"Haha, I was just worrying about how to fight the BOSS with so many people. Now it's all right. Although it's a bit troublesome to fight the gold-level BOSS, this is interesting."After seeing the empty valley below, Luo Yu Wuqing was immediately ecstatic.

""Wait, Boss, there seems to be another person over there who has not been killed by the BOSS." At this time, one of the knight players also noticed Dongfang Yixian, and pointed at him in surprise.

Luo Yu Wuqing heard this and cast his eyes over. Sure enough, he saw a swordsman-like player who was not killed by the BOSS's AOE like them.

"Boss, I remember now, isn't this guy the one who led a group of rookie girls to beat up the BOSS before we came here?" The knight player thought for a while and suddenly realized.

"Oh?"After hearing this, Luo Yu Wuqing looked at Dongfang Yixian again, and his eyes also showed interest.

"My brother, you seem to be quite skilled. What? Do you want to snatch the BOSS from us?"

"Robbing? Haha, I don't understand what you mean. I was the one fighting the BOSS. Don't you know who is robbing whose BOSS?" Dongfang Yixian didn't want to give in.

"Haha, what you said seems to be right, but this is the rule of the game after all. Everyone is jealous of the BOSS rewards, so you can't blame me."Luo Yu Wuqing was also amused by his words.

"You guys go down and continue to reduce the boss's health. I'll hold this guy back. Oh, it's been a while since I fought against a master. My hands are itching."

""Yes!" Then, the seven people rushed straight to the BOSS, and soon, there was a sound of fighting.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yixian also looked at the seven people fighting with the BOSS, but he unexpectedly found that the seven people were far superior to the previous small fish in terms of equipment, skills, and awareness, and even their cooperation was several times better than that of the Moon God Gang.

It seems that this group of people are the real masters of the game.

Just when Dongfang Yixian was about to move to stop them, he saw that Luo Yu Wuqing suddenly took out several talismans and stopped him.

"What's the hurry? Brother, why don't you play with me?"

"Sorry, I'm busy." Dongfang Yixian snorted coldly.

"That's not up to you."Luo Yu Wu Qing's mouth slightly raised, and then he threw it with one hand, and many talisman papers on it were ejected. Then one became two, two became three, and in just a few breaths, thousands of them were formed, sweeping towards Dongfang Yixian.

Looking at the talisman papers that directly covered his head, Dongfang Yixian swung two consecutive swings upwards, directly cutting a gap.

Then Dongfang Yixian jumped out along the gap and rushed to Luo Yu Wu Qing on the other side.

"Oh my god, brother, are you so powerful?"Luo Yu Wuqing saw this and didn't expect Dongfang Yixian to rush out so quickly. Then he retreated.

Dongfang Yixian took advantage of his speed and rushed straight to Luo Yu Wuqing.

Suddenly, Luo Yu Wuqing turned around and threw out a piece of talisman paper again. Then, the talisman paper connected end to end, like a snake, winding towards Dongfang Yixian.

Then it circled around him, and finally suddenly shrank, directly tying Dongfang Yixian up.

""Haha, brother, I caught you, didn't I? Try this trick!" After saying that, Luo Yu Wuqing took out a few more talisman papers and threw them at Dongfang Yixian who was unable to move.

The moment the talisman papers were thrown out, they instantly turned into a ball of fire, whistling straight towards Dongfang Yixian.

"Bang Bang Bang......"

A series of explosions were heard from all parts of Dongfang Yixian's body, and the smoke from the explosions also engulfed Dongfang Yixian.

However, just when Luo Yu Wuqing thought that Dongfang Yixian had been killed by him, after the smoke dissipated, he saw Dongfang Yixian looking at him calmly.

"How......How could it be? Seeing that Dongfang Yixian was basically unharmed, Luo Yu Wuqing glanced at his health bar and found that his health value had only dropped by 15 points.

"This guy not only has explosive damage, but also has ridiculously high defense!"

While Luo Yu Wuqing was thinking, Dongfang Yixian smiled coldly, then exerted force with both arms and directly broke free from the talisman paper that bound him.

""Shit!" Seeing this, Luo Yu Wuqing, who had not yet had time to retract his solemn brows, was suddenly stunned.

"Even if this guy is a swordsman, his strength is too great, isn't it?"At this point, Luo Yu Wuqing finally looked unhappy.

"No, this guy is stronger than I thought. I can't fight him head-on. I just need to harass him and prevent him from getting close to the BOSS."

After making up his mind, Luo Yu Wuqing no longer attacked Dongfang Yixian, but dodged and resolved his attacks. The original battle turned into a chase.

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