Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 497: Invading the Heaven of the God Realm

Although Dugu Qiufeng was very responsive, he quickly dissipated with his sword, and the sword glow volleyed into the sky.

But that day, the photo was too weird, and the poisonous fan was also smelled by Dugu Qiufeng.

The effect of this poison is very fast, the spiritual power of Dugu Qiuwei is instantly lost, and the sword qi also disappears without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the sword qi rushing towards him, the Sword Saint immediately drew his sword to help.

"Not good." Sword Saint's expression changed.

"At such a level, you still use poison?"

Ying Qi sneered.

He raised his hand and slammed it out.


Although the strength of Tianzhao was strong, in the face of Ying Qi's palm, his vitality was instantly wiped out, and his divine form was destroyed.

So it didn't hold back at all.

Amaterasu and his sword were all wiped out in the air.

"How is it?" Juggernaut dragged Dugu, who had lost his spiritual power for a short time, to beg for defeat.

"What a despicable villain." Dugu Qiufei smiled bitterly.

"Thanks to the emperor's action, otherwise you would have perished." After the swordsman finished speaking, he and Dugu Qiufei looked towards Ying Qi.

"The old minister is incompetent, and he almost embarrassed Da Qin." Dugu Qiu was defeated and pleaded guilty on one knee in the void.

"this is not your fault.

Ying Qi turned around and threw a pill to Dugu for defeat. "Japanese pirates are despicable no matter what world they are in. Be careful in the future. Killing and fighting for the front is also a method of killing the enemy."5

"Many thanks to the emperor." After Dugu Qiufei ate the elixir, the poison immediately dissipated, and his spiritual power began to recover instantly.

"Get up, my purpose is not here."

Ying Qi put away his Xuanyuan sword and walked in front. The powerful men in Daqin led the Dragon Knights to continue the killing.

There is Bai Qi commanding the army, this is not a joke, all the Japanese pirate cultivators guarding this place did not leave a living hole, and all of them were directly killed.

More than that.

Bai Qi took the strong men under his command, and many immortals and strong men followed the vine and sunk the Japanese island directly.

The first person to seek death has come out. Not only did the army collapse, but even the family was destroyed.

This deterrent effect is really terrifying.

The mortal kingdoms of the whole world are in horror.

fairy, fairy.

Countless satellites saw this terrifying scene, but they didn't dare to say anything or do anything.

The top of Mount Tai.

After Ah Cha stepped forward and looked at it, he immediately stepped forward to report: "Emperor, the gate of heaven is in front of us, as long as we open it, we can enter the realm of the gods.

"Anyone there to stop him?"

"No. The mortal world goes to the realm of the gods, and there is a barrier set up by the God of Mount Tai, and I can't break it.

"Is it the same as the one where hell blocks the underworld?"


"You are here to organize your army, and I will go up and have a look.

Ah Cha shouted worriedly: "The emperor must be careful, they may have already prepared."

"You don't need to worry, I have already prepared.

Ying Qi used the fastest speed to come to Tianmen.

The gate of heaven is so large that it is impossible to see its boundaries, and it is difficult to see its height.

Ying Qi used the divine power messenger to collide with the barrier, but the barrier before Tianmen was directly absorbed.

Sure enough, this boundary is much stronger than the underworld leading to hell.

It is obvious that the God of Mount Tai is more concerned with the realm of the gods than the underworld.

"Xuanyuan Sword."

Ying Qi showed his magic weapon and chopped towards this barrier.

He raised his hand and slashed, and slammed into the boundary with a sharp sword light. The sword light struggled with the boundary for a while, and finally the sword light broke the boundary, and the void also burst into a hole in an instant.

And the barrier in front of Tianmen also shattered and disappeared in an instant.

In the distance, Ah Cha admired Ying Qi's strength more and more, and it seemed that he did not follow the wrong person.

If he didn't surrender to Ying Qi in time, he would probably end up no better than Satan's.

And she feels more and more that Ying Qi can change the order of this world and open up a whole new world.

As the boundary was broken, the gate of heaven was also opened.

A dazzling golden light shone from inside, making many Qin Jun unable to open their eyes.

Ying Qi felt an inexplicable force following the golden light flying away, and immediately held the Xuanyuan sword to block the front line.

As the golden light disappeared, many gods in the God Realm also appeared one by one in front of the Da Qin army.

Countless angels with wings, each with a lightsaber.


Many powerful ones have reached the fairyland.

Its momentum is much larger than that of hell and the underworld. It seems that Ying Qi has pinched the strongest persimmon in the four aspects this time.

What Ying Qi blocked with his sword was a heavy palm from the Lord flying out of the sky.

Jehovah withdrew his palm and slowly appeared at the entrance of this God Realm.

"Who's coming? Don't you know where this place is? 33 The voice of the LORD lingered constantly around, and it seemed particularly majestic.

After knowing that Satan may have fallen.

Yahweh has set up defenses at the entrance to the realm of the gods. If an enemy invades, he will immediately take action.


as predicted.

"I am the Great Qin Emperor.


"All those who don't want to die put down their weapons and surrender!" Ying Qi smiled indifferently and stood up in the air, behind him were the countless troops of Da Qin. fly

Yahweh's eyes were vicious, and at a glance, he saw Ah Cha standing behind Ying Qi.

"Pluto Acha? You did it? Satan fell because you also participated in it? Don't you know the rules set by the God of Mount Tai?" Yahweh said coldly.

"Presumptuous!" Ah Cha stood beside Ying Qi and introduced him respectfully. "Do you know who he is?"

"He is the new master of the underworld, the Great Qin Emperor."

"You?" Only at this time did Jehovah turn his eyes to the man in the oriental celestial garb: "Are you from the celestial world? 99

When Jehovah thinks this way, he also has some concerns. Maybe all this comes from the other party.

It seems that the Queen Mother, a dead woman, also participated in this action.

It's a shame that I told him so much before.

How can I break this dead end?

Ying Qi poured divine power into his voice. "I'll say it one last time, do you surrender or die?"

The Lord returned to solemnity, and the holy light shone with a terrifying power, glaring at Ying Qi. "Do you think this is there? Do you think this god is easy to bully? 99

"Give you a chance not to."

"Then no wonder I."

Ying Qi waved his hand, and behind him, the Daqin army that was about to move rushed up.


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