Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 515: Ying Qi's Calculation

Ying Qi knew very well that if he didn't make a move, he would be in a different place. He immediately took out his Xuanyuan sword and prepared to make a move to resist.

But I didn't expect that the Bull Demon King would actually erupt, and even if it erupted, what was revealed was the dark law among the ten laws.

The law of darkness melted into the gust of wind, causing all the Sanskrit characters in the sky to disappear.

Jin Chanzi was also trapped in place by the black whirlwind of the Bull Demon King.

"The Buddha's light shines."

Jin Chanzi has been unhurried enough to use his own spells.

"What?" Ying Qi looked towards the west, his heart beating inexplicably for no apparent reason.

This momentum.

Far more than ordinary golden immortals, it has reached an extremely terrifying level, and it is definitely a power above the ninth level of golden immortals.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and a big hand suddenly broke through the clouds and flew towards Huaguo Mountain.

"What are you kidding?" When the Bull Demon King saw it, his jaw was about to fall in shock.

"What is Fomen doing?" Ying Qi had doubts in his heart.


"Three six zeros" He naturally wouldn't shoot, just watched quietly.

And this time.

Looking at the huge palm pressing down in the sky, with one palm down, it can burn the entire area of ​​Huaguo Mountain to the flames.

Sun Wukong's face changed suddenly.

"do not do that!

Sun Wukong shouted with panic on his face: "We admit defeat, we admit defeat.

Seeing that Jin Chanzi has not stopped.

Sun Wukong shouted again: "Let go of my Huaguoshan creatures, I will do whatever you want to me."5


The Bull Demon King was also stunned when he saw Sun Wukong like this.

Is this still the demon king who fights in the world?

For the life of Huaguo Mountain, he actually conceded defeat?

This is also because the Bull Demon King does not know how deep Sun Wukong's feelings for Huaguo Mountain are.

"Big brother."

"We lost." Sun Wukong said tragically.

"Monkey King, turn back to the shore, are you willing to enter the Daleiyin Temple in the West with the poor monk and listen to the sound of the Buddha?" Jin Chanzi's voice came from the void.

"As long as you withdraw the spell, I promise you." Sun Wukong gritted his teeth.

"Goku can't." Several brothers quickly cast all their spells against the falling palm.

"Increasing useless power.

Jin Chanzi shouted loudly, increasing the power of the palm, only to see that the four brothers of Sun Wukong were knocked to the ground a moment later, spitting blood.

Not even the Bull Demon King had any resistance.

"Half-step Daluo's strength. 35

"I might be able to fight him with all my means. 35

When Ying Qi saw this scene from a distance, he really sighed at the strength of this Jin Chanzi.

The sudden appearance of Jin Chanzi was obviously not unintentional, but intentional.

Now that the Jade Emperor and the Tathagata are all approaching the monkey, the main line of everything is starting to become clear.

Ying Qi also showed a smile as he watched the big hand gradually recover.

If Taishang Laojun's Daomen also joins, what kind of sparks will be created?

"Wukong, your nature is kind, and the poor monk came for only one purpose." Jin Chanzi put away the spell, slowly walked up to Wukong, and smiled lightly: "Take you into Lingshan to cultivate and cultivate the devil in your heart. "

"As long as the sentient beings in Huaguo Mountain can be saved, I promise you everything. 39 Sun Wukong has surrendered.

"All beings will get Purdue because of your mercy." Jin Chanzi bent down and helped Wukong up.

"Wukong." Bull Demon King and others rushed up and separated the two of them.

"You'd better get out now, or don't blame us for being rude."

"Bald donkey, leave quickly." The elder brothers were very angry, and it was impossible for Jin Chanzi to take away their younger brother.

"High monk." Sun Wukong squeezed out from among the brothers and said to Jin Chanzi: "I need a little time, can you give it to me?"5

"Okay, Lao Na is waiting for you here." Jin Chanzi sat on the ground slowly, closing his eyes and meditating.

"Brothers, let's go." Sun Wukong pushed his brothers to the Water Curtain Cave.

Ying Qi also left slowly in the distance.

In the Water Curtain Cave, the Bull Demon King and others have different opinions, each with their own advice.

"My old grandson really doesn't want his companions and Huaguoshan to die because of me.

"Brother, that's not a good word." The Bull Demon King put on Sun Wukong's shoulder and said sadly: "The old five and the six are all in trouble, and it's not all because of you, and you can't become the demon in your heart because of this matter. ,do you know?"

"Big brother, that's not what I said, it all started because I was arrogant.

"Okay, all of you don't fight for this." The Demon King pulled the two of them away, and went to the middle of them to continue: "It's good for Wukong to have an idea, but whether the direction is right or not is what we brothers should do. Ask to understand.

"From now on, it's a long way to go to the East. You have a lively nature, are you willing to be restricted by others?" Peng Demon King stepped forward and joined their topic.

"Yeah, Wukong, stay in Huaguo Mountain, we can eat and have fun, and we can work hard to improve, so happy, why do you have to go through such hard times?

"Brothers, we have to see the current situation clearly, we can't stop Jin Chanzi, you know? 99

"Can't we run if we can't beat it? The ends of the earth, can he catch up?"

"We can run, what about the brothers in Huaguoshan? 35

"Where there is life, there is hope.

"I know your thoughts, I am the grandfather of Huaguoshan, and I am responsible for thousands of monkeys and monkeys..." Sun Wukong walked out of the crowd, then took a few steps, knelt down and squatted. several heads.

"Brother Xian." Everyone came up to help him, but was rejected.

"When I'm gone, I'll ask you about Huaguoshan.

"Wukong, you can't go." The Bull Demon King pulled him, looked at Ying Qi in the distance and asked, "Aren't you the guest of the fifth child? Is there a good way to solve the current problem?""

"It is inevitable for Sun Dasheng to follow him, but it is very important in what capacity to follow.

"What do you mean? It's a trap of heaven?

"No, it is the Tathagata of the West."

"The Tathagata?" The Bull Demon King and several others frowned.

Although the Tathagata became famous as the last of the three great Luo Jinxian, his strength was terrifyingly powerful.

"How do you know it's the Tathagata?"

"Can't you see that Jin Chanzi still has an identity?"

"Jin Chanzi!" The Bull Demon King was also stupid, but he didn't think of it at first.

"No, everyone, so we can't let Wukong go." The Demon King pulled Wukong behind him and didn't let him leave for a moment.

"Heavenly Court, the Western World and the Eastern Daomen seem to not interfere with each other, but there are many open and secret fights. If Wukong is allowed to go into this muddy water, it will be difficult to get out. 99

"But if Sun Dasheng learns from it, wouldn't it be a beautiful thing?"

"Dangerous things, we can't let Wukong go." The position of the Bull Demon King is already obvious.

"If we don't go, what will happen to Huaguo Mountain? As King Sun said, we can escape, but what about the others?" said a demon king.

"If I can save everyone, I am willing to go." Sun Wukong said.

1.8 "We, the elder brothers, do not allow you to go." The Bull Demon King said firmly.

And this time.

The voice of the demon king who changed Ying Qi came over: "The Eastern Daomen may be the breakthrough point of this dead end."

All eyes looked.

"Oh? What can you do? Can you crack it?" The Bull Demon King waved his hand and looked at Ying Qi.

Ying Qi said as he walked, "We are the only ones who are restrained by the three parties, aren't we?

Anyway, for Ying Qi, the more chaotic the world, the better, and he is a good fisherman.

"Bad idea, no."

"If this doesn't work, then there's really no way to break the game."

"Since the bet, we bet that the monk Jin Chanzi can't play the trick just now. 35

"Yes, eldest brother, I agree with your idea. We brothers may not ask to be born on the same day in the same year, but to die on the same day in the same year. The Demon King and others quickly agreed.

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