Chapter 170 Build a boundary monument, a prelude to domination! (give a subscription support)

Standing in front of the Daqin map of Norwegian University, Ying Che scanned every county name in it, and seemed to be brewing some state policy.

Behind him, he followed Xiao He and Chen Ping, ready to answer the emperor’s questions at any time.

“In the counties under the jurisdiction of Huiji County (now Suzhou, Jiangsu), how do the people of Li people have enough food and clothing?”

Without looking back, Ying Che continued to look at the counties and counties on the map and asked.

Yes, after the formation of the twenty-five corps and the subsequent Zhechong army, they intend to patrol the people’s conditions in the world.

“His Majesty, the situation in Kuaiji County is not optimistic. The people of the Li people have no extra money, they are just trying to provide basic food and clothing.”

Xiao He couldn’t help feeling ashamed when he mentioned the place he once governed, and finally said truthfully.

In the original plan, at least the local people should have a little money left. This is the standard for a good life.

After listening to these words, Ying Che did not add any blame, and took control of the real civil situation.

Kuaiji County is much better than other places. The phenomenon of poverty is very common, and it is not surprising that it is between the north and the south.

“210 Chen Qing, how was your hometown Yangwu (now Yuanyang, Henan) before coming to Xianyang?”

Just now I asked about the situation in the southern Huiji County, but now it is about the situation in the north, Ying Che continued to ask.

“His Majesty, the Central Plains area has been war-torn for a long time, and Yangwu is no longer in its previous pomp, and the people are barely able to maintain adequate food and clothing.”

After being jointly recommended by the common people, Chen Ping did not forget the kindness, plus he told the emperor the true feelings of the people, and said without hesitation.

Counties and counties similar to Yangwu in the Central Plains are generally considered good. The more remote the poorer, and the poorer some places are.

“This is the case in the rich Central Plains, not to mention the rest of the world, Guanzhong and Bashu are better.

Hearing that, Ying Che’s determination is more firm and unwavering, so it seems that it is necessary to implement benevolent governance in the world earlier.

“The ministers should come forward and offer good strategies to assist His Majesty in carrying out the rule of culture, and jointly benefit the people.”

That was a sign of determination, Xiao He and Chen Ping couldn’t help but shake their bodies, and said with enthusiasm.

“This day will come”

After obtaining a preliminary situation of the people, and almost certain (ahba) places to patrol, Ying Che turned around.

If Daqin cannot become prosperous, Ascension national power will be empty talk, and hegemony will become a distant future.

“Your Majesty, a bamboo slip came from the far north.

After initially handling the matters of the servant army, he returned to Meng Yi who had come from the Beiya imperial army to ask for instructions.

“Submit it”

Hearing that he won, Ying Che did not return to the throne, but was still standing in front of the map behind him.

The Montessori brothers’ talents are basically good. Although Meng Yi is not as good as his brothers, they are still worthy of cultivation.


Immediately afterwards, he received Meng Yi from the bamboo slips from the far north, and then presented it to the emperor’s eyes.

It should be a new concept brought by the servant army. I learned a lot from the emperor. Between the words just now, it was all the loyalty of a courtier.


There was another crisp echo, Ying Che opened the bamboo slip and began to read it quickly.

The general idea is that after a Jingguan was built and played a role in killing chickens and monkeys, the local people in the far north became safe and guarded.

The current situation is generally stabilized, and officials can be sent to manage at any time to establish the rule of Daqin and become one of many counties.

“Chen Qing, convey an oral order from me, and the Shaofuqing Yamen will be directly responsible for creating a hundred pieces of the Great Qin Boundary Monument.”

Rolling the bamboo slips back to their original appearance, Ying Che looked at the courtier beside her and ordered.

“A hundred pieces of the Great Qin Boundary Monument?”

The boundary monument represents an insurmountable boundary line, or a new territory incorporated into the territory, Xiao He couldn’t help but think of a place in the far north.

It is unlikely that a new force will be replanted, and a white-eyed wolf will breed, once again threatening Daqin’s Liaodong line of defense.

“No, Your Majesty.”

Although the doubts in his heart are no less than Xiao He, Chen Ping did not hesitate to reply.

“Xiao Qing, if you have any thoughts, you can just say that this is one of the duties of the Huangmen staff.”

Noting Xiao He who was pondering a little, Ying Che waved his hand and then said.

“Your Majesty, the minister was just thinking about what the purpose of the one hundred boundary markers would be.

After a recent period of service, Xiao He knows the emperor’s enlightenment in state affairs, and directly tells the reason for his contemplation just now.

It’s still clear what should not be said, and when must be answered.

“So, what do you think the purpose will be?”

Returning to the wooden case in front of the emperor, Ying Che continued to speak, and said something.

In addition to the contribution of the national policy, the Huangmen staff must be delegated to the local authorities for training in the future, so that they can become one of the central ministers.

“His Majesty, the minister thinks that of the 100 boundary monuments, eight or nine are dividing the far north boundary line, and the territory is exactly corresponding to it.”

“If it is to replace the boundary markers in other places, Your Majesty will not order the Shaofu to build it himself, but replace it in accordance with the regulations.”

Not in a hurry to return to the emperor, Xiao He thought about it seriously, and said in combination with own real thoughts.

“What is it in the final analysis?”

Hearing such a standard reply, Ying Che had reached the point, and then returned to the topic.

“The Far North is located in a remote area, but it is close to Liaodong in the west and can be connected to form a complete line of defense.”

“It is bordered by forces such as Donghu and Fuyu in the north, which is convenient for military attacks and strikes. The overall strategic value is relatively high and can only be included in the territory of Daqin.”

With the passage of time, Xiao He’s thinking became clearer and clearer, and he looked at the problem from the perspective of the overall situation.

“Xiao Qing’s words are right. This is also the basic factor for the total destruction of Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian and the dispatch of Chen Qingzhi to guard.”

The remarks just now were quite exciting, and the girl did not deliberately cultivate in vain. Ying Che nodded until the end.

The strategic insight that was shown just now is the time to test a person’s true learning, Xiao He is as talented as in history.

“Efforts to learn all knowledge and benefit all the people in the world, this is worthy of your majesty’s grace.”

After the duel of state affairs, his own cognition has improved a lot. Xiao He is very grateful for being a son today, and his heart is secret.

If it weren’t for the emperor’s arrogance, perhaps he could only stay in Pei County, failing to see the true meaning of politics, and unable to exercise his long-term vision.

“Xiao Qing, go and sort out the information, and write a brief summary for me.”

This time the intentional mention is over, Ying Che turned to wave his hand and said.

“Hey, Your Majesty, the minister retires.”

Immediately, Xiao He stepped backwards out of the Lizheng Hall and resigned. .

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