Chapter 104 A game of cat and mouse (give a subscription support)

“Chen Qingzhi, the deputy commander of the Eastern Army, led 7,000 white-robed troops and 40,000 soldiers of the Zhechong Army to suppress the Jizi (Zaoyue).”

“With the army of the East, Wang Ben, handed over with Meng Tian, ​​commander of the Great Wall Corps, 20,000 elite frontier troops returned to their original positions, and more than 30,000 Zhechong troops returned to Xianyang.

After tidying up her thoughts a little, Ying Che paused and arranged them one by one.

“With such an arrangement, your Majesty’s original civil and military team has finally been formed initially.”

Suppressing Jizi (Zaoyue) rarely pays attention to methods, and belongs to the final stage of political achievements. Chen Ping still agrees with this.

“Your Majesty, the edict has been drawn up, please have a look.”

On the premise of ensuring that the font is correct, almost as soon as the voice has fallen off, Xiao He has already written the purpose just now.

I still admire the emperor’s ingenious appointment. With the appointment of Wang Ben before the “190”, the Minister of Korea and China can accept it instead.

“Meng Qing, convey it to the left and right prime minister’s mansion to add Zhuni, and then send it to the hands of the two people quickly, go.”

After reading it and confirming that there was no problem, Ying Che affixed the seal of uploading the jade seal of the country and motioned.

Among the two Wang Zhi and Chen Qingzhi, no matter how unwilling, Chao Zhongwu Wu could only acquiesce in the latter’s appointment.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

Meng Yi, who had not left the hall, stepped forward and picked up the bamboo slips with the seal, which was an edict to Wang Li and Chen Qingzhi.

“Xiao Qing, let’s take a count for the time being, what is the standard force that needs to be garrisoned everywhere.”

“Chen Qing, calculate the pre-stage and the money and food needed in the subsequent stages.”

After appointing Jizi (Zaoyue) to change the personnel, Ying Che turned her head again and continued.

“Hey, your majesty, ministers wait for the statistics as soon as possible, and then report to your majesty.”

It is a prelude to the forthcoming reform. It is ready to lay a solid foundation for the next step.

In response, Xiao He and Chen Ping were full of enthusiasm and responded forcefully.

“Wu Zetian, you can show up now

I had already noticed the arrival of the other party. When Xiao He and Chen Ping left, Ying Che did not immediately leave the seat.

“The minister has seen your majesty”

Sure enough, just as Ying Che said, Wu Zetian appeared in the hall.

In the pair of sharp phoenix eyes, there was a slight surprise. It was the first time that he would be discovered.

“Free gift”

Looking at the familiar Qiaoying in front of her eyes, Ying Che did not fluctuate much, and then said.

As early as when Chen Qingzhi was appointed just now, the meeting had already noticed the arrival of Wu Zetian, and the emperor’s basic sense of vigilance still needed.

“The minister thanked your majesty.

Pressing down the surprise that flashed just now, Wu Zetian twitched his body slightly in accordance with the etiquette, and thanked him.

Wu Zetian came here specifically, explaining that there was new progress. Ying Che did not rush to inquire, but waited for the following.

“Your Majesty”

“Wei’s main planners, including the royal princes, lurking members and others, have all been cleaned up.”

Reading the meaning of the emperor at a glance, Wu Zetian answered in detail without stopping.

“In the reign of Emperor Sheng Ancestor, they were not thoroughly cleaned up. Then, they were really removed from the Wei state.”

Hearing that Wei Guo had been removed, Ying Che said indifferently without any fluctuations.

No matter which one of the six countries, no one can run away. The difference is who gets removed first.

“In addition, the remnants of Chu State seem to want to go to sea, preparing to escape trial to the islands on the sea.

To say that among the six countries, the actual strength of Chu is naturally stronger. Wu Zetian still wants to remove it, he added.

According to the findings of the members the day before, Chu’s trail suddenly became very strange, leaving many useful clues.

“Control it within the territory of Daqin, the black ice platform’s sphere of influence, whoever wants to break through to the outside world, give priority to sending people to intercept and kill them.”

Regardless of the remnants of any country, Ying Che’s attitude was the same, and her tone gradually became cold.

“Hey, your majesty, the minister understands.”

Hearing the awe-inspiring imperial order from the emperor, Wu Zetian didn’t have any opinion, leading the command.

“Go ahead, start the next wave of interception for thousands of miles.”

The remnants of the Six Nations can’t afford to turn a lot of waves, and Ying Che doesn’t care about it. Quan is a game of cat and mouse.

The current focus is to reform the interior, completely reverse the turning point of Da Qin’s national operation, and, as the Holy Ancestor First Emperor once said, the hegemony of Central Asia!


After ticketing the latest progress of the Black Ice Terrace, Wu Ze Heavenly Dao uttered a cry, and then disappeared on the spot.

“Chen Meng Jiangnu has seen her Majesty”

Not long after Wu Zetian left the Lizheng Hall, Meng Jiangnu, who had changed into a female official uniform, appeared in Ying Che’s line of sight.

An official dress that is close to court clothes but also biased towards neutral wind, showing extremely beautiful curves, making the gait more and more feminine.

Between the crescent eyebrows, there is a faint air of scrolls, and together with the smart eyes, they form an exquisite and lovely side.

“Free gift”

There was a reflection of Meng Jiangnu’s original appearance in her eyes, which was rather exquisite and petite, Ying Che said slowly.

“The minister thanked your majesty.”

Perhaps it was because she changed into a female official uniform and added an extra responsibilities. Meng Jiangnu was a regular salute, without the ghosts and spirits of the past.

However, the only certainty is that the original temperament will not change easily, but it is now hidden.

“How does it feel to put on that female official uniform?”

Obviously he wanted to restore his previous appearance, but had to endure it. It looked so cute.

In response to this, Ying Che once again felt uncontrollable and asked specifically.

“It feels very good. It made me understand that the atonement mentioned by His Majesty is not so easy to redeem.”

Why can’t I hear the emperor’s deliberate question, Meng Jiangnu wanted to fight back directly, but didn’t want to insult the female official uniform.

In the end, we can only bite the word for atonement harder, and 0.7 to make own counterattack.

“If you feel that the palace is very restrictive, I allow you to not be too restrictive in etiquette in normal times.

It’s rare to meet a clever girl who dares to tell the truth. Ying Che would not be too strict and speak out.

“Wearing the female official uniform is your majesty’s courtier, and taking off the female official uniform is the original self. There can be no conflict between the two.

Unexpectedly, Meng Jiangnv did not agree, but chose to adhere to the own principle.

“. ”

Seeing this, Ying Che quite appreciates the girl’s style, private is private, public is public.

And the other side

When the appointing edict passed through the prime minister’s office and was about to add Zhuni, it immediately attracted the attention of the Chinese military.

Among them, naturally also includes the newly appointed Yushi doctor, Guiguzi Wang Xu.

PS: First!.

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