to charge back, bumping into his men and turning their backs.

Timur immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone pushes me up, no matter what, let me guard this side of the city gate!""

As he spoke, he quickly backed away, while the Huns standing beside him all shouted and rushed forward.

Seeing that his subordinates were rushing up, at this time Timur took a bow and arrow from one of his subordinates and aimed in the direction Han Xin was running.

He wanted to shoot Han Xin to death, because he knew that all this was done under the auspices of Han Xin!

Those cavalrymen were able to rush to the city gate under the circumstances of his repeated fire wall attacks and siege. Everything was inseparable from Han Xin's commanding ability.

As long as Han Xin is killed, the cavalry under his command will surely flee in all directions, and then the opportunity for the Huns to counterattack will come.

With this thought in mind, he bent his bow and pointed an arrow at Han Xin, and shot it straight out.

With a bang, the bow and arrow shot straight out towards Han Xin.

At this time, Han Xin was dealing with the patrols on both sides, and he did not expect that someone would shoot a cold arrow.

He felt the sound of the wind, and immediately looked up to find that a bow and arrow was about to fall.

He was immediately startled, dodged, and at the same time slashed 1.4 with his sword.

When there was a sound, the bow and arrow collided with his long sword, and Han Xin immediately turned his head to find that Timur was looking at him with a gloomy expression.

After seeing this situation, Han Xin exclaimed loudly: "Rush up to me! Kill this Hun general to me!"9

Between the words, he hit the horse and ran forward quickly.

The Huns who were standing there were already led by Han Xin with their cavalry, and they were in a bad formation, and they were more afraid because Han Xin opened the city gate.

At this time, he also saw Han Xin rushing towards him again, and he turned around immediately, but Han Xin and the cavalry rushed over and chopped them to the ground.

Seeing his subordinates being chopped down one after another and losing his will to fight, Timur immediately shouted: "Let me go up and don't retreat!"

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