
Palace of the King of Qin.

After hearing the sound of the golden bell, all the courtiers and worshipers entered the palace of the King of Qin.

And this moment.

Ying Qi had put on a crown robe and sat high on the dragon chair.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal. 99

Manchu civil and military, worship in unison shouted in unison.

Everyone's voice revealed a kind of excitement.

Today's Daqin.

Hundred years have passed.

The transformation brought about is great, even the phenomenon in the courtroom is completely new.

"Your Excellency, calm down.

Ying Qi stretched out his hands and said arrogantly.

"Xie Dijun."

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty shouted in unison, and then took their seats.

But everyone's eyes turned to Ying Qi in the high position, with anticipation.

"To summon the ministers today, presumably they already have some guesses in their hearts.

"Seven-three-zero" Ying Qi smiled and looked at the Manchu civil and martial arts.

"I swear to die as an emperor and fight for Daqin."

All the courtiers said in unison, full of fighting intent.

"Xu Fu.

"How about the output of alchemy?" Ying Qi asked.

"Back to the emperor. 35

"Now there are 100,000 alchemists in the alchemy hall, and there are still a few alchemists who have been able to refine elixir of the heavenly rank. Today, millions of bottles of various healing and recovery elixir are stored in the treasury and can be called at any time. Xu Fu said with a complacent expression.


"How about forging? Ying Qi asked again.

"Go back to the emperor."

"A hundred years.""

"The forging hall is fully committed to forging divine weapons, and now the ministers and a few blacksmiths can forge divine weapons of the heavenly rank. Among them, the weapons used by ordinary warriors in the Qin Dynasty are at the lowest level of the mysterious rank. Thousands of generals and even ten thousand generals use them. Divine Soldiers of the territorial hierarchy.

"As for my generals and generals with more than 100,000 people in command of Daqin, they are all divine soldiers of the heavenly rank.

Ou Xiong had the same expression as Xu Fu, very excited.

"The Array.

Ying Qi continued.

"Awaken the emperor.

"The formations of the formation hall are mainly teleportation formations. In the past hundred years, in addition to laying down all the transmission formations in our Daqin world city, the formation masters of the formation hall have worked together to refine 200,000 transmission formations. There are all teleportation formations, in addition to teleportation formations, there are also ordinary covering formations, illusion formations, etc. Zhang Sanfeng stood up and respectfully said.

In terms of formation attainments, Zhang Sanfeng showed a rare talent as soon as he came into contact with him, so he was named the master of the formation hall by Ying Qi, and he did not disappoint Ying Qi.

"Refining Hall." Ying Qi's eyes moved again.

"Awaken the emperor.

"Now, all the armors of my Daqin soldiers are made by me and me in the Refining Hall. The inscriptions on the battle armor can protect the lives of soldiers at critical moments." Xiaoyaozi stood up and respectfully said.


Ying Qi looked at Bai Qi.

"Awaken the emperor.

"Now my six major battalions in Daqin have a combat force of 6 million. In the past 100 years, the entire army has ushered in expansion, and in addition to the strength that was originally required for my Daqin Ruishi in the Xiantian realm, it has now increased to the level of a grandmaster. Grandmaster level, do not fight Ruishi for me, Daqin.

"In addition, there are 300,000 dragon knights and 500,000 sub-dragon knights in the six major camps, all of which are assigned to our six major camps in Daqin.

Bai Qi immediately reported.

Listen to the reports of the ministers under his command.

A happy smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

Ying Qi naturally saw Daqin's national strength in his eyes, but as for the specific improvement, only these ministers who control various functions and powers can clearly describe them.


Compared with a hundred years ago, Daqin's national strength has increased by at least ten times.

A wise man at the level of six million masters.

How could this have been imagined more than a hundred years ago?

But under the national power of Daqin today.

The resources of the empire are endless, and it has the blessing of national fortune. It is no surprise that Daqin has the current national power.


"All these years, Zhu Qing has not let me down."

"Not only has the strength of the upper ranks of Daqin ushered in a huge improvement, but the middle and lower ranks of my Daqin have also experienced a leap in strength."

"My Daqin now has more than ten experts in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, the Void Realm, the Broken Realm, and the Heaven and Human Realm are countless.

"Only with such national strength can I, Daqin, have the heritage of today's world.

Ying Qi said with a big smile.

With such national strength, how could Ying Qi not be excited.

"Daqin has the world today, all in the power of the emperor's commander." The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty said in unison.

"All right."

"I won't talk nonsense anymore.

"A hundred years of recuperation, a hundred years of development.""

"My Daqin's national strength has increased more than tenfold, and now Daqin finally has the opportunity to go to a stronger world." Ying Qi stared at all the courtiers and said arrogantly.

"I respectfully listen to the emperor's will."

"I swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, and I swear allegiance to Daqin to the death.

Manchu civil and military excited 0.....

"Jun Wu'an. 39

"Since the six major camps have recruited two million elite soldiers, a month later, Xianyang is waiting for orders. Win Qi Dao.

"The minister leads the order." Bai Qi bowed and bowed.

"Xu Fu, Ou Xiong, Zhang Sanfeng, Xiaoyaozi. 99

"Prepare enough pills, magic weapons, magic weapons, and formations."

"Put it into the baggage and replenish my army at any time.""

"Han Fei, Li Si, allocating food and grass to ensure the army needs for ten years."


"All the Tribulation Realm, all Daqin worship, and one month later, all will go out with me." Ying Qiwei said.

"The minister waits for the order.

"I swear to follow the emperor to the death."

All the ministers responded with excitement.

They have been waiting for this day, waiting for the day when Daqin will go to war again for more than 100 years. Now that they have won Qi and started the war again, how can they not be happy or excited.

"Besides, I have one last thing.

Ying Qi stood up and looked at Ying Xi who was standing on the stairs.

The eyes of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty all focused on the high position, and they were a little puzzled.


"Since I went out to the Immortal Sword World, you have been in charge of supervising the power of the country, allowing me to go out and worry about it.

"I have seen your ability, the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty have seen it, and the people of the world have seen it even more.

"From today.

"I have enjoined you to be the crown prince of Daqin, to hold the power of my Daqin to supervise the country, to enjoy the first execution and then the performance, and to mobilize all the national power of the empire."5

Ying Qi stared at Ying Xi, and announced in a powerful voice.

The words fell.

The court officials were all stunned, but there was no surprise in 1.7.

Because for them.

This is not surprising.

Today's eldest son is extremely capable and powerful, which is known to the world, but Ying Qi is there, if Ying Qi abdicates, Ying Xi would not be able to ascend to the throne at all.

But when Ying Qi really abdicates, I don't know how many years later, maybe at that time, Ying Qi has surpassed the Great Dao of All Heavens and achieved a real state of happiness.

So at this stage.

There is only one position suitable for Ying Xi, and that is the Da Qin Emperor.

With this status, it will be more justifiable for Yingxi to supervise the country, and it will also set the hearts of the people of the world.

The identity of this prince, who is in charge of the whole country of Qin, has nothing to do with the emperor.

This was also given to his son by Ying Qiwei.

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