While Li Changsheng was thinking, Ying Zheng had not made his choice yet.

Because Ying Zheng was afraid that he would get too deep into it and then he would not be able to draw anything.

He was an emperor and did not like gambling.

"Ding, the system is reminding you that the lucky draw event is a once in a lifetime event. Unless the system is upgraded, the host cannot redeem warriors from the system."Li Changsheng saw Ying Zheng's hesitation and added fuel to the fire.

This was not a lie to Ying Zheng. After the event, Li Changsheng did not intend to redeem those warrior masters.

"Hmm... How many energy points are needed for the intermediate lottery!" Ying Zheng asked after a pause.

"Intermediate: 3000, Advanced: 9000."Li Changsheng responded

"Let's try the advanced level!"Ying Zheng gritted his teeth, too lazy to do some low-level and medium-level ones, and went straight to the highest level.

After deducting 9,000 energy points, a golden turntable appeared in front of Ying Zheng's eyes, and the turntable was engraved with dragons and phoenixes that looked real.

Li Changsheng did a good job of saving face, after all, it was an advanced lottery.

1. Fist of the World: Li Chenzhou

2. Sword Demon: Dugu Qiubai

3. The World's No. 1 Chivalrous Man: Tie Zhongtang

4. The World's No. 2 Good Man: Yuwen Chengdu

5. Thank you for your support.

There are still five items, and there is still time.

Seeing the words on the fifth grid of the turntable, Ying Zheng's mouth twitched, hoping that his luck would not be so bad.

"I still have 38,000 points. If I don't win this time, I can draw twice more at most. I can exchange the rest for Jinyiwei.……"Before the needle started to move, Ying Zheng was already thinking about his way out.

According to his previous lottery experience,

Ying Zheng felt that he might have to draw twice more, and the third time might be the best.

But even so, Ying Zheng had no choice. Could he not draw?

The needle on the roulette wheel started to move rapidly, and Ying Zheng had no hope on his face.

But deep down, Ying Zheng still had a little expectation.

He was looking forward to winning!

"Brother Zheng, you are still too young."Li Changsheng smiled and put the 9,000 energy points into his pocket.

As expected, the pointer on the turntable landed on the fifth grid.

"really……"Ying Zheng didn't say anything about his disappointment, but his heart was full of regret.

After thinking for a while, Ying Zheng decided not to continue, but to leave a way out first.:

"System, first exchange one thousand Jinyiwei for me. Also, are the factory guards of the Western Factory and the Jinyiwei the same price?"

Through Yu Huatian, Ying Zheng knew about the Western Factory organization. Now that there is a supervisor, there must be subordinates, right?

"Ding, the price of the factory guards is the same as that of the Jinyiwei."Li Changsheng wanted to raise the price, but he gave up.

After all, the factory guards and the Jinyiwei have the same strength, and there is nothing more. Ying Zheng has his own measure. If he raises the price rashly, Ying Zheng will definitely not exchange it. There is no need

"Then exchange for another 1,000 factory guards, and the remaining 18,000 points will be used for the lottery."Ying Zheng responded

"Please, host, choose a suitable place."

The Qilin Hall cannot accommodate two thousand people.

Ying Zheng waved his hand to summon a eunuch and drove away everyone near the Qilin Hall.

"Put it outside the Qilin Hall."

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and crossed out all of Ying Zheng's energy points. One thousand factory guards and one thousand Jinyiwei appeared outside the Qilin Hall.

Two thousand in total, bowing their heads in unison.

"Greetings, Great King!"

Yu Huatian stood in front of the factory guards.

""Okay, okay, stand up!" Ying Zheng laughed and motioned for everyone to stand up.

This was different from the mood when others came to see him.

These two thousand people were his, Ying Zheng's, loyal soldiers.

Unlike those imperial guards, none of them were his, Ying Zheng's confidants.

""Rain in the fields!" Ying Zheng shouted

""Here!" Yu Huatian stepped forward and answered.

"I order you to lead a thousand factory guards to take over the guard of the three palaces near the Qilin Palace!"

Ying Zheng said as he wanted to take out his sword as a token of his love.

But when he saw that only the scabbard was left on his waist, he remembered that he had replaced his sword.

Ying Zheng turned and walked into the Qilin Palace, waved his hand and wrote an imperial decree, bestowing it on Yu Huatian

"Anyone who dares to obstruct my imperial decree will be executed first and reported later!"

"Yes!" Yu Huatian took the imperial edict with both hands, left with a thousand factory guards, and took over the security around Qilin Hall.

"Jinyiwei, listen to my order. You stay with me and protect my safety!" Ying Zheng looked at the Jinyiwei and said

""Yes!" Many Jinyiwei responded, and half of them entered the Qilin Hall.

The remaining 500 people were scattered around, with a guard every five steps to prevent anyone from approaching.

Ying Zheng turned around and walked back to the Qilin Hall and sat back on the dragon throne.

"The system starts the lottery!"

(Goal achieved, ten chapters tomorrow to thank you for your support, continue to ask for flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes!)

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