Chapter 171 Semi-sample, fragile paper! (give a subscription support)

“There is nothing wrong with this place, but what went wrong?”

Looking at the tree bark, hemp heads, and sheltering cloth piled together in front of him, Meng Jiangnu, who was the maid of the Lizheng Palace at the time, frowned deeply.

And what is in front of us is the extremely scattered small shredded paper, which seems to be insufficiently solidified, which leads to direct cracking.

“Don’t worry about everything, don’t worry.”

Walking to the hall of the Lizheng Hall, that is, in the East Hall, a clear echo from Ying Che resounded.

“You don’t know if you win Liu Gongzi, it has exhausted me these few days.”

As if there was magic power in the invisible, somehow Meng Jiangnu gradually calmed down and returned to her original unscheming appearance.

Of course, this is only when two people are alone, so she will speak out without taboos.

“Girl, you are not quite capable, why are you shouting tired~?

Hearing that, Ying Che’s mind was relaxed a lot, and he was not highly concentrated in the center-.

The reason why Meng Yatou was brought into the palace and appointed as the female officer of the Lizheng Hall was mainly because of her frankness and talent.

“Until today, I realized that I had jumped into the fire pit and regretted arguing with you.

It still sounded so irritating, Meng Jiangnu rolled her eyes, apparently complaining about her own bitterness.

“It’s a pity that everything is too late.

Governing the country emphasizes relaxation and relaxation. Proper relaxation or enjoyment is one of them. Ying Che shook his head slightly.

“I can’t tell you!”

Thinking that she traveled to many places in the world and argued about strong players, but she suffered again and again. Meng Jiangnu waved her powder fist as a symbolic demonstration.

“This is the newly developed semi-finished product?”

Grabbing a handful of irregular shreds, Ying Che looked at the familiar and unfamiliar semi-finished products in her sight, and said.

The surface of the small shredded paper is very rough, and if it is pinched, it will instantly break into smaller pieces, making it impossible to even wipe your hands.

“I tried it several times in sequence before, and each time it was the result. It couldn’t be solidified into a whole piece, and it cracked like this when touched.”

When talking about business, Meng Jiangnu entered the state for the first time, her eyebrows were still locked tightly, and she should have encountered quite a difficult problem.

“It’s hard for Meng girl.”

After all, the first step in papermaking is difficult, not to mention relying on one person, Ying Che has no reason to blame.

Correspondingly, I began to think about recruiting more excellent craftsmen from the folks and Shao Fuqing, and strive to succeed in the research and development in the shortest time.

“Have you tried to adjust the ratio before?”

The first step is successful to start the next step. Ying Che retracted her thoughts and asked again.

“For this, it has not been there for a long time, yes, I can completely adjust the ratio!”

I heard that Meng Jiangnu suddenly woke up and realized that she had fallen into a dead end before, and she was too concerned about success.

After all, it is a paper that replaces bamboo slips. It is easy to carry and can record more content. It will succeed wherever it is easy.

“The present world of papermaking, coupled with the printing of a big weapon, is enough to eliminate the monopoly of the family from the root, and then use the poor to compete with the nobles.”

Aristocrats existed during the Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. There are three types: new style, old style and family style. Ying Che’s eyes are gradually fixed.

Da Qin was in a background of change, and it was also a stage where the family began to rise. It depends on which party started faster.

“Develop a complete finished paper as soon as possible, and I will definitely remember you a great achievement.”

The first piece of paper is an epoch-making representative and a prerequisite for the establishment of a paper workshop, Ying Che said slowly.

“Your Majesty, rest assured, the minister will definitely go all out and develop the first blank paper as soon as possible.”

After a period of research and development, Meng Jiangnv understands what the publication of paper means, and solemnly promised.

This is a huge pioneering work in terms of changing the fate of the common people, and perhaps no longer need to carry too many bamboo slips, she is very honored to be able to participate in it.

“Don’t tire yourself out on weekdays, besides, if you have anything urgent, go to Lianhe.”

Noting the faint dark circles on Meng Yatou’s eyes, Ying Che’s tone lightened a lot and ordered.

“no problem!”

The idea of ​​research and development was reopened. Meng Jiangnv did not continue to stay in place, and instead devoted himself to the state with twelve points.

For her now, the most important thing is to practice immediately. You must know that a lot of time has been lost before and after.

“This girl”

Looking at that serious look, there was a long-awaited smile at the corner of Ying Che’s mouth.

Without interrupting the concentrated girl Meng, Ying Che turned and left the east hall, and then went to the own bedroom-Weiyang Palace.

0………For flowers-0

“The sinner Jidaiyun has seen your Majesty Saint”

When approaching the main hall of Weiyang Palace, a thin beautiful shadow was kneeling outside the hall, and when he saw the arrival of the emperor, he quickly lowered his jade head.

Because I didn’t know what the emperor came back, coupled with the status of the subjugated princess, the status was too low, and I had to wait in Weiyang Palace early.

“Flat body.”

Glancing at the woman under her feet, Ying Che paused for a while before she said the word flat.

“The sinner Ji has thanked Your Majesty on behalf of the cloud.”

It may be that Ji Daiyun, who was knelt on the ground for too long, wanted to get up and couldn’t help making a bump, and then fell down in front of Ying Che.

“Your Majesty, the sinner, the sinner did not deliberately offend the holy driver.’


Almost blocking the way into the hall, Hua Rong turned pale with fright, for fear of angering the emperor for this.

The niece Ji Lan is still receiving medical treatment, and she is her only support, so there must be no more mistakes.

“Get up!”

Even though he didn’t lift him up, Ying Che didn’t blame him for the current rude behavior.

However, in the lukewarm tone, I could not tell what it was.

“Yes, yes, Your Majesty.

Seeing that the emperor didn’t blame own, Jidaiyun couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and almost fell to the ground after a sudden change in mood.

During the period, Ji Dai Yunsheng was afraid that he had made some mistakes, but he followed the Tianzi closely and did not say a word.

The scenes that happened just now are already sufficiently rash in themselves, and if there is something wrong, the newcomer will surely be rude again.

“How is Ji Lan’s condition now?”

Sitting next to the dragon couch in the main hall, Ying Che looked at the uneasy woman in front of her and asked slowly.

Whether it is Jidaiyun or that Jilan, it is one of own trophies.

“Back, back to your majesty, the condition has initially stabilized, and there is no life in danger now.”

Hearing that the emperor of Da Qin suddenly asked, Ji Daiyun could only answer no matter how many worries he had.

“Change clothes”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Accompanied by Ji Daiyun’s involuntary vibrato, he began to undress Ying Che, and at the same time, he had to actively cooperate. ten.

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