Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 379 Preparing for the Expedition

Looking at the worship in the hall.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

All the people who participated in the top ten of the competition, without exception, even Bi Xuan and Ning Daoqi, the two top tribulation-transcending realm powerhouses, were all willing to enter Daqin.

"In the past, when you were in the people, you were free and unconstrained.

"But when you enter my Daqin, you get the endless resources of my Daqin, so naturally there is something to give.

"I, put the ugly words up front.""

"Entering my Daqin, there is no reason to betray. If you betray me and betray Daqin, I will surely destroy her body and mind."

Ying Qi glanced at everyone, and a monstrous might erupted from his body.

It swept the entire hall in an instant.

this moment.

Everyone seems to have suffered endless depression, and their expressions have become very painful.

Fortunately, Ying Qi's breath came and went quickly.

In a flash.

"The ministers will never betray the emperor."

"If you betray, your body will die and the Tao will disappear, and you will fall into the underworld."

Everyone was in awe.

"Entering my Daqin, although I lost my past, I still gained something."5

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

The imperial list appeared in hand.

"Song Que, Bi Xuan, Ning Daoqi listened to the seal."

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"Sir, listen to the seal.

The three immediately stood up and bowed.

"I enshrined the three of you to enshrine my Daqin first-class products, and enjoy my Daqin first-class national fortunes."" Ying Qiwei said.

On the Imperial Dynasty list, there were three names of people in the column dedicated to the first grade.

And in the ranks of this product offering.

In addition to Juggernaut and Jiujianxian, Zhang Sanfeng, Dugu Qiufeng and others.

727 Although their current world has not yet reached the Tribulation Transcendence Realm, as the world's top fortune-telling characters, their talents are extraordinary, and these are the fundamentals for them to obtain a first-grade offering.

The future is promising.

Ying Qi is now fighting in the heavens and the world, and what he wants is to bring the powerhouses of the heavens and the world under his command to serve Daqin.

"Xie Dijun is very important.""

The three replied in unison, with excitement on their faces.

Daqin first-class worship, they naturally know what it is. Although they have no real power, they are the top figures of the Daqin Empire.

Apart from that.

In addition to taking action during the Daqin campaign, the other time is to teach sermons in various Daqin school palaces, but it is very leisurely, and there is nothing at all.

"Li Xiaoyao, Liu Jinyuan...

Ying Qiwei shouted.

Read out a person's name.


Ying Qi opened the imperial seal.

These people are all specialized in the arts, Ying Qi naturally relies on strength to divide their imperial positions, cultivators are for worship, alchemy, alchemy masters, and blacksmiths are edicts to the alchemy hall and so on.


Everyone is sealed.

On the imperial list.

There are also more names of these courtiers.

At this moment.

It is also time to decide their cultivation base.

"All my ministers of the Great Qin can be blessed with the fortune of the country, and enjoy the blessing of the fortune of the Great Qin, the Great Qin will not be destroyed, and the true spirit will not be destroyed. Ying Qiwei shouted.

The phantom of the black dragon of national fortune appeared on Ying Qi's body.

next moment.

Dozens of national fortune brilliance was released directly, falling towards these newly appointed ministers.

National fortune is coming.

Naturally, they were extremely shocked, who had never had the Great Qin National Games.

Even the three tribulation-transcending realm powerhouses.

"This...is this the legendary power of Daqin?

"It's so vast.

"I'm going to break through."

Bi Xuan, Ning Daoqi, and Song Que became excited and excited.

The existence of national fortune.

It is no longer a secret for Daqin, after all, all Daqin courtiers, even ordinary soldiers, can get the national fortune and improve their cultivation.

But it is simply not available to people outside the vassal of the Great Qin.

Countless people can only get the name, but they don't know the fundamentals of the national destiny.

And today the National Fortune is here.

How could they not be excited when they truly realized the power and vastness of the national movement.

In an instant.

Boom, boom, boom.

In the entire hall, bursts of powerful momentum rushed out, causing the entire palace of the King of Qin to tremble.

The momentum of breaking through the Tribulation Realm.

The momentum of the Void Realm breakthrough.

The momentum of the Shattered Realm breakthrough.

The momentum of a breakthrough in the realm of heaven.

It's all mixed together.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth from a thousand miles of Tiangong gathers frantically towards the Palace of the King of Qin. With the impetus of the national fortune, these new ministers who join Daqin will usher in a breakthrough.

The power of national fortune.

The effect is remarkable for the courtiers who have never had the National Games, and today must be a breakthrough ceremony for them.

"I'm here to give you some fire."

Ying Qi smiled.

God thought a move.

The formation of the Tiangong was activated.


Taking the Heavenly Palace as a guide, the tens of thousands of miles of the sky (afbh) and the auras of the earth gathered towards the heavenly palace crazily. The cultivators in these breakthroughs frantically devoured the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, and turned them into a storm-like aura of the heavens and the earth.

Under the impetus of this endless spiritual energy.

One after another, the momentum of breakthrough broke out from the bodies of the ministers.

All the courtiers who received the National Games have ushered in a breakthrough.

"After today."

"I have added a lot of strong people to Daqin."

"I'm going to work hard too. 35

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm.

Bai Qi looked at the breakthrough scene in this hall, and there was a movement in his eyes.

For him.

Now that he is at the peak of the Void Realm, he is one step away from entering the Tribulation Realm.

But seeing so many calamity-transcending realm powerhouses emerge in Daqin, this is also a kind of spur for Bai Qi.


Now there are many powerful people in Daqin, which is a spur to the old officials of Daqin.

Just as Ying Qi said to them in the past, the opportunity to become an immortal is given to them, but it is up to them whether they can seize it or not.


The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves.

If they don't seize the opportunity of Daqin's national power skyrocketing, maybe they won't have their status in Daqin's court in the future.

Empire exists.

It's not human.

If you don't have the ability, you are destined to be eliminated.

In his place, seek his government.

This is the foundation of Daqin's existence.

After a long time.

The momentum that spread in the hall gradually stopped.

The ministers also ushered in a breakthrough.

"The power of Great Qin's fortunes is indeed extremely powerful.

"I only heard about the strength of the national fortune before, but after this real experience, I realized that the previous rumors underestimated the national fortune."5

"Contact with the national fortune, the true spirit enters the imperial court.

"That is to say, even if we die in the future, Daqin will protect our true spirit, and there will be an afterlife. 39

"It's no wonder that the courtiers of the Qin Dynasty are dying in battle, because there will be no worries at all."

"The true spirit is immortal, even if there is no afterlife, but in the process of Daqin's transformation, there is a true spirit, and it may not be impossible to resurrect..."

After the breakthrough, under the pull of the national fortune, their true spirits also entered the imperial court of Daqin, which made them even more excited.

"Chen wait for Xie Dijun Longen. 35

All the ministers bowed towards Ying Qi and were extremely grateful.

"If you have a home, you will naturally have a reward.""

"When the ministers serve the Great Qin, I will naturally grant them. 35

"From now on. 35

"You are my servants of Daqin.

"Okay. 35

"The banquet is not over yet, continue.

Ying Qi laughed, and Long Yan was delighted.

"Respect the Emperor."9

"Respect fellow colleagues."

Everyone returned to their seats, raised their glasses, and drank happily.

The old and new ministers of Da Qin naturally get along well.

In the Daqin Empire, although there are rivalries among the officials, there is no intrigue, which is also an atmosphere that is difficult to have in the past dynasties.

Time passes by in the process.

This competition also achieved the result that Ying Qi wanted.

Dabi was able to take all the talented people under his command, which undoubtedly strengthened the national strength of Daqin.

It is also to prepare for Daqin's future expedition.

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