"Where the gate of heaven is, those who come will stop!"

A man who was neither a man nor a woman at the front of the line stood in the void with his katana.

Blocked the vanguard of Daqin—Dragon Knight Army.

"Block me, Da Qin.

"court death.

At this moment when the Eastern Ying Immortal God blocked.

Two figures flew out from the team with terrifying immortal power. .

When the Dragon Knight army saw Dugu Qiufeng and Juggernaut came out, they all watched calmly.

"There is no Queen Mother's will."

"No one is allowed to approach the gate of heaven."

"Offenders, kill. 35

The man who guarded Tianmen Dongying held the magic weapon in his hand and headed towards the nearest Dugu Qiufeng.

A sword light volleyed out.

Void turbulence was set off, and even a monstrous water column appeared on the sea.

But never thought.

Dugu Qiufeng didn't even draw his sword, just gave him a look.

A terrifying power appeared, the sword light was disintegrated by Dugu Qiufei's eyes, and the sea was calm and the waves were all calm.


The Dongying man's expression changed.

Only then did I see the power of Dugu Qiuqiu in front of him.

"On. 35

The Dongying Immortal gave a cold drink.

Many ninjas who crossed the tribulation realm swept out of the sky.

297 rushed towards Dugu and Juggernaut.

"Ignorance, fearlessness."

Dugu Qiufeng and Juggernaut didn't want to waste time either.

Look at each other.

Neither had a sword.

He shot two sword qi at will.


Sword Qi volleyed.

In an instant, all the rushing Dongying ninjas were wiped out.

They instantly turned into corpses.

It was at this time.

"Who dares to violate the Heavenly Gate of the God Realm? 55

A terrifying power descended in vain.

Reached the level of the fairyland.

"Finally a great one came.

"Leave it to me.

Dugu Qiufei stopped the Sword Saint with the scabbard and walked up alone.

From a distance came a feminine and charming woman.

"Who is coming! This seat doesn't kill nameless people." Dugu Qiubai held his sword and looked at the coming person.

"I am Amaterasu.

The visitor said coldly.

"Amaterasu? Interesting.

Ying Qi came over and saw this scene and laughed.


This is the god of Japanese pirates in myths and legends. I didn't think (afbi) that it really exists in this world.

And her strength is not weak.

Reached the Earth Immortal.

It just so happens that the battle between Dugu Qiufeng and Amaterasu can be tempered.

"Breach of Heaven.

kill. "


Amaterasu snorted coldly.

A terrifying power erupted.

To seek defeat towards Dugu, he rushed to the past.

Countless jade lights turned into blades, begging for defeat towards Dugu.

"The same is the fairyland. 99

"Yours is Doyle.

Dugu Qiufeng smiled lightly.

Immediately took the sword to block it, the two clashed, and the world became pale.

"The battle of the strong cannot hurt our army.""

Looking at the aftermath of this war,

Ying Qi waved his hand and directly hit a ban on immortal power, protecting the army in it.

above the void.

The two powerhouses in the fairyland fought in chaos.

Knife mans.

Sword Shadow.

Fire in the void.

It smashed through the void and set off a stormy sea.

After a simple fight, the two distanced themselves, and Amaterasu turned his sword and invoked his immortal power: "The mad waves divide."

"Ha ha.

Dugu Qiufei saw through the beauty of Tianzhao swordsmanship at a glance, and without saying a word, he directly shouted: "Broken Sword Style!

A sword cut out.

Destroy everything.

The madness of the wind and the stillness of the water, two completely different realms, actually manifested in one person.

What made Dugu Qiu defeat even more unexpected was that Amaterasu could combine the two completely.

This combination of powers is the sky-turning tornado.

Although a genius is a genius, in front of him, it is a little bit unsightly.

The sword-breaking style of Dugu seeking defeat cannot be underestimated, and its realm has already entered the stage of detachment.

Dugu Qiufeng also has a resounding name, that is, Sword Demon.

In addition, his own cultivation base has reached the fairyland, so in the face of such a move, he only needs to rely on one word.


Extremely quiet!

It's not too simple to break it.

The strength of the sky-shattering tornado is not bad, Ying Qi knew that his dragon knights would not be able to stop him, so he directly told them to stay away.

"Emperor." Ah Cha hurriedly said: "It seems that the people in the God Realm already know about the underworld, and it seems that it will be difficult for us to enter."

"Really? Ying Qi thought for a while, then said lightly: "Since you are prepared, then wait for the army to arrive and attack together.

"But Ah Cha wanted to say something else, but Ying Qi waved her hand not to disturb her watching the play.

After Amaterasu made his move, he immediately came forward.

Dugu seeks defeat with one sword to break the waves, and two swords to break the wind.

Easily broke the field of Amaterasu.

He watched Amaterasu lean up, and immediately took his sword and collided with him.

Combined with the collision of qi, the scene was once distorted in space.

"Sword Demon Dugu, the sword is still in full swing." Ying Qi praised Dugu's defeat.


Just when Ying Qizheng was happy, Bai Qi also hurried in front of him.

Ying Qi knew that Bai Qi would not be so reckless because of trivial matters, and immediately asked why. "What's wrong?"

"The ones in front are just a small group of enemies, and there are hundreds of thousands of enemies in the back who are fighting with our army. Bai Qi replied respectfully.

"It's all slaughtered." Ying Qi calmly said.

Although these Japanese pirates are somewhat cultivated, they are not enough to look at compared to Da Qin.

"No. 55 Bai Qi immediately led the order to retire.

And this time.

The battle between Dugu Qiufeng and Amaterasu also entered the decisive moment.

The sword light that burst out from the divine weapon in Amaterasu's hand was a thousand feet long, and his strength was also increasing crazily.

So much so that the terrifying breath swallowed the sky and overwhelmed the sea.

"The Finale!"

After brewing the first few tricks, Dugu Qiufeng made the strongest blow in his life.

The huge voice and sword energy directly overwhelmed the sky, covering Tianzhao's Zong Jian Wanyi in an instant.

The sword qi of the two collided with each other, consumed, and the sky was about to crack, and suddenly there was a man wearing a night clothes beside Dugu Qiubai.

He disregarded his death, and at the moment when his body was exploded into slag by the sword energy, he threw out a packet of medicinal powder in his hand.

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