Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

278 Breaking the defense line, the formation is scattered! (Subscribe!)

The archers kept shooting arrows. Although there was the influence of heavy rain, the shooting at close range still produced some lethality.

Daqin soldiers who get too close will be thrown to the ground.

Although the soldiers in the rear had little influence, it was always a threat.

Han Xin took the lead, following the opening, and came to the edge of the city gate.

He saw Timur standing in the crowd.

Timur was also riding a warhorse at this time, and he was also followed by a group of cavalry.

The eyes of both sides seemed to be about to ignite, and at this time, Han Xin said loudly: "We have arrived at the door, the soldiers have killed all the Huns here, let's welcome the army into the city! 35

As he spoke, he was the first to hold a saber and attack in the direction of Timur.

At the first glance they looked at each other, Han Xin could see that Timur was the leader of the soldiers here, and killing him would definitely collapse!

Seeing that Han Xin led his ministers and soldiers to attack, Timur did not dare to neglect.

He immediately shouted: "Go up and stop him! 35

When his order was issued, he saw a large number of Huns stand up, and then faced the cavalry team with the machetes and spears in their hands!

After seeing this situation, Han Xin's eyes changed, he clenched his fingers into fists again, and slammed them forward.

Seeing his actions, some of the cavalry in the rear took out long bows from their horses and shot them straight ahead!

Among these cavalry teams, there were still some cavalry archers.

After they launched the attack, the bows and arrows immediately swept a long distance and fell to the Huns standing at the gate of the city.

The bow and arrow fell, and there was a scream of agony immediately.

This was issued when the Huns were shot by arrows.

At this time, Han Xin had already raised the weapon in his hand and aimed it at the Huns who were rushing in front of him.

With a click, the weapon in his hand was blocked by the weapon held in the hands of the Huns, but because the horse he charged was fast and his strength was strong, this blow cut off all the opponent's weapons.

At the same time, Han Xin took the lead and rushed into the crowd.

As he entered the crowd, he immediately charged forward without stopping.

At this moment, there was only the city gate in Han Xin's eyes, and only those Daqin soldiers who opened the city gate could rush out.

At that time, attack the entire city and wipe out all the Huns in this city!

Timur, who was standing beside the city gate, naturally knew what Han Xin was thinking.

Of course he wouldn't let that happen.

Immediately, he ordered the soldiers under him to attack forward without fear of death to withstand the shock! The Huns also knew that this was a critical moment!

They took out the most powerful combat power and fought against the cavalry brought by Han Xin.

At the same time, there are archers shooting arrows next to them.

But Han Xin didn't care.

He had to open the city gates. After some fighting, the soldiers of Da Qin led by Han Xin had completely suppressed the soldiers on the Xiongnu side.

Seeing Han Xin rushing over on horseback, the Xiongnu soldiers blocked him. Often, they were separated by the rest of the cavalry following him before they could stop him.

At the same time, these cavalrymen waved their weapons and slashed towards both sides, and the Huns who blocked the way were immediately beheaded.

The number of these people Timur looked for was too small, and in the face of cavalry, they simply could not fight against Han Xin and others.

After several collisions, there were immediate signs of collapse.

At this time, Timur was anxious.

He personally stood in front of the team, grabbed the bow and arrow held by a soldier, and shot an arrow.

The target he aimed at was Han Xin!

Han Xin felt the sound of the wind, and he turned his head to find that Timur was shooting arrows at him.

Han Xin immediately waved the sword in his hand to block!

With a bang, he immediately threw the long sword and flew out, and at the same time he shouted: "Aim the archer over there, shoot arrows!

After his order was issued, the archers among the cavalry also sent out bows and arrows and shot at Timur!

A bow shot!

Timur avoided embarrassedly, and at the same time he let the archers on the Huns fight back!

Both sides suffered damage to their shots.

Han Xin was anxious, if he didn't open the city gate at this time, I'm afraid Meng Yi outside would withdraw those Da Qin soldiers who were attacking because of the great loss!

At that moment, Han Xin gritted his teeth and said, "Soldiers! Now is a critical moment, and we must rush to the edge of the city gate. Who of you can replace Ben to block the opponent's main force! Ben will lead a small group of people to rush to the city gate and seize the Control of the city gates!""

・・Ask for flowers・・・

After hearing his words, a lieutenant next to him immediately said loudly: "General, hurry up, we can block it here!"

During the conversation, another lieutenant came out and said loudly, "Don't worry, General, we can hold it!" After hearing what the two of them said, Han Xin immediately turned his horse's head and waved his saber quickly to charge between the Huns. past.

And as he rushed forward, the close guards around him and the other cavalrymen closely followed to form a triangular formation, rushing into the Huns, and immediately there was a scene of blood splashing!

The soldiers who stayed behind had no idea of ​​continuing to charge forward.

They stayed in place, directly urging the warhorses, and rushed towards the place with the largest crowd, preparing to disperse the formation.

Timur and others are standing behind the team!

Seeing that the cavalry did not leave and fell into a state of mutual stalemate, they felt that it was a good opportunity and rushed forward one after another!

Once these cavalry are limited in speed, they are much different from infantry.

The cavalrymen were quickly knocked over by the spearmen to their horses, and some cavalrymen ran off their horses, wielding their weapons, and slashed wildly at the Huns.

The war horses formed some barriers, which made the battle between the two sides evenly matched.

There is no victory or defeat in a short period of time.

On the other hand, Han Xin took the lead, taking the rest of the soldiers to take advantage of the soldiers who stayed behind to attract the attention of the other side, and directly broke a gap in the crowd and came to the edge of the city gate.

Timur is killing vigorously.

After those Da Qin soldiers dismounted, they actually did not have an advantage in the face of these Huns.

And because they took the initiative to dismount, a large number of them were overturned on the spot in front of the Huns who were familiar with the fighting situation and cooperated with each other.

Seeing that these cavalry were about to be taken down, Timur found that Han Xin led someone to rush through the army formation on their side.

He immediately stared and shouted, "Don't let them pass!

However, his cry was too late at this time.

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