Afterwards, Dongfang Yixian directly adjusted the weak promotion probability from 9% to 100%.

Without the obstruction of the Moon God Gang, other players who came rushed into the battlefield continuously.

Although many of them were unfortunately killed by the Serpent Tailed Lion Head Beast King with a casual slap, and people were constantly sacrificed, they did not care, but became more radical.

After all, the rewards of the wild BOSS are so generous, and in the face of absolute interests, reason is often fragile.

"Tsk, give it away, a bunch of idiots who only know how to give away experience for free. When the boss is promoted, it will be too late for you to escape."

Looking at the people who were fighting the boss excitedly again, Dongfang Yixian smiled evilly, glanced at the experience bar below the boss, and counted silently in his heart.

"98%......99%......100%, advanced!"

The moment he finished speaking, the scarred body of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king suddenly flashed with a dazzling light.

"Oh my god, why did this BOSS suddenly glow? Is it about to activate a skill?"

"That's not right. This boss just used his skill not long ago. It's still on CD."

"And this light doesn't look right, it doesn't look like a special effect for a skill warning."

Although some slow-reacting players also saw the glowing BOSS, they didn't pay much attention to it and continued to swing their swords vigorously, fearing that they would fall behind.

"Oh no! This is the light of promotion! The boss is going to be promoted!"However, some careful players immediately noticed something was wrong and shouted.

This shout immediately triggered a chain reaction, waking everyone up from the dream of getting the boss's reward.

"What?! BOSS......Going to advance?!"

"Damn, doesn’t the promotion instructions say there’s only a 10% chance of successfully advancing?"

"Damn, the power of the gold-level BOSS is no joke!"

Some people who were still afraid because of the BOSS's promotion also stopped in fear. However, just as they were about to back off, another greedy voice of instigation came from the crowd.

"What are you afraid of? The monster will be promoted, and the reward will be doubled! There are so many of us, are we really afraid of just one of them?"

"That's right! This beast is already out of health, brothers, keep fighting!"

Accompanied by greedy voices, the players who were about to leave, after struggling for a while, gritted their teeth and went back to continue to kill the BOSS.

"Ha, a bunch of idiots who know nothing about power." Seeing this, Dongfang Yixian raised a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth, then looked at the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king who was ready to show his power, and said jokingly:"Here it comes!"


While Dongfang Yixian was watching the show leisurely, the eyes of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king who had just successfully advanced turned bloodshot, and then the snake tail behind him opened its bloody mouth, and with a flash of skill warning light, it swept around fiercely.

And this sweep directly killed nearly a hundred players in front of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king instantly.

Seeing a large group of people being killed by the BOSS instantly, the remaining players were terrified, but they still fought hard. However, they were surprised to find that the damage data that had appeared from time to time before, -1, had now all become misses.

"Damn, how......How come it can't cause any harm?"

"Oh no, the boss has improved his dodge after upgrading.......This is impossible to beat!"

""Run! This beast is about to use its skills again!"

While everyone was confused, the body of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king once again issued a skill warning.

The greed in the eyes of the people who immediately realized the seriousness of the matter disappeared completely in an instant, and then they all ran behind them in panic.

However, all this was too late.

The snake-tailed lion-headed beast king, whose movements were originally a little slow, suddenly raised his huge lion head and roared towards the sky.

The strong sound waves spread out from the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king at a very fast speed. For a moment, all the people in the valley were directly lifted into the sky by the huge impact force, and then fell heavily on the edge of the valley.

Accompanied by shrill screams, the valley that originally had hundreds of players was swept away like a desktop cleaning master in an instant.

"Humph, you've tasted the bitter fruit now, you dare to covet the boss's reward, and you don't even consider your own weight." Seeing that the valley was full of player models trying to snatch the boss's head, Dongfang Yixian was immediately happy.

""Shit, I didn't expect this BOSS to advance to the next level. Luckily we dodged quickly."

But at this moment, a slightly surprised voice came from another direction into Dongfang Yixian's ears.

Looking over, Dongfang Yixian saw eight players standing on the edge of another valley, and their health bars were unexpectedly close to full.

"Who are these people? How could they be unscathed by such a strong AOE of the BOSS?......"

When Dongfang Yixian was doubtful, he saw a young man in the front of the group, who was particularly eye-catching.

Nickname: Luo Yu Wuqing

Level: 3

Occupation: Mage

Although the character information showed that his occupation was a mage, Luo Yu Wuqing's dress was different from the traditional mage's dress. Instead, he looked more like a Taoist priest.

"This guy, is he also a hidden profession?"

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