Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 472 Killing the Monster Race Xeon, a Big Breakthrough

"The battle of the emperor, we have no chance to participate in it, but we must treat it with caution.

"We go to the emperor's place, and the emperor must not be injured.

"Even if we die, we have to exchange our lives for the emperor."

"That's right. 35

"As a minister, it is right to do so."

Many Qin officials became serious, and they all went to the place where Ying Qi and Cihang Pudu were fighting.

Eyes turned.

Ying Qi looked at Cihang Pudu, who had been beaten back to his original form, and sneered.

"Your tens of thousands of years of Buddha power have been broken by me, what strength do you have to compete with me?"

"Today. 35

"I will let you all die, and repay the blood debt of this world's human race.

Ying Qi sneered.


The power of the law, the law of time, and the law of space appeared on his body.

After Ying Qi Chengxian, what he comprehends are these two laws, but when encountering an enemy, Ying Qi has never used it, because he has not yet encountered an enemy worthy of the power of his laws.

It can be suppressed with the Lingbao divine soldiers in hand.

But the strength of this Cihang Pudu is tyrannical.

05 If it weren't for the limitations of the world, he would have broken through the Heavenly Demon Realm.

He suffered from Ying Qi Fan Tianyin's full force, but he was not injured. He was only broken by the Buddha's body, which showed that he was powerful.

"Devouring the world."

"This seat will make you die.""

Cihang Pudu roared.

The body even bigger than the dragon is twisting in the void, countless giant claws are coming towards Ying Qi, and the huge body also surrounds Ying Qi and will surround Ying Qi.

The huge head opened its huge mouth, with endless fangs all over it, biting it fiercely.

"Time reversal.

"Go back in time.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The power of the powerful law of time and space instantly appeared, spreading in a radius of 10,000 zhang, and the huge monster body of Cihang Pudu was enveloped by the power of this law.

The moment when the power of space and time fell on him.

Variation protrusions.

I saw that his huge body began to tremble, the terrifying demon energy was weakened, and under the power of time, his body began to shrink rapidly.

"what happened?"

"Why is my cultivation going backwards?

"My demon power is also getting weaker?"

"Time.... the law of time."

"The legendary power of time.


Cihang Pudu let out a terrified cry.

Even if he is strong, but under the power of the law of time, he can't get rid of it at all, even if he uses all his strength, he can't break free from the regression of the law of time.


His huge monster body shrank rapidly.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

His original body that had reached a thousand zhang turned into less than a hundred zhang, and the demon power on his body became extremely weak, not as terrifying as before.


Under the force of time, his strength was weakened.

If the previous Cihang Pudu had tens of thousands of years of cultivation, but at this moment, he seems to have returned to a few thousand years old, and his cultivation has also returned to a period of several thousand years.

him at the moment.

The demonic energy shown is not even in the demon king realm.

In front of Ying Qi, he was like an ant.

Such is the terror of the power of the law of time.

It is called the top three existences among the ten supreme rules.

Comprehend these laws, even if it is higher than the big class, there is no fear.

This is the difference in the power of the law.

"The energies of our two dantians are used to exert this law of time, and you have become a cultivation base that is only a few thousand years old. Cihang Pudu, now you are like an ant in front of me."

Ying Qi sneered, calmly took out a recovery pill, and restored 30% of the martial arts immortal power from the depleted dantian.

Then looked at Cihang Pudu coldly.


"Now my strength is not even that of the Demon King.

Cihang Pudu was frightened in his heart.

Surviving from ancient times to the present, this is the first time that I have felt such a crisis.

He looked at Ying Qi in horror, without thinking about it, he twisted the demon body and was ready to escape.

But how could Ying Qi let him go?

"Space cuts.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

All the energy in the dantian was transferred, activating the power of the law of space, and directly enveloped Cihang Pudu.


The void where Cihang Pudu was in became extremely distorted, and countless blades of space were cut out, cutting Cihang Pudu directly into pieces.

Even the soul is cut and collapsed under the power of this space law.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 100 enemy, gaining 1 billion experience points, and obtaining a number of magic weapons, exercises, and spiritual stones.

"Upgrade experience value has been reached." The system prompts.

"Cihang Purdue. 39

"The peak powerhouse in the fairyland finally died in my hands.

"The demons in this world are no longer in serious trouble. 35

"And such a huge amount of experience points is enough for me to upgrade a few levels in a row.

Ying Qi laughed excitedly.

No one knew how excited Ying Qi was at the moment.

With Cihang Pudu died.

The demonic aura that enveloped this world completely dissipated.

Once the giant of the demon clan in this world, the first powerhouse of the demon clan, just like this, his soul was scattered.

Along with Cihang Pudu was beheaded by Ying Qi.

Ying Qi did not hesitate and ordered the upgrade directly.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 92." System 963 prompted.

The golden light enveloped Ying Qi's whole body, and along with it, Ying Qi's depleted dantian began to recover quickly and became full of energy.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 93.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading to level 94. 99

"Congratulations to the host for successfully reaching level 95.

"It will take 105 million to rise to the next level." "The system prompted.

The golden light flickered on Ying Qi's body, Ying Qi's strength was growing explosively, no one knew how much Ying Qi's strength had grown at the moment.

Time passed slowly.

In the void where Ying Qi was, he was already enveloped by an invisible aura, and anyone who approached a thousand feet would be deterred by this aura and could no longer enter.


Many Qin officials have already come to a thousand feet away, seeing only Ying Qi's figure left in the void, and the previous powerful demonic energy has completely dissipated, and they all understand.

"Emperor, win."

"That powerful demon has been killed by the emperor.

"The strength of the emperor is too powerful.

"Just now we saw the power of Cihang Pudu. He was the strongest monster in the world, but he died in front of the emperor."

"Cihang Pudu is dead, and from now on, the demon clan will no longer be able to compete with our human clan. 35

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