This sudden roar alarmed the entire sky of the city.

For the human race in the city, these roars made them even more fearful, but for the demon race, there was not much worry.

But the next moment.

Countless waves of wind and waves swept in.

Countless black shadows came from above the void.

Tens of thousands of giant beasts swept across the sky, all of them were dragon knights of the Qin Empire.

Ying Qi's decree was issued, and Daqin's first batch of millions of troops who came to this world divided into five routes to start the demon extermination.

"court death.

"Damn monsters, how dare to kill my human race like this."

"All the officers and men obey the orders, and none of the demon clan will be left behind. 35


When Wang Jian looked down at the tragic situation in the city, his brows were furrowed, full of anger.

"Nine Four Three" in the Daqin Empire is divided into the Yanhuang clan, and in this other world, there are humans and demons.

It is absolutely unforgivable for the demon clan to brutally kill the clan, kill and eat them.

"Which race are these?

"Why is there a race on it?"

"No, they are not my demon clan, they are enemies."

When the demon clan looting in the city saw the dragon knight on the void, they were shocked.

Thousands of monsters immediately flew into the void to fight.

The monsters in this world are very powerful, and being able to transform is already the cultivation base of a great master. Even if you can't transform, you will definitely have the level of a master if you are half-human and half-monster.

"Kill. 35

Wang Jian shouted angrily, and the divine weapon in his hand slashed out.

The power of the sword at the peak of the Void Realm instantly slaughtered the many monsters in front of him.


The dragon knight drove the giant dragon to spit the dragon's breath and killed the demon clan.

"Damn people.

"They have a cultivation base, and after eating them, their cultivation base increases greatly.

"Hahaha, kill.

Seeing that their companions were killed by the dragon knight and the Daqin strong man, the demon clan did not panic, and still greeted them excitedly.

from their perspective.

The human race in this world has been suppressed by their monster race for a long time, and it is impossible to turn over.

But after the fight, they panicked.


Wang Jian shouted.


Tens of thousands of dragon knights directly took out the thunderbolt talisman, crushed it directly, controlled it with infuriating energy, turned it into a thunderbolt and blasted and killed the demon beasts.

For evil spirits.

The magic weapon of yang to just.

The power of thunder is their nemesis.

For a moment.

Facing the bombardment of the power of thunder.

All the demons turned pale in shock, and suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

"These Terrans are not simple. 35

"They have thunder talismans banned by my demon clan.

"Master Yaoshuai, take action quickly."

Looking at the thunder, countless demons were terrified.

In the past, after the truce between the demon clan and the human race in this world, this kind of talisman was banned, and the method of making it was also destroyed by the demon clan, because these talismans were too restrained for the demon clan.

But now that the Thunder Talisman was born again, they were terrified.


The powerhouses of the Monster Race who didn't make a move have all made their move one after another.

Attack the dragon knight in Daqin.

But as they shot.

A sword glow came from the sky.

Solve them in an instant.

"The demons are evil, slaughtering the human race. 55

"My great Qin, destroy all evil spirits and demons.

The Sword Saint shouted coldly.

Many powerful worshippers in Daqin came, and they directly attacked and killed.

This time, the millions of troops are divided into five groups, and the same is true for the many worshippers in Daqin.

As soon as the worshippers make a move, the killing is endless.

With the number of strong men in the Daqin Empire today, although there is still only one Sword Saint at the level of immortals, but relying on Dugu to seek defeat, Zhang Sanfeng and the others can fight against immortals even at the peak of the Tribulation Realm.

Moreover, they have national sports body protection, and they are even more dispatched together.

Even if it is a real immortal powerhouse, they are not afraid.

This time, millions of warriors have established a firm foothold in this world, and the next step is for more powerful Qin people to come to this world and start the killing.

In terms of the size of the Great Qin Empire, although this side of the world has a higher level and more top powerhouses, when it comes to the powerhouses such as Transcending Tribulation Realm and Void Realm, they are definitely far inferior to the Daqin Empire.

An army of millions attacked.

It set off a different torrent in this world.

In this world, the capital of the Ming Dynasty is 0.....

from the surface.

This capital city is full of peace, and even many temples have been erected, just like a sacred place for the human race. In this kind of Buddha light like the world, even demons and evil spirits have no chance to enter.

But if someone with a cultivation level above the Tribulation Realm came to this capital.

You can see the monstrous demonic energy hidden under the endless Buddha light.

Almost the entire Ming Kingdom was covered.

Even the demonic aura of those top demon emperors is far inferior to this.

in the palace of the capital.


There are soldiers patrolling everywhere, and it is solemn and solemn.

If you don't see that this world has been controlled by the monster clan, I'm afraid that this side of the human clan still controls the world that belongs to them.

In the Golden Palace.

A man dressed as an eminent monk sat cross-legged. In front of him, an emperor in a dragon robe sat in front of him, as if he had lost his spirit, and looked at the eminent monk in awe and fanaticism.

"His Majesty."

"This is the end of today's fast."

"You have a predestined relationship with the Buddha, and soon, you will be able to step into the bliss of the Western Heaven and enjoy the grace of the Buddha.

The eminent monk spoke to the emperor in front of him, his voice carrying a voice that penetrated the soul.

And the emperor nodded frantically, with a pious bow in his eyes: "Thank you, the national teacher."

Then he stood up.

There was no disobedience to this eminent monk dressed as 1.7, he turned and left.

Just like.

This person who represents the eminent monk is the master of this human kingdom.

"The Terran. 35

Looking at the emperor's back, Cihang Pudu sneered, not showing the compassionate look of the eminent monk before.



Cihang Pudu's complexion changed, and he suddenly looked at the void, his expression showing condensed and puzzled.

"The breath of Montenegro has disappeared?"

"Has he fallen?"

"No, no, now the strong human race has been suppressed in Shushan and Kunlun Xianmen, with Jiaohuang and Insect Emperor personally guarding, they are absolutely impossible to escape.

"Why now?"

Cihang Pudu's expression became particularly solemn.

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