Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 445 What Happened To This World?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"But since you don't want to say what power you are from, the old man won't ask too much."

"But... 39

Yan Chixia paused and looked at Ying Qi seriously: "Aren't you really afraid of those powerful monsters?

"Although the human race and the demon race have temporarily ceased fighting.

"But you are now declaring war on the demon clan, and they will not let go of the flesh and blood of a human immortal." Yan Chixia said.

"Speaking of which, you haven't been here for many years, why haven't you seen the demon clan come to kill you?" Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"I came here secretly, and I am an elder of the Kunlun faction. Now my human race has only a few immortals to compete with the demon race, and they don't dare to go too far. They don't want to break this balance and tear their faces."5

"That's why I asked what immortal gate is standing behind you, that might be able to block the robbery for you." Yan Chixia said.

"In this world, why is the human race so oppressed by the demon race? What happened in the first place?" Ying Qi asked.

"As an immortal, don't you know what happened back then?" Yan Chixia asked in surprise.

"Tell me.

Ying Qi sat directly opposite Yan Chixia.

"In the beginning, in fact, the monsters were always suppressed by my human race, but tens of thousands of years ago, the situation suddenly changed, and there was a negative aura in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. , is highly poisonous, if such aura is refined, the consequence will be eroded by negative aura.99

"In the beginning, my human race didn't care much about the negative aura in the spiritual energy of this world, but as time went by, my human race powerhouses were also eroded by this negative aura, and they went into trouble. In the end, my human race fought infighting and suffered heavy losses. The cultivators were also eroded, causing the fault of the strong human race. 99

"It is also for these reasons that my human race lost the power to compete with the demon race. The demon race fought back against my human race. In the end, this world became the world of the demon race."

"In the eyes of ordinary people, the human race still occupies the world, but it is not the case. The demon race has spread all over the world. If you want to eat people, you will eat people, if you want to kill people, you will kill people. I, the strong human race, can only survive and survive. It's just to protect the demon clan and not kill them aggressively.

That's it.

A lonely look appeared on Yan Chixia's face.

For him.

Perhaps for all the human race powerhouses in this world, this is an unspeakable humiliation.

"How did the negative atmosphere in this world come into being?

"Could it be because of the demon clan?" Ying Qi asked again.

"do not know."

"It seems to be born out of thin air, and these negative breaths are poisonous to our human cultivators, but have no effect on monsters, ghosts, and monsters, but can increase their cultivation. 39

"After tens of thousands of years, it has become like this over time. Speaking of which, it is extremely ridiculous. Yan Chixia said with a wry smile.

One and the other.

The human race is weak, and the demon race is strong.

In the past, the human race suppressed the demon race and made them dare not do anything, but in tens of thousands of years, the changes have been too great.

So big that they can't get it back.

"How many strong people are there in the demon clan? 35

"As far as today's era is concerned? Ying Qi asked again.

"The powerful monsters are on the side of the land we set foot on. Although they belong to our human race in name, they have many cities and tens of millions of human races, but they are actually a demon domain called the Demon Emperor of Montenegro. , he is a demon emperor level powerhouse.

"If it is divided by the strength of our human race, it is the strong earth immortal."

"And as far as I know, there are at least five strong monsters of this level, and there are more people and immortals.

"You hide now, everything is too late." Yan Chixia warned again.

Now that the human race is weak, it is possible to see an immortal. This is the combat power that belongs to the human race.

So Yan Chixia also wanted Ying Qi to be alive.

"No need. 35

"Zhen, wait for them to come." Ying Qi smiled without worry.

Hearing what Yan Chixia said that there are so many fairyland powerhouses in this world, Ying Qi was only moved, not timid at all.

Because they are the existence that becomes the stepping stone of Ying Qi.

Endless experience points.

"What the hell are you talking about?

"What monster? What monster?"

0.....for flowers·

Ning Caichen on the side was extremely puzzled.


He looked at Ying Qi with an unspeakable fear in his eyes.


He was even more puzzled by the conversation between the two, because he couldn't understand it at all.

"Mortal, you don't need to understand.

"These things are out of your reach."

"You leave soon tomorrow, go to some big cities, and maybe you can live to the end of your life." Yan Chixia said coldly.

"How come you are familiar with this sword?

"Why does it look like my Demon Slayer Sword?"

Yan Chixia turned her eyes, saw the sword on Ying Qi's waist, and asked in surprise.

"Your Devil Slayer Sword? 99

Ying Qi smiled and pulled out the sword from his waist.



The demonic energy in the entire square was instantly dissipated, and the sword intent rushed straight.

The power has surpassed the level of the immortal rank.

"Although it looks like my Demon Slayer Sword, it's not.

"This sword has surpassed the level of my Demon Slayer Sword.

Yan Chixia said with some disappointment.

Since his Demon Slayer Sword disappeared, his strength was greatly reduced, and he was also very annoyed.

At this moment, although the sword in Ying Qi's hand is sharp, it also has the sword intent to target demons, ghosts, and monsters, but it is stronger than his sword.

"Ha ha.""

Win Qi smiled.

There is no description either.


Originally, Ying Qi might have obtained Yan Chixia's Demon Slayer Sword, but after getting the opportunity of the Immortal Rank Treasure Box, Ying Qi got a piece of heaven and earth treasure, which was directly refined by Ying Qi, enhancing the power of the Demon Slayer Sword. .

Now this Devil Slaying Sword has been promoted to the low level of the god rank, and it is even more powerful.

At the same time, Ying Qi also changed its name to Zhenmojian.

The damage to the evil is greater.

"There is a demon king here."

"I'm going to kill him."

Ying Qi said.

"He hid in the ground, as long as he doesn't come out, he can't do anything about him," Yan Chixia said.


Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

A golden flame condensed directly in the palm of his hand.


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