Ying Zheng sat on the dragon chair, thinking about how to investigate.

There were not many people in the Qin Dynasty who could make Liu Yu keep secrets, and they could be counted on one hand.

As the Shaofu, one of the nine ministers of the Qin Dynasty, there were only a few people who could make Liu Yu willing to be his running dog.

"Shaofu Liu Yu, who failed to supervise the government during his tenure, is dismissed from his post and thrown into the Tianlao prison for trial later!"Ying Zheng waved his hand and dealt with Liu Yu first.

"Please spare my life, my lord. This is none of my business. My lord, I am one of the Nine Ministers and cannot be dismissed at will.……"Liu Yu's face changed and he begged for mercy, but the Jinyiwei didn't give him a chance to speak.

He was knocked unconscious with a knife and then dragged away!

This kind of thing should be decided by Lu Buwei after a thorough investigation.

Because Lu Buwei is now an assistant minister and holds the power of the court.

But now Ying Zheng doesn't want to care about those things. Do these people really think that he, Ying Zheng, can never rule the country in his lifetime?!

"System, exchange all the five thousand taels of gold first!"Ying Zheng stepped down from the dragon throne and came to the box of gold.

If he wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly, he would need enough manpower. Sixty Jinyiwei were obviously not enough.

"Exchange for 5,000 taels of gold, and the host will get 50,000 energy points."Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and the 5,000 taels of gold disappeared.

Ying Zheng's account also had 50,000 more energy points.

"Fifty thousand points……"Li Changsheng narrowed his eyes. 50,000 points is not a small amount. We can start some activities.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through 10,000 energy points, triggering the system's limited-time lucky draw event!"If you want to do it, do it. Li Changsheng directly edited a lucky draw disc

"Limited time lucky draw event?"Ying Zheng was a little puzzled. He originally wanted to replace 5,000 Jinyiwei. Not to mention taking charge of the court, he had to first take control of the palace guards.

But now that Li Changsheng had organized a lucky draw event, Ying Zheng temporarily gave up his original plan.

"The limited-time lucky draw event is opened after the host's energy points reach a certain value. It can only exist for one hour. Please experience it as soon as possible."

""The system reminds you that the prizes in the lucky draw are not redeemable items at ordinary times." Li Changsheng tempted Ying Zheng.

If Ying Zheng exchanged all of them for Jinyiwei, Li Changsheng would not get any kickbacks, which would be a pity.

After all, the price of Jinyiwei was fully told to Ying Zheng at the beginning, without raising the price at all.

"Tsk, this is a bit of a mistake, after all, it's the first time."Li Changsheng said to himself.

However, this time, Li Changsheng didn't plan to deduct too much, just a little bit.

More importantly, he wanted to get a few masters to protect Ying Zheng. The lord of the Qin Dynasty didn't even have a master around him.

It was too outrageous!

"System, can I take a look at the so-called reward?"Ying Zheng was a little cautious. He didn't understand these things at all.

"The lucky draw is divided into three levels!"Li Changsheng smiled and waved his hand. Three roulette wheels appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

There were five items in the first roulette wheel.

1. Mo Dao Bing × 500

2. Xichang Supervisor: Yu Huatian

3. Gentleman Sword: Yue Buqun

4. Huashan Sword Sect: Feng Buping

5. Thank you for your support and keep working hard!

Yes, there is still time for this lucky draw!

Isn't this nonsense? If you don't have time, what will Li Changsheng get for kickbacks?

Li Changsheng doesn't want to cheat Zheng Ge from the reward for the time being. He wants to leave Zheng Ge with the idea that the system products must be high-quality.

So Li Changsheng didn't take kickbacks from the reward, but made a thank you for patronage!

"Master warriors, and 1,000 energy points can be exchanged for 500 soldiers?!"Ying Zheng took a look, most of these rewards were for master warriors, which he could not exchange.

And for the Mo Dao soldiers, 500 required 5,000 points, but now 1,000 could be drawn.

What attracted Ying Zheng the most were the masters.

Among the warriors in this world, there was the Yuenu Sword Aqing, who could break through the armor of 3,000 people with one sword and was invincible on the battlefield.

There was also the Taoist ancestor, whose sword energy was 9,000 miles long and who traveled freely around the world with a sword.

However, Ying Zheng had never seen any of these masters in the palace, let alone recruit them.

"But there seems to be a risk of waste, but this risk is worth it!"Ying Zheng's mind moved, and he made a decision.

First, a thousand energy points!

"Ding, deduct 1000 energy points, start the lottery."Li Changsheng directly transferred 1000 energy points from Ying Zheng's account.

No need to look, nothing can be drawn, because he is behind the scenes!

Sure enough, under Ying Zheng's anxious gaze, the pointer stayed at the fifth grid, keep going!

"Hmm... again!" Ying Zheng hesitated for a moment and said.

He needed a master to escort him. No matter how many guards he had, they could not match the close protection of a master.

In the past, Ying Zheng could not recruit masters, but now that he had this opportunity, Ying Zheng was naturally unwilling to give up easily.

He deducted 1,000 energy points again, and still drew nothing.

Ying Zheng clenched his hands, and he felt something was wrong.

"One last time... If it doesn't work, I'll try again later!"

Li Changsheng's face straightened when he heard it, and he deducted another thousand energy points.

It's almost done!

The pointer on the disk slid slowly, and stopped under Ying Zheng's fixed gaze.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing the Western Factory Supervisor: Yu Huatian!"

Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that I didn't have time. It's good that I didn't have time.

""System, who is this Yu Huatian?" Ying Zheng asked hurriedly.

He spent 3,000 energy points to draw this expert. He was worth 300 Jinyiwei.

If this person is a waste, he, Ying Zheng, swore that he would never do this lottery again.

"Yu Huatian, the supervisor of the West Factory, a congenital master……"Li Changsheng waved his hand and sent a message into Ying Zheng's mind.

Xixia Fenghua is not as good as you, curling his lips and stroking his hair!

Yu Huatian, this is a man with feminine beauty, and at the same time he has his domineering nature.

This is an extremely proud person!

He commands the palace, has power over the government and the country, with a wave of his long arm, he can capture knights thousands of miles away; with a whip, he can chase concubines in the desert.

What can I do? A little pride will lead to a complete loss, and all ambitions will be wasted, and I will end up without a burial.

The price of a conversation with an innate master is more than two thousand. Although Li Changsheng took a kickback for this order, he was not too greedy.

""What a great West Factory Supervisor Yu Huatian!" Ying Zheng exclaimed. This is the kind of person he needs now.

This is the kind of person who dares to draw his sword and slaughter all living beings at his command!

This is the kind of master who is willing to be a running dog for the emperor and disdains the eyes of others.

"Do you want to try the intermediate lottery?……"Ying Zheng calmed down and looked at the second turntable.

Li Changsheng's eyes gradually brightened up. Draw, what are you hesitating about?

Li Changsheng didn't take kickbacks to restrict Ying Zheng.

It's because Li Changsheng needs to pay for energy points to post tasks like usual. This is the first point.

If he doesn't have energy points, how can he post tasks and control my brother Zheng?

It will be very inconvenient at that time.

The second point is that Li Changsheng needs real freedom, but that requires a huge amount of energy points.

Little by little, Li Changsheng can see it and take it slowly.

(Only 380 flowers left, begging for support.)

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