Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 382 Open the World Portal, Goodbye Ying Zheng

I heard Ying Qi's decree.

Yingxi, the son, was also taken aback.

He did not expect that his father and emperor would enshrine him as the crown prince today.

a time.

He has always been stable in his heart, but he was stunned.


"Don't you want to accept the order?

Ying Qiwei said, the sound was like thunder, and it was transmitted directly to Ying Xi's soul.

This sound.

Let Yingxi come back to her senses instantly.

Hastily walked down the stairs.

He knelt down directly on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "My son, thank the father for his long grace, and the son will never let the father down, take on the great responsibility of supervising the state of Qin and stabilize the great Qin.

"This is my son.""

Seeing this, Ying Qi nodded in satisfaction.


A wave of hands.

A gleaming jade seal appeared in his hand, and when the seal came out, it carried a kind of repressive power, making the courtiers in the entire hall feel depressed.

"I gave you the seal of the crown prince, which is a low-grade magic weapon of immortal rank, has the power to suppress, and has the blessing of my great Qin Guoyun. If there is a disobedient minister, you can use this seal to knock down the disobedient minister's cultivation base and demote him to a commoner.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

The seal in his hand flew towards Ying Xi.

With a solemn look on his face, Ying Xi picked up Yin Xi with both hands and took it over.

"My son, I will not disappoint the emperor." Ying Xi said solemnly.

This seal is a low-grade immortal rank, which is unique in this Daqin world. Even if it is a courtier who has crossed the tribulation realm, the highest rank they can have may be the celestial rank.

But today.

Although they were shocked about the treasure of the Immortal Rank possessed by Ying Xi, they did not have any jealousy, because this was what Ying Xi deserved, he was the crown prince of Da Qin, and he deserved everything.


This seal was made by Ying Qi himself, and it can be imagined that it must have taken a lot of time. Otherwise, this immortal magic weapon would definitely not exist.

"This sword is also given to you."

Ying Qi smiled, and the Lingshuang sword he used before swooped out and landed in front of Ying Xi.

Although the years go by.

However, the power of the Lingshuang sword still exists, and there are endless killings belonging to this divine soldier. In Yingqi, he used this sword to slash countless strong people and drink so much blood of the strong, and the Lingshuang sword has surpassed the sky. The level of the product is almost close to the immortal rank magic weapon.

This sword.

After being held by Ying Qi for many years, now it is given to Ying Xi, which is even more a symbol of authority.

"My son, thank the father and the emperor.""

Ying Xi took the Lingshuang sword and was extremely excited.

"All right.

"One month later, the empire will go to war."

"Your Excellency.

"Go get ready.

After the edict was over, Ying Qi didn't say anything more, and waved his hands to the ministers.

"The minister waits for orders.

The ministers said in unison.

The meeting will disperse.

Ying Qi returned to Zhangtai Palace.

"System, I want to use the opportunity to open the dungeon portal, and use both opportunities. Ying Qi said solemnly.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Will the copy portal opportunities be used together or separately?" the system asked.

"Use separately." Ying Qi said.

Ying Qi naturally didn't believe that his luck would be very bad, and the chance of opening two second-order dungeon worlds would not be able to touch a high martial arts high-quality world.

after all.

If you are lucky.

The results of the two openings will surprise Ying Qi.

"Order accepted.

"Use the second-order copy to randomly open the opportunity.

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully opened the portal of Gao Wu's high-quality "Dou Qi World".

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully opened the portal of Xianwu's low-grade "A Chinese Ghost Story". 35

In an instant, the system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

Hear this.

Ecstasy appeared on Ying Qi's face.


"It seems that I am really the chosen person, and I have not been disappointed by these two opportunities. 35

"A high-grade martial arts high-grade is already burning high-grade incense, and even a low-grade clothing moth fairy martial arts world has been opened. This is already the highest world that the second-order dungeon opportunity can open."5

"This time, I really made a lot of money."

Ying Qi laughed.

If it is said that there will be fairyland powerhouses in the high-quality high-grade world, then there will definitely be immortals in the low-grade fairyland world, and there will be powerhouses higher than fairyland.

"Wonderland, can be expected.

Ying Qi smiled.

Dou Qi world, this Chinese ghost world.

There will be a lot of strong people in it, and these will be the chance to win Qi and transform into an immortal.

And now.

The World Portal has been successfully opened.

Everything is ready.

I only owe the east wind.

And the one who wins Qi Shou is naturally the first to fight in this world of Dou Qi.

There may be immortal powerhouses in it, but with Ying Qi's strength and the strength of the thirteen tribulation-transcending powerhouses in Daqin, even a real immortal can handle it.

But the world of A Chinese Ghost Story is different.

The immortals that exist there will definitely surpass the ordinary immortal realm and reach a stronger level.

that kind of existence.

With Ying Qi's strength, it is still impossible to compete.

So it still needs to be drawn slowly.

"Post a mission."

"Master all the spirit fires in the Dou Qi world, and reward a fairy-level treasure chest."

"Post a mission.

"Control the world of Dou Qi and reward a treasure chest of Immortal Rank." 5

The system prompts.

"Two immortal treasure chests, not bad." Ying Qi nodded with satisfaction.

The release of system quests, as well as treasure chest rewards, is a kind of spur to Ying Qi, a channel to improve his strength. For Da Qin, even if this quest is not released, Ying Qi will still conquer the world.

The heritage and resources of a world.

This will bring endless transformation to Da Qin.

"The expedition is imminent.

"Go and see the father and mother.

Ying Qi came back to his senses, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

every battle.

Ying Qi will say goodbye to his father and mother, and after returning in triumph, it is the same, the first person to see them is them.

Even though nearly two hundred years have passed, in Ying Qi's heart, filial piety will never change.

730 Shihuang Palace.

"Going out again?"

Seeing Ying Qi coming, Ying Zheng, who was drinking tea, was not surprised at all and smiled slightly.

Although he did not participate in the government.

But after Ying Qiming sounded the golden bell, Ying Zheng immediately guessed that the battle was about to start.


Ying Qi nodded and sat in front of Ying Zheng.

Now that Da Qin has conquered many worlds, he is no longer kneeling, but a chair, and there are many more extravagant things.

As the top of imperial power, Ying Qi and his son naturally enjoy the most.


"Everything is careful.

Looking at Ying Qi, there were thousands of words, but only one sentence came together, but the words contained the strong concern of Ying Zheng as a father.

"Don't worry, Father. 35

"Although this world is strong, I am not afraid. Ying Qi smiled.

"Is there an immortal in the world that is going to go out this time?" Ying Zheng asked.

"No accident, there should be immortals." Ying Qi affirmed.

"That kind of existence, immortal and powerful, Qi'er, if you encounter it, you must take it all seriously. Ying Zheng warned again seriously.

"Do not worry.

"Now my strength is only one step away from being immortal."

"If I really meet Xian, he will be my stepping stone." Ying Qi smiled lightly, full of confidence in his own strength.

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