"Daddy has been with me for so long, Yue'er is already very satisfied.

Ying Yue said obediently.

For her.

His father had accompanied him to play for several years and took her to many places to play.

This is a privilege that those brothers and sisters do not have.


This is also Ying Qi's love for her as his youngest daughter.

"Watch the fight.

"Remember what your father taught you, no one will be able to bully you in the future. Ying Qi smiled gently.

"Dad, I know it. 35 Yingyue replied obediently.

The father and daughter then looked at Dabi on the void.

This level of competition is no longer shocking to Daqin's current national strength, but for the common people, practitioners who can reach the realm of heaven and man are top powerhouses, not to mention the realm of brokenness. and the void.

The war started.

Immediately attracted the attention of countless people, watching this wonderful battle.

With the three Sword Saints there, no matter how hard the battle is to fight for their lives, their lives will not be in danger.

Time passed gradually.

Dabi also gradually came to an end.

And Ying Yue was also a little disinterested, and took her father's hand to play elsewhere.


Heaven, above the Heavenly Palace.

After the competition is over.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

Ying Xi sat on the dragon chair, dressed in the crown of the crown prince, with infinite majesty.

As the crown prince, the emperor is not in the court, he is qualified to sit on the dragon chair.

This is the case with the prince of the supervising country.

And this moment.

on the main hall.

The twenty cultivators who won the competition were summoned by Ying Qi.

"Caomin see Crown Prince. 35

Twenty people recovered from their injuries and bowed respectfully to Ying Xi, their eyes filled with respect.

Prince of the Great Qin Emperor.

Today, the eldest son of the emperor, being able to meet Ying Xi, this is also their honor.

"Congratulations everyone.".

"Won the second folk competition and won the top 20."

Ying Xi looked at the people in front of him and smiled.

"Thank you Crown Prince Long En."

Twenty people replied excitedly.

This grand competition was the result of the current crown prince, Qizao, and it was now the third time.

For the first time, Ying Qi personally sat in charge and watched the battle, and later it was Ying Xi in charge.

Folk contests are held every fifty years.

Every time, he has won many talented folk practitioners for the imperial court.

"The top 20 will be rewarded by the court.""

"Magic weapon, magic weapon, medicinal herbs, exercises.

Yingxi smiled.

A wave of hands.

outside the hall.

Twenty attendants walked in with the brocade boxes in their hands, and came to the front of these cultivators according to their rankings.

"The top three can obtain high-grade spiritual treasures and divine weapons.

"The top ten can get the middle grade, and then you can get the magic weapon of the low grade."


"Each person will be given a thousand high-grade spirit stones, earth-level exercises, and medicinal pills, and the rewards will vary.""

Ying Xi smiled and said loudly.

The attendants handed the brocade box to these overcomers.

Everyone took the award with excitement, and then all bowed to Yingxi.

"Thanks Crown Prince Long En.""

All are grateful.

With this resource in hand, they can make a breakthrough in their cultivation.

This is their pursuit of participating in the competition.

"As always.

"In addition to getting the reward from the imperial court, you have two options. The first one, after receiving the reward, you can return it to the people, and the second one, to serve the imperial court. Ying Xi said with a smile.

For the winner of the Great Competition, the imperial court will never force him to serve the Great Qin, there is no need.

The second is that those who are more powerful than those who belong to the people can also establish sects in the people, and it is also an invisible improvement of the national power of Da Qin.

So no matter what choice they make, the court will not have any blame.

So after all these years.

The winners of those great competitions either joined the imperial court or belonged to the people.

"Thanks to the Crown Prince's attention.

"Caomin is willing to join the imperial court and serve the Great Qin."


These people have made a choice, twenty people, without exception, all want to join the imperial court.

If in the past, the strong ones who won the big competition still chose to leave, but now this situation is less and less.

After all, Da Qin's strength has always been transformed and strengthened.

For the folks, if they want to become immortals and gods, they cannot do it by themselves, and they can only rely on the behemoth of Daqin.

Everyone knows that if you want to become stronger and become an immortal, you can only rely on the imperial court, and there is no other way.

"it is good."

"Gu on behalf of the royal father to accept your service.

"`" from now on. "

"You are the worship of my Daqin, and enjoy all the blessings of worship."

"The war starts, after killing the enemy for my Daqin, you will be able to gain national fortune and make great progress in your cultivation."

Yingxi said to the people in front of him.

"Thank you, Crown Prince.

Hearing the word "National Fortune", everyone was excited.

This is the real secret of Da Qin.

"Come on. 35

"Take them to the temple of worship.""

Yingxi shouted outside the hall.


A troop of guards came.




The guards stepped forward to lead the way.

"Sir, please retire.

Twenty people bowed respectfully and withdrew from the hall.

after they leave.

Ying Xi, who had been stubborn all the time, immediately relaxed.

"Oh, the father really is.

"It's been decades since he disappeared, and all the government and politics have been left to me, and he also sent people to look at me (with Li Hao) and dropped Wu'er into another world to take charge of government affairs.

"Good or bad. 35

Yingxi thought helplessly, her face full of helplessness.

so many years.

He really wanted to run up to his father, and shouted loudly: "Father, do you know how I have lived in the past few decades? Do you know how much I have endured?"

But in the end.

He only dared to think about it in his mind, where would he dare to run in front of Ying Qi to make trouble.

Just when he was angry.

"Stinky boy."

"It's been a good year. 35

Ying Qi's voice reached Ying Xi's ears.


Ying Xi suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, and bowed respectfully: "My son welcomes the emperor. 99

A light and shadow condensed in the hall and a fire appeared.


Ying Qi's figure appeared in the hall.

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