"What a strong flame."

"It's not the condensation of immortal power, but a kind of heaven and earth spirit. 55

"If you use this fire to deal with the tree demon, you are indeed restrained, and you can even burn his body.

Yan Chixia looked at the Emperor Huo in Ying Qi's hands in surprise.

"However, do you want to burn the mountain with fire?"

"But if you are not careful, the city around this mountain will be irretrievably lost." Yan Chixia said.

"Killing the Dryad, everything is worth it. 95

"What's more, this flame is all under my control.

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

The prairie flame in the palm of the hand suddenly shot out, and threw it towards the giant tree in front of Lanruo Temple.

When it fell on the giant tree.


The golden flame immediately burned on the giant tree.

The invisible power barrier of the giant tree was instantly destroyed by the power of the Emperor's "Nine-Two" Fire, and it was simply unable to compete with the Emperor's Fire.


The Emperor Fire broke through the barrier and burned directly on the giant tree.

A burst of piercing screams echoed throughout the entire Lanruo Temple, which was particularly piercing.

"Your fire has hurt the tree demon.

Yan Chixia was surprised.

all the time.

He can't really deal with this tree demon, let alone kill it, he can only suppress it here to prevent the tree demon from harming people.

And now.

He seemed to see the opportunity to kill the tree demon.

"Is there really a monster in this world?"

Ning Caichen on the side turned pale when he heard the harsh scream.

"I, give you another fire.

Ying Qi sneered.

The Emperor Fire once again condensed between the palms.

Without hesitation, he threw it directly at this sword mountain.

When the Emperor Fire fell to the ground, even the earth was burned, and then spread rapidly.

The entire mountain range for a hundred miles instantly turned into a volcano with golden flames blazing a prairie fire, and all substances were burned under this imperial fire.

Under the attack of this emperor fire.

The scream became more and more miserable.

Immediately after.

Boom, boom, boom.

The mountains began to vibrate violently.

The earth cracked.

Vine like a long snake rushed out from the ground, and these vines spread over the entire hundred miles of the land.

Hard to imagine.

"No wonder this old monster is so difficult to deal with. It turns out that his body giant tree is only his weakness on the bright side. His real weakness is the vines all over the mountains. he.

When Yan Chixia saw this scene, she finally understood how terrible she was in suppressing the Dryad.

If it wasn't for Ying Qi's shot, he really couldn't see the true face of this tree demon.

"Going out.

"Next, without your need to take action, I will kill this tree demon.

Ying Qi said to Yan Chixia.

"Are you okay?" Yan Chixia asked in surprise.

"How about a bet?"

Ying Qi smiled.

"Betting?" Yan Chixia looked at Ying Qi in surprise. At this time, she still has the heart to bet?

Judging from the strength shown by Ying Qi, it seems that he is weaker than him. Although this hand of flame really shocked him, it seems that it is not enough to kill the tree demon.

"If I kill the tree demon, how about you join me?" Ying Qi said with a smile.

"What if you can't do it?

Yan Chixia said without thinking.

In his opinion, Ying Qi can't kill the tree demon at all, unless the two work together.

"If you can't do it, I will give you this magical weapon in my hand." Ying Qiyang raised the Demon Suppression Sword in his hand.

Yan Chixia looked at the sword, and her eyes suddenly became emotional, and she nodded immediately: "Deal."

He has just lost a peerless divine weapon, and his strength has been greatly reduced. If he can get a stronger one, his strength will also be stronger.

Why not?

"Then just wait.

Ying Qi smiled.

Staring at the giant tree that was burned by the Emperor Fire.

If there is a health bar, at this moment, the old tree demon is definitely losing blood.


When the vines covering a hundred miles burst out.

Variation protrusions.

The huge tree shrouded in imperial fire suddenly released a terrifying demonic energy.

The flames on the giant tree were extinguished by this terrifying demonic aura.


Under the power of terrifying demons.

A man exuding terrifying power appeared in the void and looked at him with a ferocious face. Although it was a humanoid, it did not have the appearance or appearance of anyone.

Although the Emperor Fire on his body was extinguished, there were burns all over his body.

"I want you to die..."

"Let your souls go to hell. 35

The tree demon let out a roar of hatred, and the harsh sound resounded through the void of the mountains.


Countless vines charged towards Ying Qi and Yan Chixia with terrifying murderous intent.

Every vine carries the power to destroy the world.

"You... monsters, there are really monsters." Ning Caichen shouted in horror, his eyes turned white from fright, and he fainted.

"Yan Chixia, remember the bet just now.

Ying Qi laughed loudly.

The demon sword in his hand moves.

A sword cut out.

A golden sword light volleyed in the dark night.

Instantly cut off hundreds of thousands of vines.


The tree demon cried out in pain.

Very painful.

Those vines are like his arms to him, and they are also transformed by his vitality.

"I want you to die. 99

The Dryad roared.

After being suppressed by Yan Chixia for so many years, he was very weak at first, but now he is even weaker after being burned by the imperial fire of Ying Qi.

But under the desperate fight.

He showed all his power.

A terrifying demon aura rose into the air.

The whole sky and the sky are shaking.

"Be careful, he's going to die.

"This tree demon is not far from the demon emperor. 35 Yan Chixia reminded kindly.

"A sword that separates the world.

Ying Qi didn't reply, he held the sword at 1.7 in his right hand, and his dantian power was reversed.

From the Demon Suppressing Sword, a golden sword light shot straight into the sky.

The sword light seemed to rush to the sky above.


A sword slashed through the sky.

Go directly to the tree demon.

The power of this sword brought together all the martial arts energy to win Qi Dantian.

A full blow is Ying Qi's full force.


The tree demon also gathered all its strength and charged towards Ying Qi.

But the next moment.

The sword light fell from the sky.

Fall head on.

The tree demon's seemingly destructive power seemed so powerless under this sword.


The tree demon was cut in half by a sword, and even though he wanted to heal, the demon-killing power of the demon-suppressing sword instantly swept through.

"Congratulations to the host for killing... 39

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