Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 442 Ying Qi's Domineering Declaration

Finish disposing of the monsters in this small town.

Ying Qi looked around, and suddenly, a powerful immortal spirit burst out in an instant.

In this world where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is mixed with evil energy, it is like a vast sun formed by the aura of a fairy spirit, and its power rushes straight to the sky.

The emergence of this momentum.

Instantly shocked this side of the world.

Just like the originally dark earth, a ray of light descended from the sky, which was noticed by countless powerhouses in this world.

A mountain not far from the town.

In the center of the demonic energy, a sky-high demon tree suddenly opened its eyes, revealing surprise: "The immortals of the human race? In today's era, my demon race has dominated the world, and their human race immortals dare to appear?"5

"Old monster."

"I'm here, how dare you come out?"

"Go back to me."

But at the moment when the tree demon revealed his spiritual knowledge, an old Taoist snorted coldly, and turned the fierceness in the palm of his hand, gathered a thunderbolt, and slammed down the giant tree.

Thunder blasted.


The tree demon made a miserable cry from the Liao people.

Being hit by this thunder, the demonic energy was instantly weakened a lot.

"Yan Chixia.

"You are courting death.

The Dryad let out an angry roar.

"If you have the old way, you can't even think about being presumptuous." Yan Chixia sneered.

"You are a human race immortal, and running out to be my enemy would violate the contract between the demon race and the human race in the past. One day, the demon race will destroy your human race."" The tree demon said angrily.


"The old man is waiting for that day."

"Let's see if your demon clan was suppressed by my human clan, or my human clan was wiped out by your demon clan."

"Before that, though, get out of here for me. 35

Yan Chixia sneered.

He mobilized a stronger spiritual power and directly suppressed it.

The tree demon's spiritual consciousness was directly suppressed to the ground, so that she could not leave the range of Lanruo Temple.

"Dead monster, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed."

"If it weren't for your earth veins being connected to this earth, I would have no way to separate them. I would have killed you long ago." Yan Chixia spat out a mouthful of phlegm and was very angry.

Wait for him to come back to his senses.

His eyes turned to the direction of the town.

"Why does this human race powerhouse have such an aura? He will be targeted by the monster race powerhouses, or even take action against him. This is not a good thing."

"But I can't leave, otherwise the tree demon will get out of trouble."

"May he leave."9

"Otherwise, my human race will lose another immortal.""

Yan Chixia muttered to herself, revealing a kind of worry.

With Ying Qi's full strength, he exploded in momentum.

The whole world was shocked.

This hundreds of thousands of miles of demon realm is located, a black mountain shrouded in yin and endless souls.

"Human Immortal."

"You are so bold, you dare to enter the emperor's demon realm."

"This emperor has not eaten the flesh and blood of immortals for a long time.

"He's courting death.

A monster shrouded in darkness spoke coldly.

"The Demon King."

"That aura is in the position of the tree demon king, and it should be enough to give it to him.

"It really doesn't work, let's take another shot. 35

Several monsters with powerful aura spoke out.

"Tell the Dryad, I want the flesh and blood of this fairy.

"Also, he has been suppressed by a Taoist priest from Xianmen, so you go and help him. 39

"After all, he is also the emperor's subordinate." The monster in the darkness said.

"Respect the order of the Demon Emperor of Montenegro.

Several monsters responded immediately.

Ying Qi showed all his strengths.

It's like a rock-shattering shock.

Instantly shook the world of this side.

Everyone who has reached the Void Realm can feel this powerful momentum.

a time.

With Ying Qi's aura as the center, many demons, and even the immortals in this world, all sensed it.


This is just the beginning.

"I, Emperor Daqin."

"Let me listen to all the monsters and monsters in this world."

"You wait to oppress my human race, treat my human race as pigs and dogs, kill and eat them at will. 99

"I will never tolerate it."9

"Anyone who creates and kills evil spirits and monsters, I encounter one, kill one, encounter a city, slaughter a city.

"Until all the bloody demons are killed.""

"If you and other demons are brave, you can remember my breath and come to find me."5

"I, no one will be rejected."

Ying Qi is based on immortal power, and his voice spreads along the void.

a time.

The entire sky, earth and firmament changed color.

The voice may not reach the ears of ordinary people.

However, those whose cultivation base has reached the Void Realm can hear the sound of thunder through Ying Qi's aura.

"`" Kill all the demons in the world. 35

"Really arrogant."

"If this person appears in my Black Mountain Demon Realm, then he must not be allowed to leave alive, otherwise this emperor will never see other demon emperors in the world."

The old demon of Montenegro said coldly.

"The Demon King.

"Are we going to take action immediately to deal with him?"

Several demon kings asked.

"Rescue the tree demon first, and then bring the rampant human race.""

"This emperor wants to see, but he dares to be so arrogant in this emperor's demon domain. The old demon from Montenegro said angrily.

"Yes. 99

Many monsters under the old demon of Montenegro immediately replied.

Lan Ruo Temple.

Hearing this domineering announcement against the entire demon clan, Yan Chixia's expression changed instantly.

"Oh, this man is too arrogant.

"He declared so, targeting the entire demon clan, he will definitely be hunted down by the demon clan.

(Nord's) "Even if he has an immortal cultivation, but in today's world, my human race is weak, how can I have the strength to protect him.

"Moreover, he has survived in the Montenegro Demon Realm this time. That old Montenegrin demon is a powerful demon king, and there are hardly any human immortals who can compete with him.

"It's over."

A sigh appeared on Yan Chixia's face.

For Ying Qi's announcement, in his opinion, this is nothing more than courting death.

And although he has an immortal cultivation base, in this world, he has no way to help Ying Qi.

At this moment, all his strength was used to suppress the tree demon.


His magic weapon had disappeared inexplicably before, which greatly reduced his combat power.

For him.

This is nothing short of helpless.

Without the Demon Slayer Sword, his strength dropped by at least half.

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