Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 441 The imperial decree comes, the empire moves

These monsters who were directly captured by Ying Qi in the Void had strong and weak cultivation bases, but there was no doubt that under the precise capture of Ying Qi, all their hands were stained with human blood, which proved that they had all killed and eaten people.

This is also the reason why Ying Qi took action against them.

Ying Qi let go of those monsters that had never been contaminated with human blood.

After winning Qi Zhangguo for many years, they are based on Yanhuang, but other ethnic groups under Daqin's command, except slaves, are also treated as subjects. There are good people and bad people, and there are good monsters and bad monsters.

under Qin law.

Kill for life.

Whether human or monster.

Because Daqin is now an empire composed of many worlds and many ethnic groups.

Demons, there are also in Daqin.

for this world.

Win Qi Chulin.

But for the human race of this side of the world, although they did not belong to the dynasty recorded in the history of Yan and Huang, but they belonged to the Yan and Huang family, there is no doubt about this.

both of the same race.

Ying Qi from 05 should do justice for them.

Today is Win Qi.

The next day will be the arrival of many strong men in Daqin, and all the monsters that have been plundered will be wiped out.

"People feed, people hunt."

"Every one of you has human life in your hands.

Ying Qi lived in the void and looked at these monsters indifferently.

"Human, who are you? How dare you enter my Black Mountain Demon Realm?"

"In the past, the demon emperor of our clan had already set a rule that human immortal disciples were not allowed to join the WTO. Once they found out, they would declare war with my demon clan. 99

"Human, are you looking for death?"

Looking at Ying Qi, many monsters angrily shouted.

Even though they have all lost their power at the moment, in this world, their monsters seem to be born to suppress the human race, which also contributes to their arrogance.

Look at these rampant demon clan.

Ying Qi shook his head.

Raise your hand.

In between.

Hundreds of golden fire lights suddenly appeared in the void.

These flames fell exactly on these imprisoned monsters.

Emperor fire dipped in the body.

In an instant.

These monsters didn't even have time to scream, they turned into ashes, and their souls were swallowed by the Emperor Fire.

The sky is full of black and gray, floating in the void of this small town.

"Congratulations to the host for gaining 500,000 experience points."" The system prompted.

This number did not move Ying Qi.

Now that Ying Qi is at level 85, the experience points needed to level up have grown to 90 million. In addition to the experience points obtained last time, he still needs 70 million experience points to be able to level up.

For Ying Qi.

These little monsters can't get much experience points at all.

Only to kill the top demons in this world.

Only then can Ying Qi gain experience points and make great progress.

"The human race in this side of the world is not strong in this regard."

"Let's take this world away first.

Ying Qi stood in the ash-filled void with a thoughtful expression on his face.


Taking the national fortune as a link, he issued an imperial decree: "Mr. Wu'an, quickly dispatch a million troops, sufficient food and grass, and I will call for troops at any time."

"All the worshippers of Daqin, all of them, are waiting for my summons to come.

"The formation hall, give me all my strength to refine the talismans and incantations aimed at the demon clan.

"Forging Hall, Tool Hall, make every effort to create weapons and magic weapons against monsters. 35

next moment.

In the Daqin world.

The time flow of the two worlds is different. It has been less than a day since Ying Qi stepped into this world, but ten days have passed in the Daqin world.

Those courtiers who received the news from Ying Qi were stunned for a moment, and then all had expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

"The minister waits for the order."

All the courtiers who got the will replied in unison.


The originally peaceful Da Qin suddenly boiled over.

Bai Qi immediately left the mansion, put on the battle armor again, and went straight to the heavenly camp.

"Jun Wu'an. 35

See the figure of Bai Qi.

The generals stationed in the camp immediately greeted him, and after seeing Bai Qi in battle armor, his expressions became clear.

Daqin, will start the journey again.

"The emperor has a purpose."

"Mobilize an army of millions, obey the call of the emperor at any time, and fight across borders. 55 Bai Qi said to the generals.

"No 35


The crowd responded with excitement.

"Dare to ask Wu Anjun, don't know when to set off?" Meng Wu asked excitedly.

"The emperor may already be in another world, but he hasn't proclaimed that this time, the mobilization of a million troops is to listen to the emperor's decree and cross the border at any time."

'As for when, I don't know. ""

"But what can be known is that that world is not simple." Bai Qi said solemnly.

"Please don't worry, Wu An-jun."

"Millions of troops can be assembled within a day." Meng Wu said immediately.

at the same time.

In the main hall where many enshrinements are located.

"Da Qin, we are going to go out again.

"Everyone. 35

"Our cultivation base has ushered in the opportunity to make great progress."

The Sword Saint looked at the many worshippers in the hall and smiled.

In Daqin, the strong are respected.

in the worship hall.

Juggernaut, as the only person in the Immortal Realm, naturally has to be respected by all worshipers.

"This time we go out to another world, we must break through the fairyland.

"In this way, the emperor will not be disappointed.

910" not bad. 99

"This opportunity is our chance to become immortals."

Dugu seeks defeat, and Zhang Sanfeng and other worshipers open their mouths one after another, full of expectations for the other world.

“However, this time seems to be different. 35

"The emperor specially decreed to refine the magic weapon and magic weapon against the demon clan, as well as the talisman.

"Could it be that there are many demons in the world where the emperor wants to fight?" Zhang Sanfeng asked in surprise.

"Since the emperor has issued the imperial decree, I, as a minister, will do it. 35

"Zhang Xiang, you are in charge of the formation hall, we have not yet set out on the expedition, and we can do our best to help you refine the talismans and spells. The swordsman said.


"Since the emperor has issued an decree, as ministers, we still need to be cautious."

All the ministers spoke up.


Because of an imperial decree of Ying Qi.

The whole Daqin was shocked.

Peace of mind for many years.

A war machine revived in vain.

Not only the army on the bright side, the worship, but even the shadows in the dark, were also mobilized by Ying Qi.

This other world is shrouded in demons and evil spirits, Ying Qi will let them taste the wrath of Da Qin and the wrath of the human race.

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