Chapter 184 Undercurrent surging grassland (give a subscription support)

“Da Qin Weiwei is also too cruel. He killed our messenger directly in Xianyang City. Where does this put Donghu’s face?”

One of the Mobei forces in the grassland, in the tent belonging to the Donghu site, the leader of Donghu did not hide the anger on his face.

“That Da Qin is really too arrogant, not to mention the envoy who killed my Donghu openly, and cut off each of them.”

“Yes, don’t think my Donghu is a bully, it’s really hateful, don’t put us in one’s eyes at all.

“It’s a big deal to fight with them. It’s better than being so squandered. If you say kill, kill. When we are bullies?”

In this regard, the tribe leaders of Donghu shouted to show Daqin a good look, and it is strange that no one took the initiative to ask for a fight.

“However, the Huns haven’t made the slightest movement yet, and our Donghu force alone can’t beat the powerful Qin army on the border.”

After thinking about it, the leader of Donghu restrained the anger in his body and thought of another important question.

Donghu alone is totally unworkable. The Xiongnu, one of the two grasslands in Mobei, is the most important backing.

“It is said that the Xiongnu died of the first Shan Yutouman, and he also died directly in the hands of Qin Jun, succeeded by his son Moudun, presumably they will not give up.”

At this time, a tribal leader thought of something and said aloud.

“If this is the case, it would be great. I don’t have to worry about the Huns not uniting with us.”

I heard that the high-level Donghu officials were ecstatic, and they all looked very excited.

He had been going south with the Xiongnu before, and Da Qin estimated that he would not let them go, so he might as well unite and fight again.

“However, Mouton just became Shan Yu of the Huns. It is impossible for him to act in a short time.”

There is bound to be a stage of integration between the old and the new Shanyu or the leader. The leader of Donghu who knows that from this point can’t help but frown.

“That’s right, even if Mouton becomes the second Shan Yu, and there is no one to oppose it, the possibility of going south is still relatively low.

Hearing such a sentence, all Donghu high-level officials realized that if they wanted to travel south to the long Qin realm, they could only rely on them.

“Big Chief, what do you say, should Donghu continue to unite with the Xiongnu, or say…”

Only relying on their strength to attack the Qin realm southward, they might have given the fierce Qin army a counterattack, and all the Donghu high-level officials were immediately discouraged.

“We Donghu continue to form an alliance with the Xiongnu. On the other hand, as long as we don’t attack us, don’t provoke Daqin.”

Looking at the people in front of him, the leader of Donghu carefully considered it again and again, and said calmly.

It’s not that I didn’t think about getting close to Daqin before, but what I heard was that the envoys who came close to the Xiongnu basically encountered the killing of the Qin army.

Moreover, they are one of the main forces going south, and the hatred of Daqin towards Donghu is no less than that of the Xiongnu themselves.

“Okay, let’s listen to the big boss.

They and the Xiongnu are grasshoppers on the same rope. The Donghu high-level officials did not object. Under the great pressure of the Qin army, they rarely agreed.

Now the Xiongnu have a new single to succeed, especially in the face of Da Qin, it is necessary to re-establish the joint relationship between the two sides to ensure that Donghu can survive.

“Okay, immediately send people to the Xiongnu to explain my Donghu’s intentions.”

Seeing that there was no objection, the leader of Donghu was quite satisfied, so he said directly.

“Yes, big boss, do it now.”

A scene like today is not uncommon in the grassland Mobei, for fear that Da Qin will find them one by one to settle accounts, and urgently need to find a more powerful backing.

“You said last time, we Yueshi, how should we go next?”

Yueshi’s second Shan Yu-Duman, looked at the people in the account, and asked questions first.

“Shan Yu, judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Da Qin is going to deal with the Xiongnu. We can observe and observe first.”

“Because no matter which party it is, it is temporarily unable to express the true attitude, otherwise it will not be good for us if it is offended at the same time.

Axiuran, the younger brother of Yueshi Shanduman, analyzed it with a fairly clear thought.

“It makes a lot of sense. The Xiongnu are one of the two major forces in the grassland of Mobei, while Daqin is a behemoth with a large population and a powerful military force.”

The remarks just now won the approval of most people present, and each nodded and said.

If the Daqin or the Xiongnu were so easy to deal with, it wouldn’t be enough to maintain a confrontational side.

“Axiu chaotic, you can talk about own opinion, just say it.”

After thinking about it, Duman looked at his own pro-Little Brother, and then said.

Suddenly, everyone on the scene looked towards the Asiu chaos, who was sitting on the left side and was once known as the wisdom home of Mobei in the grassland, as if they were full of great confidence.

“If the Great Qin has the advantage, we will take the opportunity to regain the place occupied by the Huns. If it is the Huns on the other hand, we will go south to the Qin realm to gain a benefit.

Seeing everyone’s eagerly inquiring eyes, Axiu didn’t turn off the chaos, and explained it in a brief way.

Although there are certain contradictions with the Daqin and the Xiongnu, especially the hatred brought by the latter, it is necessary to be more cautious about the rise and fall of the Yueshi.

“Not bad. When one of the players gains a clear advantage, we will choose another time to enter.

When he heard this, Duman didn’t realize that his eyes were bright. This method is very good.

“Hey, the method just mentioned is very good. I think it can be used. I believe the Huns can’t say anything.”

“In this way, we can first sit and watch them win, and I will decide which side to attack and which side to unite with.”

“Hahaha, no matter who has the advantage, our losses will not be too great.

“Yes, it will neither offend anyone in advance nor lose too much strength.”

All of a sudden, the leaders of the Yue clan who were present, where there was still the dullness before, were replaced by lively discussions.

According to the method of Shan Yu’s younger brother, Asiu, they don’t have to worry about taking refuge in the Huns or Daqin, and they can gain a lot.

“Okay, then do everything that Ashiuluan said. I, Yueshi, cannot make a clear statement for the time being. Let Daqin and Xiongnu fight fiercely.

Soon, Yue’s Shan Yu Duman had a plan to make a decision that everyone expected.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the Da Qin or the Huns will win. This is the safest way.

“Yes, Shan Yu, everything obey your instructions.

Listening to Shan Yu’s final decision, naturally no one would hold an objection, but a one-sided voice of approval. .

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