Chapter 183 Officially named army

With the attention of the emperor Ying Che and the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty, the twenty-five corps in the world have completed the formation of the Manchu corps successively.

“Your Majesty, the twenty-fifth corps has been formed, and the Daqin field regular army has officially been named.”

A few steps forward, Huang Men’s right staff officer Xiao He arched his hand and reported.

In the tone just now, there is no lack of impatient meaning, that is to be able to display one’s ambition and participate in the major events of the country’s governance policy.

“very good!”

Upon hearing this, Ying Che put down the brush in her hand and said two characters with good pronunciation.

The field regular army is the foundation of Daqin, and similarly, it is also the most useful sword for future battles.

“Xiao Qing, now draft an edict.”

After the conversation, Ying Che looked at Xiao He, who was sitting on the left, and opened his mouth.

“Hey, Your Majesty 07.

Immediately, Xiao He immediately prepared the necessary items and prepared to write a new edict.

“With the generals of the 25th Army Corps across the country, he came to Xianyang to receive the official first seal, which means the full formation of the regular army in the field.”

“All the affairs of the Corps will be temporarily handled by the deputy general, who will formally take over after returning.

In the short term, the border situation has generally stabilized. Ying Che made reasonable use of this opportunity to prepare to establish prestige in the army.

“Your Majesty, the first edict has been drawn up.”

With that said, Xiao He handed the edict that had just been written to the emperor’s case.

“Go to the Yamen of Xuanzheng Hall, and then convey it to every general of the Corps in the name of the central court, and all will arrive in Xianyang within five days.”

After a quick glance, Ying Che confirmed that there was no problem, stamped with the seal of the State Jade Seal.

The prestige that is quickly established in the army is undoubtedly not close to the actual situation. Gradually deepening the influence is the greatest kingly way.

At that time, under subtle influence, the army will surely be able to be effectively controlled, so as to exceed the height reached by the Holy Ancestor Emperor.

“Hey, Your Majesty, the minister will pass it on to the generals and lords.”

A few steps forward, Xiao He took the verbal order just now and responded with a croak.

With the current prestige of the emperor, the civil and military officials would not object most of the time, and going to convey the edict was only for execution.

“Your Majesty, there are also some reports about bribery and ties. This is preliminary information collected.

Thinking of another thing, Xiao He held back the anger in his heart, then took a bamboo slip and handed it to the emperor’s wooden case.


With a soft sound, Ying Che didn’t have much surprise, but had expected it.

Faced with such a generous treatment, it is inevitable that some people will think about it, but it would be strange if there is not.

“As a result of this incident, I have a decision of my own. You only need to continue to collect relevant information.’

It’s not the time to close the net, don’t forget that the Zhe Chong army has not been established, Ying Che said in a light tone.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

The calmer the emperor 210 is, the more it means that things will not end as simple as that. Xiao He gave a simple etiquette and responded with numerous responses.

Because, for this type of person, it is disgusting from the bottom of my heart.

“Go ahead”

Retracting her gaze, Ying Che waved her sleeve and spoke.

“Nuo, your majesty, the minister retire!”

Holding the edict in his hand, Xiao He arched his hands and quit.

“Da Qin’s Qianqiu dominance has just begun.”

Glancing at the leaving figure of Xiao He, Ying Che’s gaze was extremely long-term, which was a plan for at least several decades in the future. .

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