Chapter 105 Maybe, shoulder to shoulder with the holy ancestor, the first emperor! (give a subscription support)

“This is the appointment order issued by Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian. The handwriting is Huang Menyou staff officer Xiao He, and the name is written by His Majesty.”

When the edict passed through the prime minister’s office and was about to seal Zhu Ni, Feng Quji should have discovered something, and said in surprise.

“Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian’s personnel appointment?”

Hearing such a sentence, all the civil and military officials in the yamen looked sideways, and all of a sudden, they were energetic.

You know, there are many political factors involved, especially the thriving Wang family.

“The appointment of Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, just listen to how your Majesty arranged.”

Just about to walk out of the door of the Yamen, Guiguzi Wang Xu retracted his steps and turned back to the office on the left.


Seeing the teacher who had gone back and forth, Wei Lian, who quickly reacted, called his teacher respectfully according to the rules.

Since the last detailed foreign talk, even though he did not clearly express his attitude, he still decided to be loyal to the emperor as soon as possible.

“Let’s listen, how about the appointment of Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian?”

This is the first time that Wang Xu has seen the height of the wrist of the 06 Canglong Mingge Emperor. Wang Xu is still looking forward to it.

After all, Canglong’s fate is difficult to produce a single person for a thousand years, and there is bound to be something extraordinary.

“Judging from your Majesty’s past style, the appointment must be perfect.

After taking a look at the civil and military with various thoughts, Wei Liao looked at the mentor in front of him, thinking secretly.

“Chen Qingzhi, the deputy commander of the Zhengdong Army, led an army of 40,000 to stay at Jizi (Zaoyue) in order to suppress the locality and stabilize the overall situation in the early stage.

“Among them, it also includes Your Majesty’s Conglong Army and the Seven Thousand White-robed Army.”

“The Zhengdong commander Wang Ben, and the Great Wall Corps commander Meng Tian handed over 20,000 elite frontiers, and more than 30,000 soldiers returned to Guanzhong Xianyang.

According to the content in the edict, Feng Quji expounded it in general terms. The more he read it to the end, the more he felt speechless.

“I have to say that your majesty’s new appointment is very competent.”

After listening to the great explanation just now, Guiguzi Wang Xu nodded, and the emperor of Canglong’s fate was indeed extraordinary.

In terms of the current situation of the court, Wang Jian was ordered to quell the Daze Township rebellion, and his son was the commander in charge of the crusade against Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, and his reputation suddenly reached its extreme.

Under such circumstances, the Manchu dynasty civil and military would not agree in any way, and the Wang clan stayed in the new territory.

“With such an appointment, the Manchu dynasty civil and military officials have nothing to say. To refute it is equivalent to appointing Wang Li, which is obviously not in the interests of everyone.”

Although he had thought about the appointment of the emperor before, and some political factors should be taken into consideration, Wei Liao couldn’t bear to be surprised.

“It is estimated that as early as when war was declared, Your Majesty was afraid that he had already thought everything out!”

Cultivating the team silently and without interest, it is impossible to refute, Li Si can be said to think carefully and re-recognize the meaning of the word power.

The first appointed Wang Jian and his son to attract attention, and arranged Chen Qingzhi as the deputy commander. It was too late for them to come back to their senses.

After the war is over, Wang Ben is ordered to return to Guanzhong Xianyang, Chen Qingzhi is responsible for staying in place, and everything will become natural.

“It is the training of the original civil and military team, but also in line with the ideas of the Manchu civil and military. There is nothing to refute.”

Although as a soldier in the empire, Li Xin still has some political foundation, and he can see the key point at a glance.

“From then on, Daqin Chaotang will be different, and your Majesty will have a strong support.”

For example, today’s son’s wings are gradually becoming stronger. For example, the generations of Li Si, Wang Jian, and Wei Tong have basically fallen to the camp on that side, Neishi thought, squinting.

“It’s really unexpected that your majesty has become more and more profound in his use of power in such a short period of time.

As a person who read the edict, Feng Quji took the lead to come back to his senses, that familiar power technique can not help but remind people of the holy ancestor emperor.

“Your Majesty today, it may be possible to be like the Holy Ancestor and the First Emperor.”

After such a personnel appointment, the civil and military officials had a qualitative and direct change to the emperor.

As for surpassing the holy ancestor and the first emperor, in their opinion, it is not very possible. That would require much martial arts.

“Okay, now immediately seal a piece of anti-demolition Zhuni and send it to the front line by the army.”

Seeing that there was no objection from the crowd, Feng Quji looked at Feng Changqing’s chief Wang Shu, and said.

“Hey, Prime Minister Feng.”

Immediately afterwards, the entire office of the central government resumed the busy scene of the past.

And that appointing edict will use a fast horse to gallop on a dedicated military straight road, which is equivalent to a highway for later generations.

Then, at the fastest speed so far, it was conveyed to the hands of Wang Ben and Chen Qingzhi.

“Go, go to the Piandian Shuge and find out the map of the straight roads across the country.

Thinking of the more than one hundred thousand captives, Ying Che suddenly had a new idea and spoke.

It is impossible to let it go. Isn’t the blood of the frontline soldiers in vain? Isn’t Daqin Guowei like a child’s play? It’s better to use it as a free coolie for forgiveness.

“Your Majesty, that”

There should be something unspeakable, Meng Jiangnu was very restless, and seemed a little hesitant.

“If you have any questions, just tell me…”

Seeing this, Ying Che seemed to know something and said something.

“Your Majesty, minister, minister doesn’t understand words.”

Compared to the previous physical contact, this time, Meng Jiangnu was one of her necks hanging down, she was ashamed to be ashamed.

203 “It’s okay, go to the east hall of the Lizheng Hall, there are other female officials to teach you literacy.”

Hearing that, Ying Che didn’t have much surprise, but said that she was prepared.

After all, no one is perfect. A female stream with such knowledge is already very good.

“It turns out that Your Majesty already knows everything”

Before, I was thinking about playing with the emperor’s play, Meng Jiangnv only felt a clear warm current flowing directly from her heart.

In addition, there were waves of guilt, and I couldn’t be too willful, so as not to waste the emperor’s intentions.

“Hey, Your Majesty, the minister will certainly not fail the holy hope.”

With the scene just now, Meng Jiangnv’s tone has undergone a fundamental change, with a different emotion than before.

“Go ahead”

Perceiving something unusual about the girl, Ying Che wouldn’t break it, so she said after a while.

“Hey. Your Majesty.”

Immediately afterwards, Meng Jiangnvhong gave a courtesy of monarchs and ministers, and then she withdrew from the Lizheng Hall.

In the back that left, there was the determination to help the emperor. If there is knowledge but not literacy, some things will not be able to help.

“Next, it should be the first Shan Yutouman of the Huns.”

Thinking of Meng Tian’s regular military sentiment, Ying Che’s tone became horrible. Before the Xiongnu was destroyed again, it would be good to take the head and open the knife first.

PS: Second!.

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