Chapter 112 The focus of all Central Asia-Daqin! (give a subscription support)

“The Qin army annihilated a total of 50,000 Huns cavalry, including 20,000 elite, so that Shan Yutouman was also captured.

Connecting the east-west grasslands, Wusun, who is not weak in strength, reports from a scout panicking.

“You say it again, is the news true?’

Wusun’s supreme leader, Kun Mo, said with wide-eyed own eyes, a little disbelief.

You must know that the Xiongnu are the two major forces in the grassland of Mobei, and the cavalry combat effectiveness is at the top level, especially the Qin army also captured Touman himself.

“Big Chief, the news is absolutely true. We also inquired that the Xiongnu were going to send envoys to Daqin.

In contrast, many leaders in the tent nodded and acknowledged what the scout said just now.

In those voices, it is not difficult to hear the shocking emotions. I never thought that Qin Jun was so powerful.

“If the news is not true, it is unbelievable. The 50,000 cavalry of the Huns were wiped out, and Touman let the opponent be captured alive~”

Until now, Wusun’s supreme leader, Kun Mo, couldn’t help but exclaim, Dongfang Daqin was as strong as ever.

“The big chief, now even the Huns have sent envoys, should I, Wusun, also have to send a few people to go?”

Reminiscent of the powerful Huns, they also had to send envoys. The chiefs in the tent almost had the same idea and said surprisingly unanimously.

“Pai, we must send a few envoys to show my Wusun’s friendliness to Da Qin, no, it should be surrender!”

Regarding this, Kunmo didn’t even think about it, and said without hesitation.

One shot was to annihilate 50,000 Huns cavalry, which is impossible to put on the grassland, which is enough to prove the power of Daqin.

“Yes, my Wusun will not only send an envoy, but also surrender to Daqin. The chief is so smart.”

Hearing that they were surrendering to Daqin, those leaders didn’t realize that their eyes were bright, at least they couldn’t lag behind the rest of the forces.

After seeing the strength of Da Qin, no one would find it strange, but felt that it was very reasonable. They should be attached to the powerful country.

“Well, since everyone has no opinion, we will send an envoy to Daqin today.”

Seeing that there was no objection, Kunmo firmly believed that Own’s decision was absolutely correct.

“We listen to the big boss, now, we must dispatch out immediately.

I had already waited for the big leader to speak, the other leaders naturally had no opinion, and instead they urged.

Suddenly, many powerful tribes on the grassland, such as Wusun, Wuheng, Fuyu, etc., each sent envoys on behalf of their own parties to Daqin.

“You said, how should my Loulan country respond?”

The first time he received the news, Loulan, one of the 36 countries in the Western Regions, said Loulan King Heyuan hastily.

“Great King, that Jizi (Zaoyue) is more powerful than Loulan, with a total of 200,000 people wearing armor, but in less than half a month, he actually perished directly!’

“And the distance between Loulan and Daqin is so close, I’m afraid

At the end of the talk, a minister of Loulan suddenly stopped, as if going on, lest there was something terrible.

It was heard that dozens of ministers up and down Loulan fell into silent silence.

Jizi (Zhaoyue) had a fresh army of 200,000 troops. In less than half a month, Daqin easily destroyed the opponent.

So, how could Loulan, who happened to be on the border with Daqin, be spared?

“Then Da Qin, won’t you kill me Loulan again, right?”

They are not even Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, not to mention Da Qin who destroyed a country with his fingers, Loulan King Heyuan almost trembled.

Among the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, their Loulan is the closest to Daqin, and they will inevitably bear the brunt of the encounter.

“The lord of the country, the minister suggested that we should send an envoy to show that Loulan does not have any malice and will never go against Da Qin.”

After thinking about it seriously, a minister came out and said.

“This method is not bad. We directly show Da Qin what we mean, it won’t be the same as Jizi (Zao Yue).”

“Speaking of which, Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian was completely committed to death by himself, openly provoking Da Qin, otherwise how could he perish the country?”

“Yes, it shows that Da Qin sent troops for a reason, and Loulan made no mistakes.”

When I heard that an envoy was sent to Daqin, the ministers responded very enthusiastically, almost overwhelmingly in agreement.

“Yes, send an envoy to show Da Qin’s attitude, and don’t get Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, Loulan will basically be fine.”

0……Look for flowers 0……

With a slap on his own palm, Loulan King Heyuan felt his eyes lit up, but he hadn’t thought of it just now.

Believe that they lower their own attitude, a big country as strong as Daqin, should not be eyeing Loulan.

“Lord of the country, we not only need to send an envoy, but also please clarify whether the emperor of Da Qin can make Loulan a vassal.”

It may be Jizi (Zhaoyue), and the impact brought by the Xiongnu cavalry. Many ministers thought about it and felt that it was still not safe enough.

“Become a vassal state of Da Qin!”

Perhaps it was not necessary to put it in the past, but now, the other ministers have not opposed it, on the contrary, they have deeply agreed with it.

Think about it, it is undoubtedly the safest to become a vassal of Daqin, and other countries must also consider it if they want to attack them.


Moreover, it is not certain whether it will be successful in the end.

“Very good, when I go to Daqin this time, please try to clarify that the emperor of Daqin, Loulan will always be a vassal country, and I will follow the dispatch of the Sect Leader country in the future.”

It is precisely because he deeply understands the power of Da Qin that He Yuan’s mind is more sober. It is not ashamed to become a vassal of Da Qin, and he is worried that the other party will ignore them and step on them.

“Lord of the country, it should not be too late. My Loulan is closer to Daqin, so I can’t slow down a step.

Since everyone had the same opinion, it was passed without resistance, and many of them couldn’t wait to say.

“Well, sending an envoy to Daqin today demonstrates our sincerity of Loulanyong as a vassal.”

Hewon was still very satisfied with the results discussed today, nodded and said.

As long as it becomes one of Daqin’s vassal countries, not only will there be no worries, but there will also be an extremely powerful backing Sect Leader country!

“The Lord is Wise”

Listening to the Lords who did not delay diplomatic relations for this, the mood of the ministers changed from restless to the current elation.

Similarly, the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions have different minds, some disagree, some stay on the sidelines, and some are just like Loulan.

The only certainty is that with Jizi (Zaoyue), the entire army of 50,000 Huns was wiped out, and even Shan Yutouman was captured alive.

For a time, when the storm was surging, the focus gradually focused on Daqin!

PS: Fourth! Seven.

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