Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 378 The power of the emperor and the power of the emperor

Above the Heavenly Palace.

Outside the Palace of the King of Qin.

The top ten players who had successfully won various competitions stood on the square, waiting to be summoned.

As Daqin folks, they have naturally heard of Daqin's Tiangong for a long time.

This is the supreme existence belonging to Da Qin. If it were not for the high officials of Da Qin, other people would not have any chance to ascend to the Heavenly Palace and stand in the Cloud Heavenly Palace of the Great Qin Empire.

"The Great Qin Tiangong, the emperor's palace, has been rumored in the world for a long time, and it really lives up to its reputation. 99


"The legendary Tiangong, I didn't expect that we would stand on this Tiangong."

"This is the grace of the emperor."

The winners of the competition standing on the square looked at the various buildings above the Heavenly Palace with great interest, and the smiles on their faces showed their yearning and excitement for the Heavenly Palace.

Standing on this heavenly palace.

It was like being in the legendary fairyland, with the clouds passing by, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was far more than a hundred times that of the outside world, which made them all know exactly what the Imperial Immortal Temple was.

"The power of Emperor Qin is really unimaginable.

"The palace for dozens of miles actually floats above the sky. If this kind of power is not a fairy, how can it be achieved?"

"Perhaps, Song Que's choice was the right one."

"The immortal road opens and leads to the realm of immortals and gods. Only when you truly enter Qin and become Qin ministers. 99

this moment.

Many people thought to themselves.

Standing on this Heavenly Palace, they felt the vastness of Heavenly Palace, which made them even more aware of what the power of the Great Qin Emperor was.

at this time.

"The emperor has a purpose.

"Call the Great Bibi Shijia into the hall to meet him.

Zhao Cheng walked out of the Palace of King Qin and shouted to everyone.

"Xie Dijun, 35

Everyone said in unison.

Then, according to the ranking and the type, they stood in a row and walked towards the palace of the King of Qin.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

Ying Qi sat high on the dragon chair, but he was not wearing a crown robe, just the uniform that belonged to his emperor.

On the side of the dragon chair.

Yingxi stood aside.

Moreover, it is not a gathering of officials in the court.

Only the Jiuqing of Daqin, the generals, and the consecrations above the second-rank are seated in the court hall.

"The grass people see the emperor.

When all the winners of the Great Competition entered the hall, they all bowed to Ying Qi Yi.


Ying Qi smiled slightly and waved his hand.

A vast force appeared and directly supported them.

"Xie Dijun. 39

Everyone thanked them in unison.

"Take a seat.

Ying Qi smiled and motioned everyone to take their seats.

In the back of many civil and military, there are naturally many seats.

On the hall today.

It is not to discuss state affairs, but to summon these winners for a discussion.

"Xie Dijun. "."

Everyone thanked them again and took their seats.

"At the banquet.""

"Excellent wine.""

Zhao Cheng shouted loudly.


From outside the temple gate.

Numerous palace maids held the delicious dishes prepared by the royal chef, as well as bottles of fine wine, and placed them on the table in front of everyone in the hall.


The whole palace of King Qin was full of fragrance.

All kinds of delicacies caught their eyes.

"The delicacies made by the emperor's royal chef himself, and the Wangyou wine of the royal family that cannot be exchanged for thousands of dollars in the world, this time the big competition is really a worthwhile trip.""

"Haha, this time not only will I be able to see the emperor, but I will also be able to attend this banquet in the Palace of the King of Qin. After returning home, I will be famous. 35

"The grace of the emperor is really unimaginable..."

When the food and wine were presented, everyone was excited.

Whether it is a high-ranking Tribulation Realm powerhouse, or other ordinary cultivation bases, it is the same.

simply put.

To be able to participate in the grand banquet in this palace of the King of Qin, and to be entertained by the present emperor himself, is a supreme honor.


"The Palace of the King of Qin never entertains foreign ministers, but today I set a precedent for you."

"Today's feast, there is no need to be restrained, let go of the feast, wine and delicacy, without scruples.""

Ying Qi smiled and said to everyone in the hall.

Hear what Ying Qi said.

Feel the majesty of Ying Qi like a spring breeze.

Everyone also let go of a sense of tension and laughed: "Xie Dijun. 35

"Ha ha.

"it is good."

Ying Qi smiled and raised the wine glass.

"Congratulations to all of you for winning the top ten in the first national competition in Daqin, I, to all of you. 35

"The great competition of all of you has allowed me to see the prosperity of my Daqin folk cultivation way, and also to see the strength of the folk hidden world powerhouses.

"Go ahead." Ying Qi laughed loudly, raising his wine glass high.

"Respect the Emperor. 35

Everyone raised their glasses, very excited.

Except for the Qin courtiers.

The common people and cultivators are full of awe and curiosity towards the Great Qin Emperor.

Now at this feast, Ying Qi showed them another side of being an emperor, which naturally surprised their eyes.

"Da Qin's first big competition.

"I said it before."

"Anyone who is in the top ten of the Great Competition can get the Spiritual Treasure Divine Armament from me. 35

"Today I am naturally fulfilling my promise.""

Ying Qi smiled and clapped his hands.


Dozens of guards walked in from the hall, each holding a brocade box in their hands.


Ying Qi waved at the guards.

"No. 35

The guards walked in front of the winners of the competition in an orderly manner, and placed the corresponding brocade boxes on everyone's table.

These are of course pre-arranged.

After letting go.

The guards bowed to Ying Qi and left the hall directly.

"open to take a look.

Ying Qi smiled.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and opened the brocade box in front of them one after another.


The entire palace of the King of Qin immediately released a series of sharp and powerful breaths, some from divine soldiers and some from magic weapons.

Big than the first income.

They are all divine weapons of high rank, the second and third are middle rank and low rank, and those below the top three belong to the rank of earth.

"Emperor, what a great handwriting.. 55

"This time, I directly took out more than a dozen magical weapons of the heavenly rank, and dozens of magical weapons of the earthly rank. 35

Looking at the big competition reward in front of them, and the divine weapon aura that spread throughout the hall, everyone was startled by Ying Qi's arm.

For the current Great Qin Empire.

Although it has ushered in a transformation in national strength.

But the divine soldiers of the heavenly rank are still very rare.

Some Void Realm powerhouses don't even have Heavenly Rank Divine Weapons in their hands.

But for Ying Qi and Da Qin, this obviously does not exist.

Because now Ying Qi's weapon refining and forging strength is capable of forging divine weapons and magic weapons of the heavenly rank.

As for the stratum.

The top blacksmiths in the forging hall can also do it.

After calm down.

All the top ten winners of the competition raised their heads and respectfully looked at Ying Qi and thanked him: Thank you for your generous gift.

"My word is all in all."

"You deserve this. 35

"Although you have never entered my Daqin court, but you are also for my Daqin people. Now that I have won the competition, I will naturally not break my promise. Ying Qi said to everyone, with supreme imperial courage.

"This is a big match."

"The first is to mobilize the atmosphere of my Daqin folk cultivation, and the second is to enhance the national strength of my Daqin.35

"Everyone of the Great Competitors, if you want to join our Great Qin and serve for Great Qin, you can come to this Young Master after the banquet."

At this time.

Yingxi spoke to everyone.


Many people's expressions are intentional.

Da Qin gave so generously and Ying Qi valued so much, how could they not be touched by them.

And they know.

If you miss this (Zhao's) great opportunity, you will definitely not have such a great opportunity in the future.

This is a huge opportunity.

"Please rest assured."

"Even if you don't enter my Great Qin Dynasty, the rewards I gave you will not be taken back.

"Even if you are not my subjects, but you are also my people in Great Qin, as long as you respect the laws of Great Qin, I will treat you equally."5

Ying Qi opened his mouth again.

But the next moment.

Everyone in the top ten stood up from their respective positions.

Up to Bi Xuan, Ning Daoqi, who are powerhouses in the transcending tribulation realm.

Down to the talents of other auxiliary paths.

All are the same.

"The Caomin is willing to enter Daqin and be loyal to the emperor. Everyone bows to Yingqi Yiyi.

Banquet today.

Today's gift.

This is all the kindness that Ying Qi gave them, and there is also Ying Qi's promise to his subjects, the chance of Xianlu.

If they miss it, then there is really something wrong with their brains.

when participating in the competition.

In addition to the reward, in addition to being famous in Daqin, the most important thing for many people is to really join the chariot of Daqin.

Now is the chance.

Naturally, they will not give up the sentence.

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