Chapter 111 It is equivalent to the service of Daqin! (give a subscription support)

“Report, I, Huns, Shanyu, is still missing.”

When the Huns sent the news to Shan Yuting, the war on Jizi (Zaoyue) had entered the early stage of stability.

“You, what are you talking about, Da Shanyu is still missing?”

What it means to be missing, Guan Liang, the only adviser of the Xiongnu, naturally understands that either he has died or was captured by the Qin army.

In addition, there will be no first possibility, no matter which one, the impact will be huge.

“Impossible, with the protection of 50,000 cavalry, even if there is an ambush, it is enough to make a bloody way back.”

Now it is not Da Shanyu, but Zuo Ting Wang’s Mouton shook his head and said affirmatively.

Are you kidding me? That’s fifty thousand cavalry, not cattle, sheep and livestock.

“The entire army of fifty thousand cavalry was wiped out, and none of them returned.

Faced with the suspicions of several major decision-makers of the Huns, the scout said in a very low voice, shockingly.

“Five thousand cavalry, fifty thousand, the whole army is wiped out!”

The annihilated characters sounded all over his ears, Guan Liang’s tone couldn’t help becoming sluggish, showing the panic at this moment.

“Isn’t that big deal?”

Hearing such news, the leaders of the tribes in the tent, their hearts sank even more, and they did not dare to say the next sentence of 203.

From a small tribe to a big power, he created the Huns who could challenge Da Qin, and no one wanted Da Shanyu to die suddenly.

“Among the 50,000 cavalrymen, there are a total of 20,000 elite Huns, but there are no more!”

The concepts of heavy damage and total annihilation are completely different. They can be siege without siege. They need to pay attention to certain cavalry strategies.

In this regard, Zuo Ting Wang Yi-Mao Dun was not much less frightened than the others.

“Don’t worry, if the Qin Jun beheaded Da Shanyu, he will inevitably publicize it, and the possibility of being captured alive is relatively high.

Taking the lead in regaining his senses, Guan Liang glanced at the crowd and said after thinking about it.

After all, Touman was the pioneer of the Xiongnu, and he captured or even beheaded the Qin army, and the blow was very significant.

“Then what do we need to do according to Mr.’s opinion?

The other party still had a lot of troubles. Youting Wang Yi-Gui A looked at the Xiongnu’s counselor and said immediately.

Hearing this, Mao Dun, who had no idea for a while, and the leaders of the tribe, all looked at Guan Liang.

“Da Shanyu was captured by the Qin army, (agah) we can send some envoys to the Qin realm to discuss the redemption of Da Shanyu.

“During the redemption process, Daqin can be provided with excellent war horses, including gold and silver treasures and cattle, sheep and livestock.

Immediately, Guan Liang explained the feasible redemption plan very clearly.

“No, in this way, isn’t my Huns in a disguised form to soften the Daqin?”

It has always been that they grab someone else’s share, and there is no reason to take the initiative to send it out, Mao Dun didn’t want to say it.

“Yes, that’s right, it’s a big deal with the Qin Army, afraid of what they will do.

“Send an envoy to Daqin, and I, the Huns, gave up first. I absolutely can’t do this.”

“Furthermore, why should I give Da Qin precious war horses, and the gold and silver treasures that I finally got, think about other ways.”

With the same reaction as Mouton, the leaders of the tribe shook their heads and successively opposed the suggestions just mentioned.

“Sir, is there no other way?”

Compared with most people, the King of the Right Court Gui Aze appears to be more sensible, and he belongs to the few people who are more calm.

“Unless we can capture Emperor Qin alive, or the commander of the Great Wall Legion, Meng Tian, ​​one-to-one equal exchange is possible.”

“Besides, even if it was a fight with the Qin Army, it would not be possible to break through the Great Wall’s defenses.

Finally, there are people who are willing to listen to own, Guan Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and analyzed in detail.

After listening to the words just now, King You Ting was speechless when he returned to Adon. If he thought about it carefully, it was exactly the same reason.

They don’t need to be afraid of the Qin army, they can also choose to fight with each other, but they can’t break through into the hinterland of Da Qin at all.

Not to mention, still thinking about rescuing Dadanyu of the Huns.

“Don’t quarrel for now. What the husband said is not unreasonable. Apart from redeeming the big order, there is no other suitable method.”

It was really impossible to think of a better way. The King of the Right Court, who had made up his mind, stopped all the people who were still arguing.

“But, King You Ting, doing this is not essentially different from Da Qin Furuan.”

As soon as King Youting had spoken himself, the discussion of the leaders and the leaders suddenly decreased a lot, but they still felt very unwilling.

“That’s right, King Youting, in the struggle with the Qin army for so many years, I, the Huns, can’t lose first.

Unexpectedly, King Youting would support the statement just now. As the King of Zuoting, Mouton also took an opposing attitude.

Between the Da Qin and the Xiongnu, there were battles between the two sides from time to time. No one wanted to back down easily, and the fight was just a nominal victory.

“It is not difficult to go to war with the Qin army. It is normal for both sides. However, Da Shan could not be saved.

Looking at the people who were still opposing, the King of the Right Court continued to speak, and said calmly.


The Da Shanyu who couldn’t save them from the Huns was even more uncomfortable than losing to the Qin army. Not only the son of Shan Yu, Mao Dun, but also the other big and small leaders hesitated.

If it is for the rest of the Shanyu in the future, just change it to another one, but it is the first big Shanyu, and you have to go back if you can’t save it.

“Well, I’ll listen to Mr. Right and King You Ting.

Now there is no better way, Mao Dun gritted his teeth and can only do it according to the method just now.

“Damn it, when Dadan Yu is redeemed, he must go south to teach Qin Jun.

“That’s not wrong, let Qin Jun for now, and then turn around to find them afterwards.”

“Next time, we must capture the Great Wall Legion commander Meng Tian alive!

Seeing that the king of the court had no objection, it was also the idea of ​​the counsellor. The leaders of the tribe, big and small, could only put a lot of ruthless words.

“Fortunately, there is the King Right Court, otherwise, Da Shan will really not be saved.

Seeing this, Guan Liang finally relieved his heart, and there was nothing wrong with following that suggestion.

If the Xiongnu Da Shanyu died, who would absolutely trust him? Look at the son of Shan Yu Maodun to know, somehow he is still a little skeptical.

“It lost a whole 50,000 cavalry, the founder of the entire Xiongnu, so there can be no more accidents.”

Thinking of encountering Da Shanyu who was captured by the Qin Jun alive, Youting King Guia wanted to kill him, but also hoped that Shanyu could come back alive.

PS: Third!

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