Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 455 Reincarnation, Daqin will also have

"Emperor. 35

"Could it be that there is a cycle of hell in this world? 55

Dugu asked in a trembling voice.

All the courtiers looked at Ying Qi with anticipation.

Hell reincarnation.

In myths and legends, almost all Yanhuang people know of its existence.

But in the world of Daqin, there is no existence of hell reincarnation. If a living being dies, it will be swallowed up by heaven and earth, the soul will be scattered, and then a brand new soul will be created by the power of invisible laws between heaven and earth.


After the death of heaven and earth, there is no reincarnation at all.

It is precisely because of this.

Countless living beings are dead, and there will be no afterlife.

But only the great Qin courtiers.

They have a connection with the national fortune, and they will be immortal after death, and there will be opportunities for reincarnation in the future, but for the people of Daqin and Li, they will not have the afterlife.

So all the time.

The Daqin world has the hope that reincarnation is a servant of no one.

"Is there a hell in this world? I don't know, but there is definitely reincarnation."

"As long as this world is captured, my Daqin world will also have reincarnation, and all living beings in my Daqin will also be able to reincarnate."

Ying Qi said very seriously.

The voice fell.

The ministers were all looking forward to it.

"The ministers and others will make every effort to capture this side of the world, so that my Daqin world will have reincarnation."5

The ministers were extremely excited.

Once the Daqin world has reincarnation, it will become more powerful, and the world can also be called the real world, a perfect world with reincarnation.

"Zhuqings follow the army, kill demons when encountering demons, and kill enemies when encountering enemies.

"No need to hold back.

"Zhen, I still need to retreat here and control my supernatural powers. 39

Ying Qi said to the ministers.

"The minister waits for the order.

The ministers said in unison.


It turned into hundreds of streamers and disappeared into the void.

For them.

In the world of Daqin, there is incomparable tranquility, and they want to seek a breakthrough in the war, only in this other world.

Therefore, the ministers of the Qin Dynasty are full of yearning for this side of the world.

Seeing the figures of the ministers leaving, Ying Qi smiled.

In the next battle, there is no need to worry about winning Qi.


"There are many monsters in the other world, and according to my will, all those who have reached the level of the Great Grandmaster can go out with the army and come to this other world to kill the monsters and gain the opportunity.

"Issue missions in the name of the empire, and you can get military merit by killing monsters.

Ying Qi contacted his son with the national fortune and said to his son.

Above the Daqin Temple.

When Ying Xi heard his father's voice, he immediately became serious.

"My son leads the order.

"Never let the father down.""

Yingxi replied immediately.


Immediately issued an edict as the prince of the supervisory country.

"Father has a purpose.

"Inform the world.

"Anyone who has reached the level of a great master or above, sects, or loose cultivators, can enter another world to kill demons, and they can obtain military merit by virtue of the demon's power."

"Anyone who wants to do meritorious deeds for the Great Qin can sign up at the government offices in various places." Ying Xi stood up from the palace of the King of Qin and said loudly.


Many censors serving in the hall responded in unison, and immediately went to announce the decree.


"I can't go to this other world to kill the enemy.

After the edict was issued, Yingxi was a little disappointed.

As the prince of the country of supervision, he has the responsibility of the prince of the country of supervision, which is naturally insurmountable.

Unless, he also has a successor.

"and many more.

"My father appointed me to be the crown prince of the country and let me be in charge of state affairs. If I let Tian'er also handle government affairs, would I be able to save my mind? Will my father be able to go on an expedition in the future? Will I be able to be with me too?"


Ying Xi seemed to have come up with some good idea, and for a while, she smiled wide-eyed.

He seems to want to learn from the fine traditions of his grandfather and father, cultivate the next generation, and then pass the burden of handling the affairs of the state to his son.

A Chinese Ghost Story.

Outside the Black Mountain Demon Territory.

a big city.

There used to be hundreds of thousands of people.

As the old demon of Montenegro ordered his demon clan to attack the human clan, they slaughtered wildly.

Countless monster races were killing the city like a gust of wind and rain.

The wind passed by.

How can this mundane city be able to resist?

0.....for flowers·

in a blink.

This city with a population of hundreds of thousands has turned into a purgatory on earth.

There was killing everywhere, and there were ogre cannibals everywhere.

And not just this city.

The Black Mountain Demon Realm originally covered hundreds of thousands of miles and stood on a par with the other three demon emperors. There were so many human races in their demon domain.

inside the city.

"Hahaha, the flesh and blood of the human race is indeed the most delicious. 35

"Eat it all.

"My demon clan has already started a war with the human clan, and His Majesty the demon emperor has already ordered, so there is no need to hold back.

"Eat these ants-like humans..."

The demonic winds are everywhere, and every time the demonic wind blows, there must be countless human races swallowed by the demon race.

Some monsters are even more cruel, turning into their bodies, and the huge beast bodies are biting in the city.

The entire city has become a purgatory on earth.

If it is said that the foreign barbarians in the Wuhu world slaughtered Yan Huang, the scene was extremely tragic, but compared with the robbery of this demon clan, it was nothing compared to that.

The cruelty of the demon clan is even more terrifying.

"Forgive me, don't eat me.

"Oh my god, open your eyes.

"Run away, run away..."

Originally, this city was considered peaceful and peaceful, but after the monsters attacked, ordinary people were so vulnerable, even if there were monks in the city, they were even more vulnerable under the power of the monsters.

The demons are ravaging wildly, and no one can resist.

The world is like that.

Demons are strong and weak.

The scene of purgatory, the demons eating people, and the killings, none of these seem to be able to stop them.

with this killing.

Countless grievances and evil spirits rose into the sky and mixed into the heavens and the earth. It seems that this is the origin of the tainted spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth.

But right now.

In this moment of monstrous resentment.


Countless roars followed, with a monstrous killing intent.

This killing intent swept in, surprising the demon clan in the city.


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