Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 514: Winning Qi With Great Income

Ying Qi in the alchemy room was still absorbing the fusion elixir.

The charm of the elixir is really wonderful. Looking at the gradually rising experience bar, Ying Qi knew that it was only a matter of time before he broke through the fourth level.

Because of the first experience and the second fusion, Ying Qi didn't spend much time.

As the golden dance energy was expelled from the body, all the essence of the elixir was absorbed by Ying Qi.

Golden Immortal Four Layers! This is a result he never expected.

He originally thought that these peaches and elixir would only increase their strength a little, but he did not expect such an increase.

Ying Qi, who has more magic spells, has increased the seizure of the alchemy room.

A few minutes later, he plundered all the elixir in the entire alchemy room.

Satisfied, Ying Qi deliberately left behind a few magic weapons before leaving.

The first thing Taibaijinxing did when he came back from the alchemy room was to find Erlangshen.

"True monarch, it's not good, someone is making trouble in the alchemy room, you hurry up and follow the old man to see. 35

"What did you say?" Erlang Shen's playfulness immediately restrained after hearing this.

"Quickly go with this old man, if there is an accident in the alchemy room, you and I will not be able to eat and walk around." Taibaijinxing's anxiety is no longer summed up in words.

Erlang Shen pushed Taibaijinxing away, took out his weapon, and killed the Bull Demon King in the space.

353 After a long time of consumption, the Bull Demon King has reached the limit of his physical strength.

Watching Erlang God fight out from the red cloth, he also gritted his teeth against it.

"Ah." With the howl of the Bull Demon King resounding through the heavens, the battle situation was instantly in the hands of the heavens.

Of the seven brothers of Sun Wukong, two were beheaded, one fell to the ground, and two were seriously injured. Even Sun Wukong was suppressed by the pagoda of the King Tota.

And one of the Bull Demon King's horns was also chopped off by Erlang God, making an astonishing howl.

"Three-eyed boy, you're finished." The Bull Demon King changed back to human form, took out the banana fan and began to baptize the heavenly court.

The entire Heavenly Court, under the crazy spellcasting of the Bull Demon King, became unstable.

When Ying Qi came, he was also frightened.

With the strength of Xiantianxia and Jinxian, it can actually explode such a pair of strengths.

The wind whistled, and the entire heaven fell into an apocalyptic scene.

The building was crooked, the corpses on the ground were torn apart, and even the peach trees in the Yuanda Pantao Garden were blown down by the strong wind.

The peach is originally an immortal product, and it is usually picked carefully by relying on the immortal utensils.

When the afbi peach falls to the ground, it will disappear.

And Pan Tao's aura will also fall into the mortal world and become a terrifying evil spirit.

When the strong wind blew, the peaches in the Pantao Garden landed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the strong wind continued to increase, even the peach trees were blown up by their roots.

"Illusory rift and surging." Erlang Shen combined the boost given by the third eye to himself, ready to obliterate the Bull Demon King.

The mad bull Demon King can't get close to him casually.

Erlang Shen's Illusory Cracks and Rivers rely on the compression of the laws of space to obtain even more terrifying power.

After the banana fan and the three-pointed two-edged knife collided, the sky turned pale, and the barrier of the heaven was also torn apart by the shock wave they generated.

"Go and invite Tathagata Buddha." Taibaijinxing shouted, and was also blown away from the mortal world.

The pagoda of King Tota was blown over, and the suppressed monkeys also stood up from it.

King Tota didn't want to care about this anymore, after receiving the order, he immediately went to the Western Heaven to invite the Tathagata.

Ying Qi heard Tai Jinxing's words in the distance, and understood that it was absolutely impossible to continue like this.

Immediately help Sun Wukong and the others.

What Erlang Shen is proud of is not only his golden immortal strength, but also his unique third divine eye.

Ying Qi first stimulated the violent attribute in Sun Wukong, and then used space strangulation to destroy Erlang's third eye.

The winner was about to be decided, but Ying Qi's intervention like this really disrupted the balance.

Erlangshen's third eye is indeed powerful. It wasn't because it discovered the sudden space strangulation at a time, Erlangshen was already finished at this time.

"The wind shook three feet. The Bull Demon King seized the opportunity of Erlang's distraction, took a sip of the medicine, and released more powerful power.


The whistling sound of the wind stomped across the heaven like a wild horse.

Wherever the wind reaches, there is no shortage of darkness.

Erlang Shen, who was in front of the Bull Demon King, was the first to bear the brunt.

He was hit by this trick, and he was directly blown away thousands of meters away.

The fury of Sun Wukong played an absolute role when Erlang God was injured.

With the continuous impact, Erlangshen's space law began to crack.

The Bull Demon King saw that the space barrier was about to shatter, and changed his body again.

He showed his remaining horn, and his heart was abruptly panicking, breaking the space limitation of Erlangshen.

Injured and backlash, Erlang Shen, who was about to stand up and continue fighting in the distance, instantly lost his resistance.

"Brother Wukong, don't fight, go." The Bull Demon King turned into a black whirlwind and ran away quickly with his injured brother.

Ying Qi withdrew the spell, and Sun Wukong was instantly freed from the frenzy.

The monkey who fell to the ground did not move, which also made Ying Qi anxiously die.

In desperation, he could only imitate the black whirlwind of the Bull Demon King and take him away from this dangerous place.

Just as they left their front feet, a dazzling golden light from the back tore through the darkness from the west and illuminated the heavens.

The outpouring of magic will quickly repair the broken heaven.

Even the peach that fell into the mortal world has returned to the top.

After the golden light covered the entire heaven, everything returned to its original state.

Under the protection of the golden light, the seriously injured Erlang God actually stood up quickly.

"Who did it?" A heavy but stress-free voice lingered in the heaven.

God Erlang looked at the brightest ray of light in the west, knelt down and shouted, "Reporting to the Tathagata, this is what a demon monkey in the mortal world calls.

"The Jade Emperor has been in seclusion for many years, why hasn't he shown himself yet?" The Tathagata's voice injected magic, summoning an illusory phantom in addition to the black hole in the void.

"Tathagata? Why did you come?"

"Your heaven has been destroyed so much, you didn't even notice it?"

"My Heavenly Court?" The Tathagata's phantom of consciousness looked at it at a glance, and what he saw was not the thriving and prosperous appearance now, but the Heavenly Court that had just been devastated.

Obviously, the fight just now did not make the Jade Emperor notice.


The Jade Emperor was a little irritable when he heard the voice, and the Heavenly Court to Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals also knocked their heads on the ground, daring not to make any noise.

With Sun Wukong's Ying Qi, he felt two powerful pressures hovering in the heaven from such a distance.

If it hadn't been withdrawn early, all of them would have stayed there.

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